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[ ! ] Mid-jam Playtesting [Sun-Tues] Sticky

A topic by lysander created Jan 23, 2022 Views: 1,259 Replies: 51
Viewing posts 1 to 13
Jam Host(+1)

Hi everyone! Having a good jam so far? We thought it might be a neat idea to encourage short playtesting period, meant to help everyone pinpoint issues and check out other jammers' work! It's okay if you don't have your game done— you can still show us what you have so far! To account for the lateness of this announcement, the dates for posting your games will be between Sunday through Tuesday. Doing this is optional, but we encourage you to post! We also HIGHLY encourage you to check out games with no feedback; let your fellow jammers know you're cheering them on!

If you'd like to participate, please post here with the following information:

Game Title/URL: Self-explanatory.  Link your game here. 

Pitch/Information: A short description of the game.

I'd like feedback on: You can put a list, questions, or description of what you would like critique on. Can be "anything!" if you're not looking for anything specific.

I need help on: Optional so remove if unnecessary, but if you have a specific problem or bug that you would like help or advice with solving, put it here!

Have fun, and don't forget to play each other's games!


Hello everyone! This is my second MFGJ, using it as an excuse to learn godot.

Game Title/URL: "Outfoxed": 

Pitch/Information: This is just a simple platformer, where you play a fox trying to bring some chickens home for a party. The main mechanic is picking up and throwing ball-like chickens across the level. (Also, I just implemented leaderboards for each level)

I'd like feedback on: I've had some trouble deciding on input bindings, I feel like the current controller bindings work well, but the keyboard bindings still feel awkward. Otherwise any feedback on level design would be appreciated.


F is an awkward key to hold the chickens, Shift is a lot more ergonomic, or Q and E even. I didn't even realize WASD were bound at first, I was just using the arrow keys because that's what the screen showed.


That’s really funny. I used to have shift be the hold chicken button, but early testers called that awkward. Maybe I just need to stop dragging my feet and implement control remapping…

Thank you for playing!


I’ve just pushed an update that lets you use F, E, or Shift to grab the chicken. Also fixes support for using W/S for ladders.


Nice, thanks for the short game. The art is very cute. I wish it had a second level! I used E for grabbing the chicken, so that was good. I was a bit confused about the different keys shown however. I was expecting to "find" the chicken earlier. Double Jump I figured out after trying. Showing Space once wasn't that "obvious" to me, haha. Maybe add 2x to it?

Submitted (1 edit)

Hi Sora, thank you for playing. The game has 7 levels, I’m a bit confused why you wouldn’t have been able to see all 7 levels. If you don’t mind saying what platform were you playing on? (windows/mac/firefox/chrome/etc)


Do I need to press anything to proceed? I saw the leaderboard and assumed it was over. 🥲

I’ll try again tomorrow! Six more levels?? I’ll play them! 🥰


Ahh, It takes a bit to load the leaderboards, but once you do, you can press enter or A/X on a controller. Hope you enjoy the rest of the levels!


Thanks! I played some more levels. I didn't see the Enter button below the leaderboards, haha. I haven't finished all levels, I was stuck on the level with that eagle. I managed to get the third chicken into the house, but I lost the first ones to water all the time. One time the chicken was floating in the first water, so I wasn't able to grab it anymore. The other times they were stuck on the bigger water area and always bounced away when I tried to approach. I usually drowned.. Felt a bit bad when I got them all in the house, but drowned in the last water area.. Otherwise I liked the level design and the option to skip collecting berries. Sadly you cannot skip the chickens ;) Lazy me.. For someone who never plays platformers, the difficulty felt decent to me. Keyboard controls were ok. I mostly messed up when jumping. It's fast, but still feels a bit hard to control.

I also noticed the chicken counter on top, which is a nice addition to see what you're missing.

I actually thought the eagle would be targeting the chickens, not me. The eagle cry was cool ;)


The polish you put into this is incredible.  From the UI to the leaderboards to being able to continue.  Great job on this!

I do agree with you though that the keyboard controls do feel really awkward.  Having to continuously hold down a key while still using your other fingers to navigate doesn't feel great.  Would it be possible to have the pick-up be something you could press once to toggle?  Like if you press Shift to pick up, then it sticks to you, and then you press Shift again to drop it.  While holding you could also throw it, maybe by holding down Shift for a couple seconds to give it a charge.  Just a suggestion but having it be a toggle seems like the simplest way to get out of the clunky controls situation.


That. Is. Brilliant! I can’t believe it took me so long to realize it! I’ve added a control settings menu that allow you to chose between “Momentary” (the current grabbing implementation) and “Sticky” (press grab once to hold, press grab again to throw)

Momentary works great with controllers, but Sticky feels great on keyboards.

Thank you for playing :)

Submitted (1 edit)

Love the game. The art is amazing and I love the sound track, did you make it you're self? I was a little confused at first but I got the hang of it. It has good tight controls. The level design is Okay. I love the chickens, there so fun to play around with. A little hard in the later levels but that's fine.


I’m glad you enjoyed it!

No, I didn’t make the soundtrack. (I’m trying to learn how to make music, but I still suck at it, lol)

The main gameplay music I got from, and the other songs I got from:

Thank you so much for playing!


Game Title/URL: Imp-pish

Pitch/Information: Humans made your garden a park.. scare them, dont let them catch you.

I'd like feedback on: Map design. I feel like the resources spread and the AI path are hurting the player's experience. Any tip on how to improve it will help.


Game Title/URL:

Pitch/Information: Your mother sends you into the woods around your house to collect ingredients for a potion. 

I'd like feedback on: Anything, or ask anything. 


When I open the Basket Checklist the left side of the screen is cut off so I can't read what ingredients I need


Thank you for playing, and thanks for the feedback! We'll check on it!


Game Title/URL: Europa rescue!

Pitch/Information: You are a cosmonaut and need to rescue a defunct space station Europa by gradually restoring its subsystems. Deploy panels, repair oxygen generator, make an EVA and meet the hamster.


Hey there! I was trying to play your game, and what I was able to see looked very stylish. The chiptune music helped with the gameboy aesthetic. That being said, there were either very long pauses where nothing was happening, or I couldn’t figure out the button to advance. The game seemed to freeze after “the launch was successful”.

Listing the controls in game or on the store page would help a lot.


You basically only use “A” (Alt) button, but I’ll check the place you mentioned, thank you!


I played it a bit more, alt was the key I was missing. That key feels very uncomfortable for me, I think since you can use WASD to move around, maybe interact should be E?

I managed to get past the first level(?) and docked with the europa. I think on the whole the game is way too slow, and the music loops too often. By the time I tried to open the airlock to get onto the station, and it told me to walk back and turn of the RCS, I just gave up. Also, maybe you should have to interact with items before they pop up a message, instead of just bumping into them, I kept getting interrupted walking around the shuttle with useless messages about the storage containers.

It may also be nice to have some kind of visual flair to interactable items, like blinking lights or something, it took me a while to find some of the control panels because I thought they were a part of the storage containers.

On the whole I think the game is looking like a strong start, especially the aesthetic. I just hope you make the whole game a bit faster, and improve the interactions. I look forward to trying this again at the end of the jam, because the story has intrigued me.


Great thanks for the remarks! I will be adding colors to the lockers, so this should aid the interactivity some and also they have different patterns already, indicating the type of stuff found in there - but maybe e it’s only obvious for me. I’ll have to reconsider the pace - it is slow in the beginning due to the long and non-interactive intro, maybe I should rething it…


The graphics are very cool, I like them a lot. I needed to check back here to see the Controls. I'd add using the Alt button to the page. I tried hitting Enter and space and other keys, but always got the message "No Save Data".

For me it feels way too slow. I know it's a throwback to the old Game Boy, but watching the letters crawling on the screen is a bit boring, especially paired with the sound..


I already added a splash page with controls to the game itself, but will also add it to the game page, this is a good idea.

Thanks for help and remarks!


It is a horror game where you play in an overgrown cabin in the woods with a monster made of wood. This is my third game I ever published and my second game jam. I'd appreciate any feedback, bugs, or typos. I have some issues with players getting out of bounds.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Hi there Hiraeth,

I tried out your game, and I think the ambience is nice for a horror game. For some reason when playing in my browser (firefox) even when I wasn’t moving my mouse I would slowly turn to the left which made controlling the game rather difficult. I wasn’t sure where to go after getting the axe, it seems like the collision area on the trees is much larger than their trunk so I kept getting stuck on nothing. I’ll try the game a bit more to see if I get further.


Looks like fullscreening the game fixed the turning issue for some reason. It took me a while to realize that the big cube in the middle of the forest was a house. I know its a horror game but maybe it’s too dark? It took me longer than I’d like to admit to find the door. The animation when you enter the cabin is cool, but it’d be nice if there was something more to look at other than green fog. I couldn’t figure out where to go after the room with the table and the note about the rock. I noticed that the door to the inner room is scripted to open the same way, so when I left the room, the door opened into me rather than the other way.

All in all, this seems like a good start, and I look forward to see where you go with it in the time remaining.


Thanks for the feedback. About the door thing I always had trouble coding with  animations so I will figure it out in later games. As for you getting lost a lot I tried to make it cryptic were to go but I think I made it too cryptic I'll try to fix that. The lighting has always been a problem for me so I am sorry about that. The collision size is a result of me fixing another problem(People getting out of bounds.) Thank you so much for checking it out, I will try to keep improving. 


I'd love to try, but I am scared of horror games.. Are there any jump scares or something like that?


Yes, there are jump scares and all that.


oh no! Guess I’ll pass then 🥲

I was two seconds in and already scared due the music and atmosphere, so good work with that! 🤣


Thanks, I really tried to nail the atmosphere this time around.


There were some genuinely spooky moments where my heart raced when the creature thing walked past me or attacked me.  Some constructive criticism:

- I think the invisible walls in the forest could feel a bit more organic.  Right now it feels like I have plenty of room to walk in certain directions but the invisible wall stops me and feels very abrasive.  Maybe make the trees closer together or add rocks or a fence?
- A crosshair would be helpful to show where you're aiming.  There were a few moments where I thought I was centered on the screen but I wasn't and interacting with an object took a lot of jiggling around.
- I wasn't sure where to go in the end and stopped playing.  I saw a door with vines inside the house which felt like it was the right place to go since I think I destroyed vines earlier, but I couldn't destroy these and I'm not sure why.
- The flashlight feels very weak inside the house.  It feels like it'd make more sense if it projected a bit more light.

Great job with this though!  You captured that horror vibe well!


Thank you for the feed back! 

-The reason why the tree are not closer together is because I was afraid of performance issues. 

-I don't understand the crosshair is needed? There has been some problems with the mouse but making it full screen seems to fix them.

-I am sorry about the vines you can't cut. I had to trap the player somehow and well, I just came up with the idea that its just too thick.

-Okay, I so there is a hatch and upstairs there is a key that's how you progress. I'm sorry that its not quite clear but I didn't want to hold the players hand.

-I am really sorry about this one. I have been having so much trouble getting the flashlight right.

Thanks for the props on the vibe, I really tried to nail the atmosphere.


Hello everyone!

I uploaded the first version of my game My Chicken Farm here:
You can access the page via password: chickens

My Chicken Farm is about raising different colored chickens!
It's meant to be enjoyed in the background - wait for your crops to grow, pick up and sell eggs and hatch different chickens.

I'd like feedback on: Bugs in case you notice any.... grave ones. Enough chicken variety?

I need help on: How to "end"? I want to add an "endless" mode, which allows players to sell chickens, so they can raise more of their favorite breed. Still, I wonder how to properly end it for the jam? A "You hatched all chickens" message?

Thanks for playing!

Submitted (1 edit)

Hey Sora! Nice to see another chicken-based game in this jam, lol. I don’t find the game to be super intuitive to play, like I clicked feed, and it wasn’t clear to me that I didn’t have anything to feed to the chickens. Then when an egg was laid, I tried to click hatch, then click on the egg and nothing happened.

The chicken sprites are super cute, and I like the overall aesthetic, I look forward to some UI improvements to make it easier to get started on the game.

Also, I tried rapidly clicking the skip button to see what would happen, and after a few days and getting around 5 chickens I got the following crash:

Edit: I played it a bit more, and I started to figure things out. The UI when you try to sow without seeds is confusing, and it’s annoying that the commands are re-explained each time you use them.

It would also be nice if there was any kind of consequence for not feeding your chickens. It took me many days to figure out how to grow corn, and I got up to 12 chickens (more than 11?) but there seemed to be no ill effect to not feeding the chickens. As far as endings, I guess you could just do something simple like “get up to 100$” or whatever. As it stands, it’s not clear what the goal even is.

Good luck with the rest of the jam!


Amazing, thanks for your input! I'll link into adding a tutorial for the first loop to explain all buttons, then I can remove the repeating text when hitting the store and such, so it won't be nuissance.

Not feeding chickens is not punishable. I thought about it, but felt it was too much for my first try for that jam as I was intending it to be relaxing and not a chicken horror game. (Chicken flying over the screen in a rage and destroying all your crops!) Balancing was also an issue, I didn't want to leave the player without a possible income stream (for example, if not feeding would lead to no eggs).

But I'll keep it in mind! The game is basically a soup made of If-statements, so I am happy that it's running at all haha.

The goal is to raise different colored chickens, 11 in total (not counting player chicken), but that's what I meant when saying "what is the end"? I'll try to make it more clear! Thank you!


I liked it! The chickens a so cute and chubby. The game play is a little confusing even with the tutorial. As for bugs and the such, Some sprites for a second would just be a garbled mess a pixels. But overall, solid.

Submitted (1 edit)

Game Title/URL:   Password: 123

Pitch/Information: A top down shooter rogue-like with randomized upgrades every playthrough.   

I'd like feedback on:  Anything really.  Mostly things that I can improve before publishing it.

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

First off, your link is broken, it links to the wrong game.

This game is pretty fun, very bombastic, the shooting felt very crunchy, and all the screen shake and flashing effects really sell the intensity. I feel like the reload is way too slow, which was exacerbated by the biggest issue I saw which is that the UI does not scale properly for non 16:9 aspect ratios. I have an ultrawide monitor, so when I played it fullscreen I couldn’t even see the ammo counter or coin counters. I also noticed that the upgrades screen had a tendency to not show up at the center of the screen for whatever reason.

The “drop bombs when dashing” upgrade is completely broken. It has no cooldown, so after I bought it, I could just dash around the map infinitely spawning bombs, and never took damage.

I also encountered a weird issue where the first time I threw a bomb, the game froze for a second or two before continuing. Might be an issue of not preloading the explosion sound asset or something.


Wow this feedback is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much!  I'm definitely gonna work on the UI scaling issues before officially publishing.

The "drop bombs when dashing" upgrade is definitely the hallmark upgrade if you want to go a bomb build but the bombs being able to damage yourself as well as the unpredictability of being able to dash into a group of enemies without taking damage felt like maybe a big enough drawback to that power.  I guess I should probably put a small cooldown on the dash to balance things out.

Thank you again for playing and for the really helpful feedback!


I think if you wanted to keep that upgrade it’s probably fine if you can only get that upgrade after playing for a while or it was super expensive. I got it on my first upgrade pull and it made the game super easy after that point.


Amazing game! I hade so much fun playing it. The guns felt very nice to use. I think you could make more enemy's like bigger zombies that like you could only kill with the bomb. I think you did a wonderful job. 

Submitted (1 edit)

I like criticisms so I know what to improve on next time I make a game.

Antenna Man /

A very short game about a robot falling in love, but now knowing what love is. 

The game was made in a single day, and was entirely based off of a single line of a song.

The game is already done, but I can probably fix some things, as long as it's not the last 2 hours of the jam.


Well , the game is not bad , but also not good . I haven't played till the end . You could also add some music or sfx but, over all i would recommend you to learn to make games in an actual "Game Engine" since i think scratch is not that good. Anyway GL!


thx for your comment, I will look into an actual game engine that I know how to use lol.


I'm working on making more music, and adding sound effects rn. Thanks for the suggestion, it makes the game a whole lot better. :)

Submitted (1 edit)

Finished adding sound effects and music and quality of life improvements. Thanks for your suggestion. 

Game Title/URL: "Grappler"

Pitch/Information: You have a grappling gun and swing through the levels

I'd like feedback on: I'd like to know your opinion and what I could change or do.


Hi guys not sure if this is still relevant but I managed to get level 1 done

Game Title/URL:" The  Unknown"

Pitch/Information:  the relics have gone missing and the wizard must find them.

I'd like feedback on:  level design

I need help on:jump mechanics


The controls are not made clear. The art and music is a little off putting, is that intentional? The plot was very clear and a good idea all around. Keep working on it, I am sure you can make it into something great! 


Heyo, working on some music and sfx so I wanted to post here to make sure my game has no glaring bugs or issues. So far, issues regarding cursor and camera speed is being worked on.

Game Title/URL: Swift Strats.

Pitch/Information: Swift strats is a turn-based strategy game where you build a team of units to fight waves of enemies.

I'd like feedback on: I'm  mostly looking for any feedback, but I will list what I am already working on. Music and sfx are in their way, and cursor and camera speed is being changed.