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Gamejam 2023 entry; Life in 2 Dimentions
Submitted by BlackByteBrigade, CodeRedYT, zhuruisy, davi.88, EmberByte, Amorgan0734 — 12 minutes, 1 second before the deadline
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Ranked from 91 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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No (or maybe pickup sound? and heal sound from

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Thats the most beautiful so far! Not just the art but also the movement and the enemy types feel different, the story was told seriously and not childish. Well done! Thats a great entry!


I love this! The movement is so satisfying and I love the color palette. 100/10


Really beautiful and fun game, holy molly!

This is really incredible!


Fantastic game! The mechanic was familiar, and yet unique. I had a lot of fun with it!


This game is incredible! Feels extremely polished and well-rounded, I especially love the art style. Good job!

Submitted (1 edit)

Wow, this game is amazing! Amazing concept and execution! The gameplay itself is nice and simple, and from the graphics to the music and SFX, it’s pretty good. The voiceover is amazing as well. Good job!


Thank you for the kind comment! One of the three upgrades in the game is the "squeeze" upgrade; dropped by the worm; if you have this upgrade, you can fit through the tight spaces. One change we plan to make to the game after voting period ends is to add another voice line the first time the player sees a tight gap; which informs him that the upgrade is required in order to fit through :)


Yeah, I’ve read the description after playing for a while 😅, Great job with the game! 🙌


Stunning submission! Amazing amount of polish and creativity with the theme and mechanics. Really enjoyed playing it. The voice over work and music were top notch too. Would definitely like to see where else this concept could go with future updates. The tentacle effects for the player character were so clean as well, thoroughly enjoyed watching him cruise around.


Super polished game with great mechanics, visuals and audio. I had fun and I'm impressed that you managed to put this together in such a short amount of time!


liked the game a ton !  I think being able to kill multiple enemies with one dash could have been impactful! but love the setting and art style is sooo good.


Thanks for the comment! :) If you collect the Dash upgrade you can kill multiple enemies in one dash ;) Just not communicated very clearly; it's one of the changes we plan to incorporate after the voting period ends.


I loved this, a while back I was thinking of starting a similar project where you play as a T / B cell and attack virions, this is so much better than what I had in mind. 5/5.


Such a good game to make in only 10 days. Congrata!


Cool game! The music is a bit loud, and the character-to-background contrast on the first level maybe needs to be. But it is one of the most polished & well-made game I've encounter so far!


beautiful game, really cool gameplay, and funny voice acting, one of the best i play so far in the jam!


It felt very smooth and was quite enjoyable, I was horrible at aiming and died a lot, but I had a good time doing so. Good game!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Awesome game man! The artstyle??? CHEF'S KISS!! The ui design also relates to the type of game this is.
I wasn't expecting the voice over but I was pleasantly surprised! The gameplay is so smooth! I really love it! 
Tho one thing i wish, is a save point so that I wouldn't have to start from the tutorial level every time I die. I got to that part with a loot of blood moving around and idk where to go from there, I followed where the blood goes but it just goes on a loop XD. 
The character animation is also amazing!
This is so educational XD, this unlocked a core memory of mine of watching educational videos with Sir David Attenborough's voice overs XD. GREAT GAME!!! ALL 5 STARS!


Thank you for the very kind review! :)

The goal of the game is to collect the enemy parts and return them back to the hub area (where you respawn)

That's why the one area is a loop, because the entire main area is one giant loop ;)

We wanted to write to Sir David Attenborough but only found a postal address; and figured it would not reach him in time ;) I think Frank did an amazing job with the voice over though :)

Submitted (1 edit)

OH I see! Then I shall play your game again and do an update :3. I am very excited to see then end ^w^.
And yes Frank did such an amazing job! KUDOS 


Really cool little game :) though clicking to shoot while moving with the keyboard is not ideal, imo.  

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

thanks :)

not really sure how else we would've done it. There are plenty of games where you move with keyboard and shoot with mouse (such as all fps games)


Idk, I think it's because I found myself using arrow keys to move, because that's the kind of game it starts out as, then having to switch to WASD midway through felt awkward.  I feel like you might not need to aim, necessarily, so maybe Z or X key shoots out the front or something. 


ah I see. Yeah I was expecting people to use WASD to move


Nice concept and educationnal too.
I would have liked a way to see the overall progress and know if I was close to the end or not when delivering the parts.


Thank you for the very nice comment! This is one of the changes we have implemented; but it was not ready before the deadline;

we will add a new Version once the voting period ends with some improvements and mechanics we did not have time to quite finish :)


Love the map and music. Unique concept and addicting gameplay. Great work :D


Nice and neat game good job everyone :D.


Looks beautiful and plays great. I like the controls, the movement is smooth and fits well with the world design.

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