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March Releases!

A topic by casskdesigns created Mar 16, 2019 Views: 1,520 Replies: 28
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My most recent game i'm sorry did you say street magic, another WizJam submission! It's a GMless game where players create a city together, and then explore the way that the city grows and evolves over time.

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I'm personally new, and I've brought Rockalypse, the Fate-powered game of post-apocalyptic musical conflict.

It's Tank Girl meets JemBlade Runner meets Scott Pilgrim, and Gorillaz meets...well, the Gorillaz. (They were already playing Rockalypse even before it existed.)

As heard on One Shot

I released a little game this month called Moss Creeps, Stone Crumbles for the #CozyGameJam. It's a diceless, GM-less drawing game about 100 years in the life of a forest. One player in the circle draws a little, minimalist scene and the next one interprets it, and so on:

While we've been working on a different game together for quite some time, my wife and I recently released The River, which is a diceless space fantasy game where the player characters are all star wizards trying to save the source of magick itself from a threat no one else sees, in the hive of scum and villainy that is the Grey Zone. The game is diceless in the sense that mundane tasks are resolved without randomization, while all magick is resolved using a card-based system. There's actually two completely different magick systems that draw from the same poker deck (with jokers).

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While not technically released yet, itch and Lulu get a head start on SAND DOGS!

Sand Dogs is a fast-playing campaign RPG that provides simple but durable rules to play indefinitely in a psychedelic dieselpunk fantasy that links to all the other planes in the Soft Horizon. Obstacles to online play have been removed, making this a go-to choice for playing with friends anywhere on the ‘net.

Hardcopy can be had through Lulu -- if you buy the hardcopy I'll ship you the digital for free.

Technically released now!

I released three games in March. 

They are all prototypes that need love but they are all also very important to me. 

Cast a Queer Spell is a journaling about growing up queer and weird in a repressive magical society that thinks it understands magic. It can be played solo written down or with a group with people talking and being part of the same class as they deal with being misidentified while going from birth to early adulthood. It was made for March of the Wizards.

We Are Beautiful Scrap is a cozy game about super cyborgs after the final battle building a home, pursuing their interests, playing fetch with cyborg t-rexes, and finding the truth of the universe in an endless scrapyard full of ancient wonders. It was made for the Short Rest game jam and was inspired by the first couple minutes of Battle Angel Alita.

No Crime But Living: Fleeing Facist Wizards in a Modern Magical Police State is a dark game about outcast mages hunted by facist wizards for who they are, not anything they've done. It is a dark hack of Psi*Run that adds some twists I'm proud of. It is GM-less, Co-op, and can be played solo (though is better with a few people). It is also as dark as any news program and some characters have a trait that allows the Authority to murder you with impunity for any reason. So, content warnings. All of them. It also features a flexible magic system about embracing your background and what it means, highlights intersectional struggles, and I'm really proud of it even in its current state. It was made for the Roll to Breathe game jam.

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