Nice job! I agree with the others about the visuals - they definitely add to the atmosphere of the game, plus the slightly janky low-poly style definitely makes the game feel more uncanny and spooky.
The second half of the game felt really interesting, aesthetically - it felt like the player character had stumbled into a different world, which felt unnerving.
It'd be great to see this expanded - I want to know more about the world! It was slightly frustrating having to restart from the beginning each time, but you let the player skip through quickly, so it wasn't a huge problem. The ending where you stay in the lighthouse was a cool idea, and I think it would've been great with a slightly slower pace.
Overall this was really cool - I think there's something inherently creepy about CYOA games, and you definitely ramped the creepiness factor up to 11. Well done!
(the captcha told me to select all images with bridges when I was submitting this... too soon 😨)
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