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CottonVsAntsView game page

It is an adventure game featuring a magical cotton that fights radioactive ants.
Submitted by Armais — 13 days, 7 hours before the deadline
Rated by 15 people so far
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I would like to know in general terms what you think about the game. Please let me know if you find it too difficult, and if you like the gameplay

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The premise is odd but could be interesting.

In the settings menu, it would be nice to have background on the values. Music and some of the controls become hard to read depending on the position on the screen.

Visually it was alright, although, I really enjoyed the effect from the menu to the game, nice effect between scenes.

The music felt a bit... unfitting? A bit too serious for something this cartoonish. The jump sound effect could be a bit shorter, gets annoying fast.

I couldn't make it past the first level, didn't understand where was I supposed to go. I seemed to reach the end of the level and got a crystal, but nothing happened after that. Also it's a bit odd to respawn after dying but all ants are gone up until where you died. It does makes it easier to advance but it feels too empty. However, really nice touch to add some unexpected things like the moving spikes and the ant laughing when it kills you, that was really unexpected and it was fun! Once I killed an ant that gave me a new heart or something like that, didn't quite get what changed.

The hitboxes make it harder than it should be, I collide with platforms while not even being close to them, it's hard to figure where can I position myself for jumps.

It's a neat little platformer that could use some polishing in collision detection. Also more unexpected events to make use of the silly premise.


The movement was pretty unique for the platformer, but I totally did not expect those “I wanna be the guy” styled spikes. Getting around after that was pretty hard because of the ants “guarding” the sides of the platform. I couldn’t get much further, but I like the silly premise. It reminds me of Splatoon’s style feud in the first game. I think more focus on the rolling cotton could’ve been even nicer.


Thanks for the comment, very happy that you found the movement gameplay quite unique, I'm trying to create a game that changes around the usual platformer games, but still be a platformer. I really laugh with the "“I wanna be the guy” styled spikes." comment. I updated the gameplay so these moving spikes, the ants and other traps don't kill you at one hit, making the game more playable I think.  


was a fun game , feels like this is your first go at making a game so not bad at all, keep it up!


Thanks!! I will keep it up for sure!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I really like the premise. I felt like a cute little cotton ball. The rolling movement is cool too.

I thought the spikes were very harsh, especially when you come up against them the first time.

Then starting all the way at the beginning is very harsh.

In games like this, making the player start again because of their mistake is fine. Making the player start again because the way the ants jump is buggy or the spikes move inconsistently is too harsh imo.

Great game and I hope you keep developing :)

Aegis 🛡


I'm glad you enjoyed it despite the moving spikes being a pain LOL. I upgraded the gameplay with a hearts system, so you do not die at the first hit, this should make the hardest parts of the maps less painful. It also allows me to kind of create challenge for the player (no hit challenge or something like that).

Thanks for playing, I will keep developing and improving this game and produce more in the future :)


That’s a great idea! Will give it a try later :)


Game is fun and feels nice, has an entertaining theme and death screen. Liked the song you put in. Also was impressed that you localized the game in multiple languages. Well done 


Thanks a lot for your comment, and happy that you liked the music. The language feature is something that I had to add for sure as I'm not a native english speaker. Actually, I grew up in Spain and here you have in the same country multiple languages, and it is such a political topic, that I just wanted that anyone from anywhere in the world could play it in its language. 

At the moment only 4 are available, but I plan to add if possible all of the. Also I will separate the USA english and the UK english, and also Spanish castillian and Spanish latinamerica. Still a lot to do in that sense, but at some point I want to add at least 10 or so of the most spoken languages in the world.

Also very happy that you think the game is fun! this is my objective overall, at the end, as I gamer myself I loved platformers and wanted to create a game that people could love as well


A fun little platformer.

The music is absolutely a banger, unfortunately it feels a little out of place here perhaps an instrumental version would help alleviate this?  The ants jump seems rather high. Unfortunately I ran into a rather game breaking bug involving the fade to black used for transitions where about a quarter of the game was obscured on launch and persisted throughout the whole game which made reading the dialogue and controls rather challenging and fully obscured the right side of the level making it extremely hard to play as by the time I'd make it to the edge of what I could see there were already ants midair which got extremely hard to dodge last minute.

All in all, bugs aside I definitely see an amazing game coming from this in the future.


I do apologize for that bug. In the new release I think I had solved it, but still will have to wait for feedback. I am struggling working around the canvas, and how it re-scales with screen size. Still, I see that you tried playing around so thanks for that and your comment. 

I'm happy that despite that horrible bug you found it kind of enjoyable. I will keep working on it for sure!


It's fun and challenging! I'm not a platformer player so it was a bit too challenging.. but I enjoyed trying to beat the level:) Also I liked the song, it created cool atmosphere.

I agree with the comments here about dissonance between the "feeling" of the game (cute and funny) and the punishing mechanics. (There is a game Big Journey, it's about cute round cat, and it's also kind of platformer, but it's focused on rewarding, not punishment, like you can avoid difficult path but if you take it you'll find something. Probably something like this will fit your game).

It was fun! Waiting for the updates)


I'm very glad that you found it enjoyable. I released a new update with changes in the gameplay mechanics so the game is less punisher. I introduced a hearts system, that if you get hit, you lose a heart instead of directly dying. You can also gain hearts. I also added the collectables to make the game more dynamic, and if you get them all you get an extra life. 

Thanks for the Big Journey game reference. I watched some gameplays and I believe I will introduce some elements in CvA. Thanks again for your comment, and I hope you like the new update if you play it :)


I was not expecting that song xd. The game is kind of rough around the edges that's for sure, but you can fun with it, which is good. I don't think I can say much other hasn't said already, keep it up!


Thanks for your comments! yeah the edges movement is still so so, at some point I will see how to improve that.  


Pretty fun game. I like the flat style it has. I think the song is a bit out of place. I suggest using websites like to download really good musics copyright free! Try it out.


So glad you enjoyed the game! I've used opengameart in the past, the ant that you see in the game is from that website. However, when it came to music, I did not found much useful tracks or sound FX. At the moment, the music is from NCS, most of it and the sound FX are from Pixabay. I find Pixabay library and sound FX much wider and user-friendly.


A fun game! I personally like the look of the main hero :) He is very cute and reminds me of a popcorn :D

Some comments I'd like to share with you:

- I felt movement to be a bit stiff sometimes, and at the beginning of the game it feels like you need to make lots of small jumps, and it may seem a bit tiring :) I would love the platforms be bigger of farther from me from time to time, so that jumping felt more pleasant and free.

- I accidentally moved the first box too much to the left and that made me restart the level :(

- I am not sure that you need lives system that much here: maybe it is enough punishment that you have to restart the level :) especially when you meet pikes for the first time and you will definitely be punished there. seems harsh when the the game makes me lose my life though I couldn't expect that! if I were to reload right before that obstacle (losing one of my lives there), that would be easier to take :D

- Song with vocals seemed a bit distracting to me, maybe have something without lyrics for better immersion?

- I believe there are some comments about art, and I agree :) i think that visual style may be the simplest, like Paint-drawn, but as long as it is consistent, it makes your experience much more cohesive!

- A couple of times I got that black blob bug that couldn't get away completely:

- Ants seem to have too much freedom in their jumps :D and they were so huge that sometimes I had not much to do as I couldn't go around them as they occupied almost all the space between the platforms :) I would probably prefer them to be as big as myself.

All in all, that was cool experience! Thanks :) 


Thank you so much for your feedback! I really appreciate your comments, it helps a lot to improve my game. This is also my first developed game.
Going through yourpoints:

 - Noted. I will improve that aspect of the game so the jumping vs not jumping parts of the scene balance and match with puzzles and exploration.

 - Do you have any suggestions to improve that (the box dissapearing)? maybe I made my game in a way that it punished too much the players. Another comment said that if my game was supposed to be rage-platformer it shoud be clearly stated. But my idea is not a rage-platformer itself, but to incorporate some elements of it like the moving spikes or the box that if mess too much you have to die to restart the level. As I said to him, I plan to find a better balance of this added difficulty and game fun. And I thank you for letting me know.

- I may add a checkpoint just before the first spikes move. It can be noticed, specially compared to rage-platformes, that it is not all the time. It is just that in some parts of the levels, you have more difficult traps to avoid. Some parts of the levels are very simple

- I plan to give it a re-think to the music. A lot of improvements are pending in this area.

 - Artstyle: totally agree. I plan to have consistent artstyle by the end of the month or begginning of the other.

 - I'm so sorry about that bug :(. It was supposed to be solved. I'll look around it, that animation when switching scenes have given me quite the headache. I think it has something to do with canvas scaling, if you start the game and quickly switch to full screen it should not happen.

 - Ants: with the cotton they are the core of the game. I really worked a looot in the jumping and moving algorithm, so I'm happy that some people are appreciating that. It adds the difficulty I wanted for the game. And yes, I know, when they come from above you are mostly fucked (you still have options to overcome them). But in my opinion, that added difficulty makes my game stand out of the crowd. I can make the ants a bit smaller, but I want them to project fear to the player. They are the adversary to beat in the story.

So thanks also to you for playing my game and giving me your feedback! I'm very happy that despite the art inconsistencies, people are finding the gameplay to be enjoyable.


Had a great time playing your game! The cotton character is adorable, and the story made me smile. The levels were fun, but I did notice the controls felt a bit unresponsive at times, especially when pressing "A" and "D" together—it stopped the character from moving. This made it a bit tricky when jumping and trying to change direction mid-air. Also, some of the collision boxes might be a little too large for certain objects?

Overall, I really enjoyed the experience, and I’m excited to see how the game evolves with future updates!


Thanks so much for playing my game and for your words and feedback! I'm so glad that you liked the cotton character and that you perceived the game as fun. I plan to upload an even cuter cotton in the next releases :).

Thanks for letting me know about the controls issue, I will make a workaround so that if you are moving right and press left, it automatically moves left, and vice-versa. I'm used to play releasing the key when I don't intend to move in that direction, thus never realized of that bug. Real thanks as I need this kind of comments to improve my game. The collision boxes might be too big indeed. I recently changed all maps and maybe some colliders are not set properly. Do you remember which object gave you that impression?

I plan to release future updates of the game in this month. I could like to have a stable product by the first days of October.  Stay tuned as I will implement some of the improvements that other users as you indicate.


Overall it's a neat platformer. I found the inconsistent art style and the non-instrumental music to prevent me from feeling immersed in the world. The story had me interested as it made me wonder if ants and cotton have some sort of real world relationship to one another, but the dialogues felt a bit longer than I'd like.

Overall I found the movement to be lacking for a game that's main focus is the platforming. There seemed to be invisible walls, having to hold a key to run felt a bit unnecessary, and pushing boxes was hard since I would seemingly automatically jump/roll over them.

Killing ants didn't feel as impactful as I'd like and neither did dying. I ended up dying several times to the spikes that move before you land and that made me rage quit the game. If your goal is to make a rageplatformer I feel that should be communicated in the visuals and dialogue of the game, since currently it looks more cutesy and the story almost feels like it's implying something scientific.

I think the vision of the game needs to be clarified and communicated more clearly, through descriptions, dialogue, music, and visuals. Overall it was a fun enough experience but I think the movement needs some work to get me to replay it more.



I really appreciate your feedback, it is the kind that helps me improve my game :). I intend to remove all pixel art artstyle and replace with realistic artstyle. At the moment I have as pixel art: the statues that triggers teleport, the checkpoint, the chain and the fire at level3. Probably I will have to do some work around the portal itself as well. Regarding music not quite sure yet what to do. A lot of people really liked for example the song of the first level. I will try to listen to everyone and come up with a balanced solution.

Thanks for the movement comment!! I will sort the climbing around the boxes (and other objects), but I like the boxes as they are elements that can be used to solve puzzles. Regarding animations, I plan to add a dying animation for the cotton as well as improve the dying animation for the ants. 

The gameplay: I had to google it and play some games to understand what a rageplatformer was. And here, as you could notice, my intentions and ideas are still unclear. My initial idea was not to create a rage-platformer. I based myself a little in games like supermario and sonic, and built from there. As I was making the game, I felt it was too easy, and started incorporating elements of rage-platformers (without knowing this was indeed a genre). And so the result, a game that by definition is a platformer, but it also has a story, it has large maps to explore and solve puzzles, it has a lot of traps (I plan to add more as the player advances throught the levels), and it has the ant enemies (more kinds of ants to be added as well). 

I wanted to create an original, different gameplay. At the end, I'm a very good programmer, but have no idea of graphic and sound creation. So the art is not mine, but the gameplay is. So I decided that the differencing factor for my game is gameplay. I will also improve music and graphic elements as I go, but gameplay is the key for me. I want to create a challenge for the players in a fun environment. But this will require several iterations and feedback from gamers like you.

The story is improvised, it can change at any point. For sure, it will include a magical world, combined with some post-apocaliptic features. The idea is that the world is so contaminated that it created life out of cotton fibers (thus the name polusan), and it mutated ants (and more stuff). Again, the idea is not to make a rageplatformer, but a platformer that incorporates some elements from rage-platformers. 

So, thanks so much again for your feedback. I wanted to explain my ideas so people can understand a bit the game concept. It's my first game and I'm still new into game development. I will work towards finding a better balance of the vision I have.


Crashed when I ran out of lives :(

Couldn't get past the narrow platforms, so I didn't get to see much, but I enjoyed it. Great music! Did you make that yourself? Cute little game overall!

Developer (1 edit)

hi there,

Sorry about the bug when you ran out of lives, it should be solved in this new release. 

The music is not mine, the main tracks are from NCS. 

I'm very happy you enjoyed the game. I uploaded a new release version if want to check it out


Its a very fun game but the style is quite inconsistent, if you use pixel art make everything pixel art otherwise its gonna look weird


Thanks for your reply! I am already thinking on how to rework the art and I am looking to to collaborate with a graphic designer for that.