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hearing that crunchy ass GB percussion just heals my soul man

omg our envisioned game idea is so similar haha. i really liked the pizzicato in Lost In The Meadow, really gave it more of a wondrous/fantasy feel

UGH listening to the other piano tracks on here inspires me so much!! this track makes me wish i had been more daring to use dissonance in my own submission, cause i think it's such an interesting thing that can add so much depth to a piece :') it adds such a dramatic tension and really makes it feel like a grand epic. really loved this one, well done <3

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omg I'm nearing the end of the submissions I can rate before I tap out from listening fatigue but I am SOOOO glad I got to this one!!! holy shit!!! how did you make this in 48 hours?!?! the first intro section on Dragon's Dance is SO dark souls, and then the use of fast-paced percussion makes it feel so FF & FE.  the crazy arpeggios on the strings and piano are insane!!

and then the soft melancholy of Mourning foils Dragon's Dance so well, but also feels really intertwined!! I really genuinely cannot give this enough my praise, it's maybe my favorite submission out of the whole jam?? I would love to hear this in an actual game, I hope you get to use it for one at some point

edit: saw another commenter mention this but yes it is also very Nier: Automata!! especially with the vocals at the end. you've managed to take so many influences together but still make something completely unique and beautiful <3 <3


I love the heavy reverb on the main theme!! It's amazing how a bit of spatial texturing can transform a simple piano tune into something really melancholic lol

Earthly Peace was so pretty!! <3 ^_^

omg!!! the chorus on divine descent is amazing. absolutely loved the dissonance used towards the energetic climax there. i read your description and you made yourself sound like an amateur but i can 100% hear so much talent and experience in your end product. be proud of what you made!! it's amazing!!

ahh i love the contrast between the more staccato notes vs. the legato sustained notes on When The Beasts Meet!!

i haven't really played many deckbuilding games but this was so easy and addictive for me to play!! this was awesome thank you

love love LOVED vile approach

those harp glissandos at 0:35 are just gorgeous!! definitely did not expect the upbeat transition on the last third of the song but it fits SO well!! very JRPG. loved this one

OO i really love the orchestral note bends in this!!

i swore i commented on this when i rated! anyways, this was one of my favorite submissions in this jam!!! "forged in raging thunder" is absolutely a fitting title for the pure electric energy that track has. it's a genuine feat to make something that exciting in such a short time period

ah thank you for saying it reminded you of hollow knight!! what a compliment

The atmosphere on this really is just gorgeous. Got chills on Shirotatsu's lament <3 I'm also more drawn to atmosphere/texture rather than overt melodies and structures so I really loved this submission

damn I love that glitchy apocalyptic atmosphere in Summoning so much. this reminds me so much of the signalis OST which also works with a lot of these tense, sad ambient textures. makes me wanna lay in bed with it on repeat while I stare at the ceiling for 6 hours (this is a huge compliment!!!) great job <3

organ is one of my favorite instruments since it's so rich and great at evoking sacredness :') that track is honestly the one i regret the most because although i like it, i wish i had done a lot more to polish and switch it up. thank you for your kind words and feedback! <3

oh wow I absolutely love those vocals in the latter half!!! what vst/plugin did you use for those omg

aurora borealis has such a beautiful like, melancholic hope if that makes sense? that rising tension and the bittersweetness of those arpeggios feels like looking up at the stars at night and being excited for change and the future, but crying because you'll never be the same person you once were

lovin the atmosphere on this one. nice to see someone else envisioned a very similar story about abandoned temples!!

fly away has to be one of the most unique songs i've heard in this jam. manages to be fast and upbeat while still maintaining a sense of melancholy?? that retro GBA composition style is just so damn gorgeous, i'm absolutely in love with the chord movements here

the brass in the journey begins is so wonderful!! quite envious as i'm still very unsure of how to properly use brass myself. definitely hear the hisaishi on a parting of ways-- the chord movements on the strings for that first half are extremely similar to the legend of ashitaka from princess mononoke

the start of peaceful blue sky kinda reminds me of some of philip glass' etudes :) those detuned electric keys are so cozy and awesome

UGH i'm such a big fan of choir!! always such a good way to evoke heavenliness/holiness. really great job on this-- "discovery" has such a great balance between its instruments. not a super decadent or intense track, but still masterfully composed. it takes a lot of skill and experience to do more with less!

thank you!! yeah, LABS has amazing sound quality but there's a pretty slow attack on the string instruments, even when putting the attack all the way to 0. i gotta work with the BBC one more, it'd be nicer to have faster attack but i find that the strings sound a little bit cheesy when i use them-- maybe i just need to arrange better tbh. thank you again for your kind words <3

i would like to say i did some crazy complicated technique for the texture but i just used a mixture of some pads/synths from spitfire LABS :') i believe the primary one that gives it some texture is the "arctic swells" plugin pack-- it uses a blend of violin and a native american flute. 

thank you for the feedback on the organ piece! it's def the track that i regret the most in regards to its lack of polishing. i kept trying to balance things in a way that sounded good but alas i am an amateur and didn't have enough time :( i honestly was struggling for most of the jam just to even write the actual song, so proper mixing was really far off for me. its something i genuinely don't know much about and am hoping to learn a little bit more about, at least at a rudimentary level so i can do better in the next jam :) 

i honestly really appreciate constructive criticism because 1. it shows you actually did listen to my pieces and formed your own thoughts about it 2. criticism is just as, if not more valuable than compliments in helping me refine my techniques as a composer <3

did you guys have the same 48 hours i had??!?! holy moly this is gorgeous

thank you so much!! your tracks were one of my favorites so i'm honored to have you compliment mine :') i'm SUCH a big fan of 4ths and parallel intervals so thank you for noticing!!

i'm so astonished at how some of y'all manage to put out tracks that have such a complex orchestration within 48 hours!! you should be proud of this-- the fact you were able to make this in such a short time is definitely a testament to your experience and talent

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i think this is a really good framework for the tracks, but i'd like to see the piano fine tuned a bit more. not sure what plugin you're using, but adding a bit of sustain and reverb to the piano would go a long way! spitfire audio labs has some great free piano plugins that sound very natural and offer a lot of freedom in adjusting the dynamics + sustain.

the amount of layers/instruments you were able to include in this for this short of a period is fucking CRAZY!! astonished at how complex this piece is. it's a good piece in general-- but especially for a 48 hour time limit

WOW omg!!!! that shift to color was so gorgeous and chill inducing. that beautiful soundtrack makes everything so warm and beautiful :') thank you for making this, i loved it

wow!! you put so much work into the themes/plot of this imaginary game and also made SIX tracks, which is crazy!! you definitely nailed that wondrous fantasy feeling

the flute in this is so pretty!! awesome that you were able to use your flute and cultural background to tap into the eastern composition

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oh wow, ballad of the white dragon is just gorgeous. that trumpet at the end there is just gorgeous. love all the influences you listed and def see them shining through-- sky race is SO hiromi

omg our interpretation of the theme was so similar!! mine was about a forgotten forest temple/deity as well. love the syncopated high piano notes at the end there

title theme reminds me of something that would be in stardew!!

Under A Starry Sky  was so pretty!! That little crackling/glistening sound in the background really captures a sense of ambient nature sounds + the stars at night