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A member registered Jul 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for checking the game and providing some feedback. That starting the game is not obvious is indeed a big issue, thank you for highlighting that. Regarding the it's spreading theme. The weeds spread through the flowerbeds. In the first level they do that at a slow pace to not overwhelm the player in the beginning. The amount of weeds and the speed of spread increases at higher levels.

quite fun and short. Nice game.

Too much walking - IGN
Don't be too hard on yourself. You tried and submitted something. It's pretty normal to run against walls when trying new things so keep in mind what you learned last week and apply that to your next projects.

It is a bit spooky and has some athmosphere. I think it just misses some kind of story.

Really spooked me there. Great game.

You know, sometimes I do like games like these. They really test me and my patience and I'm glad that I made it to the end. Some of these traps felt a bit unfair at first but since you have that quick respawn and checkpoints it's fine. Nice athmosphere, tight gameplay and I like the retro feel.

Good concept but the gameplay just didn't felt good to me. I like the idea of retrieving things from haunted houses and I really think you can build something great on that idea.  It felt a bit slow entering the House and searching for things. The ghost was more funny than scary to me, but maybe I watched too many horror films.  Don't be discouraged and keep going, like I said the idea is very cool behind this one.

(1 edit)

Great idea and very good execution. I really like the concept and the minimalistic style.  Nice and polished experience.

I was a little bit annoyed, that I couldn't find a option to skip the dialogue when I lost or wanted to replay it, but that is really just a minor inconvenience.