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FusionView game page

Submitted by Elijah — 5 hours, 32 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

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Game Description
A void being is trying to find a light being so they can fuse together and finally be free.

How does your game tie into the theme?
The game is centered around the theme of void and light, with the protagonist being a void creature.


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Participation Level (GWJ Only)

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Submitted (1 edit)

very satisfying platformer! interesting mechanics and good progression of challenge. the rotating lighting/shadows does a lot to elevate the minimal aesthetic, it’s a really cool effect. the audio felt a bit grating to me at times, but no big deal. and I found the slight delay after death to be annoying, as I don’t get control over the character when I expect to, which messed up my flow on some levels. minor gripes aside, this was a very enjoyable game overall!


Good Gameplay.


probably my favorite so far, its really polished and feels like a finished game

Submitted (1 edit)

Really well polished game. All the mechanics work well together and lean into each other really well with things like the dash and descending comboing together along with the void blocks in the level to encourage them. Visuals are great with the shadows and I love how the music progresses as you go through levels.

A bug I ran into was a bit after you respawn you have a larger jump which can be used to cheese some levels (especially the one with the finish above the spawn point)

If you work on this a more post jam heres some ideas on possible things to add in:

- Animation when touching the end (could do something like the player getting sucked into the point but a bunch of other stuff also work). Currently theres not much weight to that (apart from the sound effect) making it feel a bit empty when you get there

- Binding the settings to esc instead of s. That tends to be the standard key for that sort of thing so most people will try to use it (especially at the start which is the main point people will try to adjust the volume)


Wowza, this game is suuuper polished. The execution of each aspect is super clean. I liked the minimalist approach to the graphics. I'm bad at precise platformers, so definitely struggled getting through the game. 

Couple of bugs and things I noticed:

  • When spawning into each level after dying, you get a gnarly speed boost for some reason. Got annoying at a certain point since the starting platforms were narrow  (killed myself multiple times cuz I'd forget).
  • The dash mechanic was a bit buggy for me.
    • Sometimes I'd press dash, and for some reason, it just felt delayed. Like I pressed it and it didn't feel like I was able to tell the game to dash when I wanted. Would miss a platform by a pixel and it was quite a bummer.
    •  I'd accidentally press dash while shifting through those transparent blocks and it would count as a dash. I'm assuming it shouldn't work like that, but got confused when the dash wouldn't fire.

Regardless, enjoyed the game and all the juicey details you added.

- S. "Essay"


simple concept and very nice execution. Everything blends very well together. I like how the jumping sound blends with the music and somtimes I noticed myself wanting to jump to the beat to get that nice effect.


Beat the game in 5:09:79 with 61 deaths. The game has cool mechanics and I liked the level a lot. The mechanics were introduced well and I like how they were used throughout the levels.  The game had good pacing and never felt repetitive or I like was being overwhelmed by new mechanics. Overall the game was very fun.

This isn't relevant to the actual game but it really annoys me when games claim that you have to use a controller for the best experience. To me, it just seems like the developer has a preference for controller but doesn't realize it and they just assume that keyboard is inherently worse. I've only ever had issues playing on keyboard when you can't rebind which is why I got a program to rebind keys. I also strongly disagree with your statement about playing platformers on keyboard since I've beaten every level of Celeste on a keyboard without issue and I had no issues with your game once I rebound the keys. Don't take this rant too personally. I still think your game is really good and I understand that you just want people to have the best experience possible, but this is just something that bothers me much more than it should and I can't help but complain about it.


Thanks for the feedback, as somebody who has beaten and speedruns celeste themselves, I thought that atleast 90% of people who play platformers use a controller, but tbh I have nothing to back up this thought. The thing is a few jams ago I got a few comments that told me the keyboard controls were pretty bad, so since then I've always written in the description or at the start of the game that you should use a controller. I definitely understand your criticism, but I feel like most people who play these games are more used to playing platformers with controller but again, I might be wrong about that.


Looks great, plays great, sounds great. I found impulse builds up at the beginning so you can make super long jump from start :-)


Yea I noticed that too and spent so long trying to fix it but because it doesn't really break anything I gave up