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The polish you put into this is incredible.  From the UI to the leaderboards to being able to continue.  Great job on this!

I do agree with you though that the keyboard controls do feel really awkward.  Having to continuously hold down a key while still using your other fingers to navigate doesn't feel great.  Would it be possible to have the pick-up be something you could press once to toggle?  Like if you press Shift to pick up, then it sticks to you, and then you press Shift again to drop it.  While holding you could also throw it, maybe by holding down Shift for a couple seconds to give it a charge.  Just a suggestion but having it be a toggle seems like the simplest way to get out of the clunky controls situation.

That. Is. Brilliant! I can’t believe it took me so long to realize it! I’ve added a control settings menu that allow you to chose between “Momentary” (the current grabbing implementation) and “Sticky” (press grab once to hold, press grab again to throw)

Momentary works great with controllers, but Sticky feels great on keyboards.

Thank you for playing :)