Hi I'm Cole, developer of Picking Up The Pieces and I recently started a video devlog series on YouTube for my upcoming game Jelly Brawl! Jelly Brawl is a fast paced physics based fighting game where you fling little jelly blobs at each other until the other falls off in a king of the hill battle royale extravaganza (sorry I'm over hyping it).
You can catch the second episode now!
However, for those of you who are more reading inclined (bleh) or just don't have time for an 8 minute video featuring dancing to Christmas smash hits (suit yourself) I've gone ahead and done a small tldr writeup for you here.
- I rewrote the enemy AI
I rewrote the enemy AI! I've made the system more modular and uses a simple "difficulty" attribute in all of its decisions to determine how "smart" it is and how it makes it's decisions. This will allow me to more easily expand it and build upon it in the coming weeks as well as is more fun to play against now as it's less predictable.
- I implemented a fail and win state (it's a real game now!)
Now when you fall off, the end screen updates and your taken back to menu and when your opponent falls off you continue to the next round. Additionally I added some slow mo and a camera zoom in when either of you falls for dramatic effect and I feel it looks more exciting and fun! Plus this means there is now a fail/win state so it's a game now!
- I implemented a system to easily generate fake usernames for your opponents
I setup a real system to generate fake usernames to give your opponents to give a faux multiplayer look that so many mobile games go for these days. I'm not trying to manipulate the player into thinking these are real player, I just feel it makes the game more fun if it feels like real multiplayer however I don't have the time or budget to implement this... yet
- I implemented a leveling system and a UI component to show your current level progress
Finally, I setup a cool leveling system that any good multiplayer game needs to give you a sense of progression. Since this is a big component it still has a few kinks to iron out but should be nice and spiffy soon.
There currently is not a page active here on itch.io as it's a little too early in development for me to start that up however if you wanna follow development or support me, follow me on one of these platforms below:
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/ColeChittim
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cole.chittim/
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZAyplO0M83Vq2knyq2STNw
Thanks for reading/watching =)