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Coastal Crash: Protect The BeachView game page

Tower Defense game, for the Pixel Art Game Jam 2024
Submitted by 4nt0n1o, Ñomi (@nomellamonoemi) — 19 hours, 17 minutes before the deadline
Rated by 43 people so far
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Nice mechanic, wonder if a fast forward feature may help, however it would be better to leave it like this than mess something like that up or worry about it instead of what you already prioritized. I think you did a really nice job on this game!


Thanks, and the idea is good but yeah we didn't had time to implement it haha.


I love the art and the gameplay. It is simple but fun<3


Appreciate the review, thank you! :)


rly cool game, enjoyable time with those pirates B)


Thanks, appreciate the review and the time :)


very very nice game dude! amazing lore and visuals :D

Waiting for more games


Thank youu, I will do more games in the future, appreciate the comment a lot :))


Nice tower defence. I was looking forward for the surprise. :)

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks man, hope you liked the end <3


Fun game! It gave me a laugh when I saw how the lifeguards fought off the pirates.


Hahaha, love that you laughed at that :))


Very fun game! Every asset adds up very well to the game, making it feels very polished. Would love some more SFX and maybe an hover effect in the towers cards to display what each one does.


Thanks! You are right, maybe that would add up to the game, thank you for the feedback


Had a lot of fun! Was very sad that my fight with the kraken got stuck mid-way but still enjoyed it a lot. nice work! 


Nice job getting there and thank you, sorry to hear that btw, but your progress was saved, you could have tried another try or infinite tries :)


This was pretty good! Love the artwork. I only feel like it gets hard too fast or maybe I missed a mechanic :P


Thanks for playing, maybe you missed something but we will check it out :)


Great game with many mechanics loved being able to upgrade the turrets. Also felt like it was a bit easy but i loved building my army. Congratulations!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks man!, did you get the last level easily too?? :OO


The best game I have played in this game jam so far. Everything is perfect, even the smallest details. Awesome game with potential for upload to Steam.

Revised and expanded version:

This is undoubtedly the best game I have experienced in this game jam so far. Every aspect of it is meticulously crafted, down to the smallest details. The level of polish and attention to detail is truly impressive. It's an awesome game with significant potential for a successful release on Steam. The gameplay is engaging, the pixel design is stunning, and the overall design reflects a high level of creativity and professionalism. I am genuinely excited about seeing your next games and would love to see them reach a wider audience on Steam. Good job :).


Thanks man, appreciate the effort on the review and the things you say. I think it could be improved but we appreciate a lot your words! :)


I love a cheeky tower defense game, good job :)


Thankks, glad that you liked it ;)


tower defense games get me every time! was easy to pick up and play through. Not incredibly challenging, but can appreciate that for a jam w/ nearly 800 submissions. Kraken was a nice surprise. Great work all around!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank youuu, and thanks for playing it till the end, we were afraid of no one getting there haha ^^ . Appreciate it :)


Definitely! Thanks for making it not too tough or long to reach the end. Felt like a near perfect length.


All around great job, fits well with the theme and was a blast to play! A bit easy (managed to get a perfect game on my first try :P) the fact that you can put as many units as you like makes it so that you don't really have to think much about management at all. Nevertheless, great entry and take on the theme!


Thank you, we aprecciate your review, and glad you play it! :)


Very fun tower defense, nice entry! My only complaint is with the upgrade menu not being close-able unless you click a different unit or sell the one you're on (unless I just didn't figure out how), but good job all around!


Hii, thanks for the review and the time, if you click on the same unit it also closes :).


Hah it's really nice game! I like art, setting and sounds!


You saying that about our game is very flattering to us, thank you very much ^^


I am a sucker for tower defense games. This is a fun spin on the theme.


Thaaankkks :)))


Very fun, really nice tower defense

Developer (1 edit)

Thank youu, appreciate the time ^^


This game is really fun! nice job


Thanks for the feedback :)


Pretty nice! I would like to see more maps for the future and maybe some splash-damage towers. Nice work!


On level 2 and 3 you have more turrets, if you didn't get there :)), there is a hole lore.

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