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(1 edit)

Game Title/URL:   Password: 123

Pitch/Information: A top down shooter rogue-like with randomized upgrades every playthrough.   

I'd like feedback on:  Anything really.  Mostly things that I can improve before publishing it.

(1 edit) (+2)

First off, your link is broken, it links to the wrong game.

This game is pretty fun, very bombastic, the shooting felt very crunchy, and all the screen shake and flashing effects really sell the intensity. I feel like the reload is way too slow, which was exacerbated by the biggest issue I saw which is that the UI does not scale properly for non 16:9 aspect ratios. I have an ultrawide monitor, so when I played it fullscreen I couldn’t even see the ammo counter or coin counters. I also noticed that the upgrades screen had a tendency to not show up at the center of the screen for whatever reason.

The “drop bombs when dashing” upgrade is completely broken. It has no cooldown, so after I bought it, I could just dash around the map infinitely spawning bombs, and never took damage.

I also encountered a weird issue where the first time I threw a bomb, the game froze for a second or two before continuing. Might be an issue of not preloading the explosion sound asset or something.


Wow this feedback is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much!  I'm definitely gonna work on the UI scaling issues before officially publishing.

The "drop bombs when dashing" upgrade is definitely the hallmark upgrade if you want to go a bomb build but the bombs being able to damage yourself as well as the unpredictability of being able to dash into a group of enemies without taking damage felt like maybe a big enough drawback to that power.  I guess I should probably put a small cooldown on the dash to balance things out.

Thank you again for playing and for the really helpful feedback!

I think if you wanted to keep that upgrade it’s probably fine if you can only get that upgrade after playing for a while or it was super expensive. I got it on my first upgrade pull and it made the game super easy after that point.


Amazing game! I hade so much fun playing it. The guns felt very nice to use. I think you could make more enemy's like bigger zombies that like you could only kill with the bomb. I think you did a wonderful job.