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GarciusView project page

Original Orchestral Action-Adventure OST
Submitted by lyanac — 2 hours, 36 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#54.2944.294

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Genre: Orchestral Action Adventure RPG

Game Summary: During a raid to the dragon's territory, a young girl named Isla was abandoned by her people. She was prepared to die, but Garcius, the leader of the dragons, took her in and raised her. Garcius' mission is to stop the conflict between dragons and humans that has been going on for more than 100 years. Join Garcius and Isla's journey on their tale of friendships, betrayals, and action.

Garcius’ Melody: Garcius is a white dragon that has lived for over 100 years despite the constant wars between humans and dragons. After being forced to defend itself when the humans raided, it laments the loss of its friends. It shares its lonely tale to Isla, a human who grew up alongside Garcius.

The Last Defender: Garcius defends its homeland with all of its willpower, determination, and strength. Although his comrades are falling one by one, he doesn't stop fighting.

Process of composition: I imagined that Garcius' homeland is on the mountains, so and wanted to use pentatonic scale for its melody. I chose to use the Insen scale (Japanese Pentatonic scale), though I didn't use it all the way (kind of switched back to conventional harmony). For the instrumentation, I used the oboe for the melody, and harp and strings for the accompaniment. When it came to The Last Defender, it’s a resolute track so I added a lot more instruments. Just doubled, tripled, and quadrupled a lot of parts!

I composed in Sibelius and used NotePerformer for my playback.

Message from the artist
My inspiration is from the FFTA OST! If you enjoy listening to orchestral vgm, definitely go check it out.

Also, composing in crunch time was breaking my brain, haha. But it was really fun too. I’m looking forward to listening to the submissions and I'd love to hear feedback on how I can improve! Thanks~


Chronicles of the Azure Sky: The White Dragon's Melody
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
Upon first glance, I imagined that this Dragon and woman is on the mountain. Therefore, I composed a short tune that represents the its melody and the tale it tells. It looks like it also has a bit of red (blood?) on it's mouth. It must have fought a lot of battles, so I composed a battle theme for it too.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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Garcius' Melody is nice, smoothing lullaby, good job.

The Last Defender reminds mit 90s fantasy game ^_^.

Submitted (1 edit)

Garcius' Melody: Right off the bat some really cool harmonies! Reminds me of series like Tales and Golden Sun. Love the dark chords from Phrygian.

The Last Defender: Now I'm really feeling the FFTA influence! Also some Fire Emblem vibes. Loving those dark clusters. Your harmonies are so good. Love that long Vsus4-V resolution around 1:40. Harmonies also remind me of boss themes from BOTW/TOTK.

Great work!


Garcius' Melody is extremely beautiful - i love the harmonies in it


Wow I really love your arrangement and overall composition! Great stuff!


Really great composition, I enjoyed listening to it a lot - the orchestration is beautiful and fits the story that you described perfectly! :) 


Thank you! :)


WOW, Garcius' Melody in particular just blew me away! I'm listening to it again now. Very very good composing and nice restraint through the whole piece also. I love the lilting, floating melody and bits of loneliness and remorse that is dropped in sparingly too.

I know you said FFTA but I am picking up heavy Chrono Trigger vibes from this also. Speaking of FF, etc if you haven't listened to Emerson, Lake, and Palmer before you definitely should. Start with their self-titled and then listen to Tarkus.


I love it. The first track reminds me a little of Vocalise by Rachmaninoff, which is one of my favorite pieces of music. This is my favorite rendition, if you've never heard it:

Your composition is excellent. My only constructive feedback on this is that because everything is a virtual instrument, the dynamics aren't maybe where they could be, something that can be solved with a lot of post processing and maybe a couple real instruments. But, we very little time so that's certainly a consideration.

Amazing amount of composition for 48 hours. Everything fits together and makes sense while being reasonably complex.


Thank you for the feedback! Yeah, I agree that there can be so much done with the dynamics. But honestly I am not so sure how much I know how to improve them yet. 

I haven't heard this piece before, but I do enjoy the Rachmaninoff piano concertos very much (especially No.2). Thanks for sharing! 



really great tracks that were fun to listen to!


Thank you!!


My favorite was The Last defender. Beautiful composition great work!


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed listening! 


Good stuff,  reminds me of Ocarina of Time & FF (particularly The Last Defender). I like how they have a strong correlation to the image/theme.


Thank you!! Glad you enjoyed listening to it!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

YOOOOO THIS IS GREAT! Beautiful arrangement on Last Defender, it's so colourful! I especially like those minor 2nd clusters in the strings and the cheeky slip into Phrygian (correct me if I'm wrong). I love the jaunty woodwinds and brass, it really reminds me of Bravely Default, the old school FF games and Kingdom Hearts. The use of the xylophone is really tasteful too - just a great battle theme overall.    

Garcius' theme is charming, reminds me a lot of FF6 specifically (that game bangs) - I especially like the voice leading and the harp's broken chord voicings. Great job on this, I'm so impressed. 


THANK YOU RAMAZIR!! So glad you enjoyed it! Yes it's a Phrygian. I actually didn't think about it until only after you mentioned it... since I was trying to write it as fast as I could lol. 

And yes, Bravely Defaullt, the old school FF, and Kingdom Hearts are all games that I enjoyed playing  and I love their music so much! 


Hahaha same yeah! The speed forces us into a flow state :D When I went back to analyse my own tracks, I was like “damn, that 7-8 rhythmic grouping kinda spicy though”.

So glad you got the references, I can hear the inspiration so vividly. I love those games too.

Well done again, yours is definitely my favourite so far.


This is gorgeous and very well produced, nice job with Garcius' theme especially! A huge fan of final fantasy soundtrack inspirations. I like the consistency of how the melody progresses in Garcius's theme, it's well balanced and builds well :)


Thank you!! I'm so happy that you enjoy Final Fantasy music too. And it's awesome to see the screen recordings of your compositions too -- I feel like I can appreciate everything that goes into the composition even more!