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A jam submission

Old Folks Gone FeralView game page

The old folks have broken out of the old folks home and are terrorising the city!
Submitted by DarraghMcKernan, jackychan19d — 2 hours, 49 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Overall Good#183.2503.250
Overall Bad#203.6253.625

Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

If you have implemented the modifier, how have you done so?
We have added as much audio as we could squeeze into the game, feel free to completely mute the game if it is too much :) All sound effects were made by us using our mouths with Audacity. All music by Kevin MacLeod.

Any additional information for voters?
Made by 2 programmers with absolutely no art skills

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Really nice entry!

I love the premise, and doing it as a top-down shooter works really well! The graphics and level designs are actually  really nice and the weapon play is very smooth. I especially  like the bats that can just extend out in weird shapes! That was pretty neat!

I don't know what the "Great him" thing in the middle did (despite playing a funny audio clip, which is also valid 🧅). The sound effects were generally very good and really added to the experience!

Thanks for taking part in the jam!


This game weirdly reminded me of the old top down games 3kilksphillip made in his youth.

There's some neat stuff like the multiple weapon types, the noise level indicator (though I don't know if it actually does anything to the AI), being able to rescue NPCs from cars and blockaded rooms, and seemingly having an AI companion follow you around with a bat? I don't know but I like that last one, its janky and they have spirit.

The graphics I think were fitting for a SBIG game, programmer art I find is kinda the sweet spot for visuals.

As for the gameplay itself I don't like how slow turning the player character is, and that attacks are based on where the character is facing and not the cursor direction.

I'm also not sure if there's some set objective, or if its just unfinished and the player can basically just re-enter the elderly wasteland to shoot its inhabitants infinitely. I stopped after I cleared it the first time and felt I got the jist of whats there.

The sound effects were quite good, the crusty "THANK YOU" near the end from one of the citizens surprised me though lol.

I enjoyed what I played, I just wished there was some defined end goals.

Excellent work!


Thanks for the feedback on our game, our original intention for the game was a rougelite game to be able to upgrade weapons back at the base camp but due to jam time contrainsts and our experience we over estimated what we had time to do. Also the sound detection makes the AI move towards the player when they are inside it. Thanks for playing


This game is in a weird spot, because what's there is certainly impressive. Decent graphics and sounds, a big, detailed world to explore, several weapons, sidequests, sound mechanics. At the same time, though, it feels unfinished. The world is big and detailed, but there's not much to do in it. There's the beginnings of a gameplay loop with the safe zone, but nothing to do in it. The game is pretty open-ended, and I'm not sure what the end goal really is. I'm not sure if it was a deliberate game mechanic or not, but there was one enemy that kept chasing me that I couldn't kill. And there doesn't really seem to be any disadvantage to just switching to the assault rifle and laying into enemies, noise be damned.

Honestly, though, I think the only thing that's "so bad it's good" about this game is the absurd premise. It really does feel like a proper game that's just not quite finished.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

This is a rather impressive game, and seems like it’s the love(grand)child of Hotline Miami and Project Zomboid. Just needs a bit of polish around the edges, but what you have so far is a pretty good game.

So, some nitpicks (but, y’know, these are coming from a perspective of wanting the game to fulfil the potential it has). First, I’d suggest trying to implement some sort of custom cursor override for the game (y’know, like the cursor crosshair thing in Hotline Miami), because the mouse cursor is a bit intrusive over the gameplay experience (and, on a related note, a ‘middle mouse click an enemy to lock on to them’ function would also be pretty nice). Secondly - it wasn’t very clear that the character with an X on their head at the start of the level was meant to be friendly. I initially assumed they were an enemy, got rather confused when neither of us were able to harm each other, and it took way too long for me to realize that they weren’t an enemy. Might be worth rethinking their inclusion a bit. Third - the lack of an ending or anything was a bit of a disappointment. I’m guessing that the structure of the game was intended to be one of those ‘play level -> rescue people -> more upgrades available in the starting area -> continue’ sorts of games (and honestly yeah game jam time constraints understandably got in the way of that), but some sort of win screen or some sort of payoff wouldn’t have gone amiss. The onion torch was a surprise to be sure, but imho it did feel like a bit of a letdown compared to the nunchucks. Fourth - it didn’t really feel like there was much of a reason to not use the revolver/rifle (barring the novelty factor of the nunchucks), as their endless ammo and ranged capabilities made them a bit too optimal (sure, they made more noise, but they still got rid of enemies before they could pose a threat). Might be worth considering ripping Hotline Miami’s weapon system (limited ammo/weapon choice, have to find weapons on the ground or from enemies, could possibly enter with a weapon though) to keep things a bit more interesting, or maybe you could consider adding some enemies who are immune to gunfire (like those enemies from Hotline Miami 2) so, again, there’s a reason to not use the guns (and whilst I’m thinking about it, the ONION torch did feel a little underwhelming). Finally, the music choice just felt a bit too ludonarratively dissonantly calm and cheerful, but like in a way which didn’t really work out (also the music doesn’t actually loop).

Still, nitpicks aside, given the whole ‘having to make the game from scratch in one week’, you did remarkably well, and I am genuinely impressed by this game.

As a sidenote re the page layout - might look a bit better if you used the current ‘banner’ image as the ‘embed background’ image instead (seeing as, y’know, it’s roughly the same aspect ratio as the embed anyway, and the embed background image is shown front and centre on the game page anyway). I’d also suggest checking out seleb’s ‘Better Minimal Unity WebGL export template’ as well, to avoid having that embed background image intrude on gameplay.


Thanks very much for all the feedback on the game glad you enjoyed it in its current state. You are 100% right the idea was to be able to return home and upgrade and stuff but as you say time constraints got in the way at the end we will take all the feedback into account for our next venture. This was our first unity game we have made a full build for so all a learning curve for us so the tips for the WebGL build are very appreciated. 


Very fun game. The art was pretty decent too. Good work guys!




Nailed the jam modifier lol This is definitely a fun game with a unique theme. Nunchucks best chucks 💪


It was a fun experience. I would happily pay couple dollars for a more polished + story added version of this. Congrats devs!  


Thanks so much great to hear you enjoyed our concept

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

The art was actually pretty good, the game reminded me of a zombie apocalypse 

Edit: "noo, granny, don't leave me!"

Granny: "Sike, I'm getting the cookies, it's not that bad"


Granny: "I got (poisoned) cookies for you!"


Appreciate the compliment on the art, it's not really our strong suit but we do enjoy the challenge of it


)Nunchaku are the best. RIP old folks :3)


They've already lived long enough, they've all gone senile


ONION... ONION... ONION... Really fun!


Glad you enjoyed our game!


Never forget the ONION haha glad you had a good time with the game thanks for playing :)


Nunchucks OP! And the fully mouthed sound design was hilarious, definitely excessive hahah, good fun!


We had a blast recording all of the audio, I'm so happy that it came through so well.


Nunchucks are my new pride and joy in my programming career, glad you enjoyed :)


Man hotline miami 3 really took the series in a weird direction


The devs need to go back to the drawing board with this one, its never getting past quality assurance hahaha


I expect a job offer from the studio any day now haha




We were very happy when the modifier was announced, we knew exactly what to d


All recorded with our lovely voices haha thanks for playing 


Oh boy, never thought I'd enjoy beating up grandparents. Super fun game and hands down the best nunchucks combat in gaming.


Due to the violence against grandparents we don't recommend playing in nursing homes, especially if you have nunchucks with you.


Remember if you ever hurt any grandparents we are not liable for any damages. Thanks for playing the game :)


I love how the nunchaku doesn't follow the player but instead orbiting around them, which I understand is totally intentional game design.

Such a shame that I have to let go such an OP weapon once I unlock the inferior Onion Torch, though.


The Onion Torch is more of a symbol of power than anything, but the nunchucks are also quite strong(and working 100% as intended)


I knocked it out of the park with my 100% not an intentional bug of a nunchuck glad you enjoyed :) and remember ONION!!!






Never cook without onion are words to live by 


Hope everyone gets a great laugh out of this ridiculous little project :)


Hope you all have as much fun playing as we did making the game :)