Using Butler update my game, but it keeps reporting a 400 error.
creating build on remote server: API error (400): /wharf/builds: channel windows's latest build is still processing, try again later
We identified the issue and are in the process of restoring the build server. Note that it may take some time for processing to catch up.
In the meantime, if you desperately need to upload a new build you can manually upload from the web interface, but note that these will not be compatible with “update” chains for app users.
I am getting no error, pushing to a new channel seems to work, but nothing is displayed on my site (in draft mode).Is there anything wrong in the backend?
C:\Users\xbest\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\butler>butler -V v15.24.0, built on Dec 13 2024 @ 02:12:46, ref f1203f79c4b65ef2201e95ca81b6b02b7d37cb04 C:\Users\xbest\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\butler>butler push "P:\worldbuilder_build\webtest" claymanz/webtest:html5 ∙ For channel `html5`: pushing first build ∙ Pushing 31.44 MiB (15 files, 2 dirs, 0 symlinks) √ Added 31.44 MiB fresh data √ 9.80 MiB patch (68.82% savings) ∙ Build is now processing, should be up in a bit. Use the `butler status claymanz/webtest:html5` for more information. C:\Users\xbest\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\butler>butler status claymanz/webtest:html5 No channel html5 found for claymanz/webtest C:\Users\xbest\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\butler>
Guess I’m in the same boat:
itch\apps\butler>butler status defenceforce/encounter:windows
| windows | #12273292 | √ #1154826 (from #1152424) | 5 |
| | | ∙ #1159650 (from #1154826) | |