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A jam submission

White Dragon ChroniclesView project page

OST Composing Jam 03
Submitted by vaanrile — 15 minutes, 45 seconds before the deadline
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White Dragon Chronicles's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#64.2864.286

Ranked from 14 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Music Genre : Orchestral
Main Inspirations : Panzer Dragoon, Conan The Barbarian, Ninja Gaiden & Shadow Of The Colossus
Game Genre : RPG
What each track represents : Different levels/narrative situations
DAW used : Studio One

Message from the artist
Hope you enjoy my submission (don't forget to check the page to learn about the story I had in mind for each track and what it should look like !)


Chronicles of the Azure Sky: The White Dragon's Melody
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
The game features a human protagonist and her dragon companion in the world of the Azure Realm

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

Soundtrack use permission

Yes (Game Jams)

For game jams only

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Love the percussion at the start of Enemy Showdown, really sets the right mood for the track. Something I feel you did really well, are these slower evolving melodies, and the consistent tempo and feel throughout the tracks. That makes them ideal for background music in a game, where they won't get too repetitive, but neither will they become boring, as it'll take a while for the brain to memorize the melodies, but they're still there to add interest to the composition. 


Discovery: I love the way everything weaves together! Instrument choices work great for the theme.
Heavenly Flight: This gives me the image of beating wings, has a fluttery sound to it. 
Ruined Village: Cool percussion! 
Enemy Showdown: Even cooler percussion! Cool battle theme.

This really matches the theme perfectly to me. Great work!


UGH i'm such a big fan of choir!! always such a good way to evoke heavenliness/holiness. really great job on this-- "discovery" has such a great balance between its instruments. not a super decadent or intense track, but still masterfully composed. it takes a lot of skill and experience to do more with less!


The picture story added so much to the tracks they were really great! 


Great music! RAHHH STUDIO ONE USER!!! 


Awesome tracks! The ruined village was my favorite, but they are all very good!


These are great tracks, and they sound very professional!


What a submission! I love the story you put together, all the tracks are amazingly done and they fit each part of the story very well! I love those drawings representing the corresponding sections of the game for each track too, it shows you put a lot of effort into this and it really paid off. Nice job!


Really awesome job! I think my favorites are the first and third tracks! The first one gave me Elder Scroll vibes, and my heart practically melted hahaha


Great work on these! You captured the vibes quite well, and your last track was particularly well done I thought. It was super driving and effective, awesome soundtrack!