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Dungeons & DiceballView game page

Kick Dice into endless hordes of figurines in a fight for your survival!
Submitted by codetorex, alifantasia, BricksParts — 1 hour, 44 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 56 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
It is about a game where you roll the dice and causes random effects based on face!

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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.:° Enjoyment °:.

I really enjoyed to give this game a try. Sadly I was not made to last long haha. But I had fun.

.:° Creativity °:.

Not 'press to roll dice' or anything... No, you bump roll the dice and then kick it into the hordes! What a creative touch! This has so much potential for an action packed dungeon crawler. In my opinion, this game needs the full attention to bring it out as an awesome spin on dungeon crawlers.

.:° Presentation °:.

If there was music I didn't notice it. Sounds were good and the art style is really lovely! This i s exactly what I like in games made with passion and love. I adore that kind of style.

.:° Score °:.


Stay crunchy.


Wow, thank you for the detailed critique 👍 I'm not sure why the music (or sound entirely?) did not work for you, but I'm glad you enjoyed it regardless! As for the future of the game, we are currently in the process of ironing out various issues and expanding the game with some ideas that we didn't have time for during the jam. Hopefully it turns out well 😀


The game is really fun! 

I love the game's idea, and I think it's kind of original. I haven't seen it yet in the jam, and the implementation is done really well. The art is very good, and the gameplay is enjoyable and juicy.

I feel like adding some feedback visuals and sounds for some stuff like enemy death, player hit, enemy attacks, or even a finger charging cracking sound lol. Adding some of these would improve the game a lot imo. But that's just my feedback; either way, the game feels great and looks very polished. great work!


Thanks for the suggestions 👍 We are working on improving the game and will likely update these as well as several other aspects. Cheers!


This game looks amazing! love how you incorporated the theme with the fingerkicking! haha

Speaking of kicking; this game kicked my ass lol! I had such a hard time but loved every second of it!


Haha thanks for your nice words! Once you play a bit more it gets easy. Few tips: there are no range check for rolling the dices, and some people didn't noticed they can charge the kick and shoot farther :)


Really cool game , loved the art style , and unique gameplay , good stuff overall !!


Thank you very much for your kind words!


Really great art and presentation,  very clever use of the theme. I wish I could kick that dice further though! I always die when things start shooting at me :P


Thank you very much for the nice feedback! Yeah we planned to have level ups so you could upgrade the kick power and dice effects, but we didn't had enough time to get to that part :) With all these nice feedback, we are considering to develop further and see where it goes!


Cool idea! I liked the art and the arcade style gameplay! Do you have any plans on extending the game after the game jam?

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you ! yes we are planning to extend the game by adding more features and content


Really liked the spritework and animations for this game. Would be cool to eventually see a version with different types of dice and effects!


Thank you for your feedback we are planning to do add more features for sure.


Much creativity and mechanics. That's game only required any web browser. Mechanics, little math and well done guys. Waiting for official release right now !

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the feedback :)

We will keep working on this game for sure !


This game is so beautiful omg !!! And so clever ! Very well done, that was some good art choices, and idea ! I would have liked if the dice did their powers without having to touch the enemies but maybe it's just because I am bad x)

Great game, well done !


Thank you for your great comment and feedback ! We also though about including extra dice options, will implement more choices later :)


Original art and animations, but gameplay is frustrating: At start to match enemies I think.


Could you elaborate on the frustrations you're having? I'm not sure I understand what you meant by matching enemies?


Awesome idea and stellar presentation, this game was great!

Only downside is sometime it’s hard to roll the dice I want to, when two of them are too close.

Anyway, the best game of this jam I played so far!


Thank you! As for selecting the dice, there was a mechanic that would have helped with this, but sadly we ran out of time haha. In any case, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it 😃


Looks great. Good sounds and music. I really like the art style. I think corpses disappear too slowly, sometimes it's hard to see if it's corpses or alive enemies. Suggestion: Once you press and hold space, you keep aiming the selected die, even if you move closer to another one. 

This has some serious roguelite potential, unlocking new dice types and stuff. Good job!


Thank you! As you mentioned, the corpses can make it a bit hard to tell where a live enemy is- The exact speed of the fading out was unfortunately one of the many things near the end of the jam that we simply didn't have time to address. As for the dice selection, that is definitely one option. There was another mechanic that we could not implement in time that would have also helped address locking onto the dice that you wanted- not necessarily the closest one to the player.


Finally I found real game in this platform, thanks


Haha, thank you!


Very good game. I enjoyed every second, If we could upgrade It would be better. Still It was very fun the play.


Thanks! Turns out that's just what we are doing 😉


Really interesting concept. Lots of potential in the idea of using a die as a projectile and letting its roll dictate the type of attack you do. Controls felt pretty smooth. Very fun and unique art style as well. I think it might be worth trying to incorporate some more environmental puzzles into the gameplay in addition to just combat, as I think the gameplay concept would lend itself well to that. Well done :)


Thanks! We are working on improving the game, and making the game a bit more tactical is definitely something I'd like to see. Hopefully it will turn out well 😀


sick game! art is really good and  kinda reminds me of risk of rain 2


Thanks! I'd guess it might be due to the color palette, although I'm not entirely sure. Regardless, I'm glad you liked it! 👍


Feels great to play, love the theme and very fun use of dice!


Glad you liked it! 😀

Deleted 13 days ago

Thank you! 😊


Awesome, a very polished game.


Cool concept, there's something so inherently satisfying about flicking a frozen enemy.  


Haha, I'm tempted to make a terrible mr. Freeze ice pun, but I'll resist. Glad you enjoyed the game! 😀

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