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A jam submission

A Rest Long OverdueView game page

A (very) short game about a researcher rushing home after a disaster at his facility.
Submitted by Alex Wilman — 1 hour, 19 minutes before the deadline
Rated by 21 people so far
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How does your game fit the theme?
It is a story about a guy basking in the peaceful rest he gets before a terrible disaster strikes the area he is in.

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
Pretty much.

I didn't make the two fonts nor did I personally record the bird chirpings and Jet noise at the end, but everything else? The models, textures, all the other sounds, music, and voice acting were all made by me, from scratch, during the jam.

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interesting narrative and story, however i missed out a bit of playable gameplay. Nice game!

Also can you check our game? Thx in advance!


interesting narrative and story, however i missed out a bit of playable gameplay. Nice game!

Also can you check our game? Thx in advance!


This wasnt my cup of tea, but its not because it isnt good. It seems like it was going somewhere but then nothing happened. Maybe mine glitched?? I went out the door and the game ended. I expected something to do -  a goal or something. But instead, I think there were 5 total clicks in the game and they were directed clicks so there wasnt any room to "play" but instead just "click that thing over there to continue the story".

HOWEVER..that being said, the graphics were great, movement was great, the voice acting was a nice surprise, the audio was spot on, and the story set up was rich and deep. Definitely fit the theme, given the narrative. Would love to see the aftermath of what the org was talking about.

I would love to see it go a bit further - because of the dark hallway I was expecting to be scared and chased. lol. Anyways, its great start and id love to see if you continue. :)


Damn, what can i say that hasn't been said already lol


very good at invoking that anxious feeling of knowing something horrible is coming and there's nothing to be done to stop it. basking in the last few moments of peace before it all comes crashing down. incredible work.


One of my favorites of the game jam! I can't believe you did all of this in 7 days by yourself, thats absolutely crazy impressive! The voice acting, story, visuals, sound design, everything was solid. Also I saw your credits in the end, you should definitely be proud of yourself :) Btw, seeing how awesome your game is, I would really love your rating and input on our game Astraphobia whenever you have the time, we would really appreciate it! :)


those assets are very well made, and voice acting is a plus! all in 7 days is kinda insane, good job!


ok i am amazed.

First impression I had was: nah this was made way before the jam.

And no. It was not.

It has waaaaaaaaaaay more polish that what you’d expect from a 7-day project. Specially on the visual side. I kept on bumping on all sides to see if I could clip or go somewhere… but no. Solid. It even ran in 2K at 30fps in my potato Intel UHD.

The pacing is maybe a bit slow for my taste, but I can tell it’s an intentional design decision. Took me longer to figure out how to interact with things than to finish the game. I wanted to click things and see if I could read more.

I also had some peaking issues with the audio. But apparently it’s a Godot thing I’ve seen happen to many (including me). Lower the volume before playing, I suppose. But don’t turn it off.

Honestly I am surprised about the voice acting. Not a big fan personally but objectively it is done actually pretty professionally, considering the jam context. Moody, atmospheric, it’s like reading a 100-word short story that tells you exactly what you need to come out feeling different.

that effort was way worth it. and very evident. if this was done in a week imagine a full release. 11/10 would recommend


Why you're gonna make me blush.

But, seriously, thank you. While it may have turned out sounding like it was done "professionally", it was my first time even approaching the concept of voice acting. Sorry to hear the peaking audio may have taken a bit from the experience. 

Happy to hear the game left such a good impression on you, despite it's shortcomings.


I really liked this, the story was ambiguous, just wished there was a little more after this, just a couple more answers to what's going on. The voice acting I love it! Visuals and everything

Amazing job!

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you! More was planned, but I was bound by the inevitable march of time, as all the competitors were. I'm glad you enjoyed what I was able to put out, regardless!


The only real complaints I have is that there isn't much to do other than waiting for dialogue to end. I feel like some kind of core gameplay loop is missing from this project and it makes it fairly un-fun. You're telling a story. The music, atmosphere, and visuals all aid you in that respect leading to a 10/10 on the vibe meter, but the gameplay is closer to a 2.

Something I might like to see to spice up the game and make it a little more interesting to play would be branching story decisions, even if it's something minor like picking which chocolate bar to eat, letting you flip between 2 or 3 channels, something like that.

I really appreciated the somber tone and storytelling, as well as your take on the theme. You really nailed the "Calm" vibe.



Well aware the gameplay was... quite lacking, I was restricted by time and my goals with this jam more focused around having a game with a definitive ending, better visuals, and actual audio, all of which my first game did not have.

Nearing the latter half of the jam I realized this project would be lacking in any meaningful interaction or player expression, but was too deep in to change course.

Rest assured, in my next game, I'll endeavor to make it... well, an actual game. A fun one.

Your criticism and suggestions are helpful in cementing the need for that, thank you.

I'll check out your game when I return from work.


Excited to see what comes next from you!


Great atmosphere loved the vibe :D Great Work!


Eirie and cool little game, nice !


The aesthetic is really nice! The dark setting fits well, but i think a bit more light would have been helpful since I somehow managed to get lost at times (maybe that's just me though LOL). Great job on the audio and sounds.


i got edged by this game




incredible work, doesn't feel like a game jam game at all!! (In a very good way)


I loved it. The 3D modeling work is really good, and the lighting is absolutely nailed. So the interior environment stuff you've got completely on lock down. Very clean.

Also I felt the "I am VERY tired" line in the end in my bones.


I know right? The interior turned out so well! It was my first time using baked lighting and I did not even know Godot could look that good.


I loved the aesthetic here, and it's interesting to see a directly literal take on the prompt. this game is only about the calm that comes before the storm, not the storm itself. that's unique! great work!


Yeah that forced creativity from the limited time I had really helped. I'm glad you enjoyed it!


The aesthetic of the assets were very nice! I liked how open the story telling was, it lets me envision everything else that's going on around the main character. Plus I love EAS horror stuff. Great submission!


EAS stuff is cool isn't it? It's just a minor aspect in this game, but sometime I wanna make a project that fully centers around surviving some sort of wacky EAS scenario.


Go for it id be excited to see it!


Very mysterious, I want to know what happen to Bell and Daniel. Do they get together, are they surviving the bombardment or the Org kill them. Great job
I hope, it will be part 2 with the continuation of the surviving in the middle of the dangerous encounters with the Org or other survivor. 


"I am very tired." Feel that. It was worth it though. Really good job!


Thank you! And yeah, I certainly felt that after submitting my game at 5 AM TvT