Awesome concept, and great for the theme! Aiming was a little difficult, but I managed to stay alive for a while. Some puzzles that have to be solved using the mechanic would be pretty cool if you take this further! Great job.
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Chained's pageComments
It worked fine with my X360 controller; I agree that it's a little fiddly to backtrack and shoot (maybe there could be a button which locks the firing direction?), but overall a nice little game. I like the fact that the pair were chained so close together, that could really open up some interesting puzzles, especially if one character has to perform an action (e.g. lockpick a lock) whilst the other fights off waves of enemies. I like it!
Luckily I had my DS4 controller and played the game. It's a quite fun mechanic, where you're controlling two people. A bit hard at the beginning, but after I died I tried speedrunning it without killing and I got to the lava part where I died again. It looks like it's randomly generated, which makes it a bit confusing at times because I'm not sure where to go, but it was fun trying to kill or not kill the NPCs after you.
Got it working with a PS4 controller (replacing A with X), I liked it though if I got the right guy on the left it got weird since the controlls were inverted bit. I was going along along pretty easy with kiting until the final boss lol. Nicely done!
Unfortunately don't have a controller to hand, so I couldn't play it myself, but I managed to watch over a friend's shoulder! Really like the way it ramps up over time, with more zombies and bigger guns :D
This was fun. There's something very satisfying about shooting at wave after wave of zombies.
Very difficult to aim so I found myself just pushing both sticks in the same direction.
I think having to press a button to pick up weapons would be good as I accidentally picked up bad weapons occasionally.
Is there an end? I did some exploring but died a few times and gave up - so I'm not sure if you ever find that blacksmith who can free them.
Really nice game :)
Got it working perfectly with an XBOX 360 controller. Really interesting concept, but found the controls a little annoying, you aren't able to backpedal while shooting due to the aim and walk controls being on the same stick. The level design is really good though, making the most of the idea of shooting in different directions
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