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Is it offensive to use 9/11 to market my game?

A topic by SkyBeak created Sep 05, 2024 Views: 824 Replies: 16
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I'm in the final stages of completing my game and I've been thinking a lot about how to market it. I've come up with the idea of using 9/11 to attract attention, as my game is about defending skyscrapers from fighter jets and civilian airliners.

Will I get into trouble, or could the game be taken down for being offensive?

Try my game : No Fly Zone : Air Defense

(1 edit) (+4)

I think people will likely dismiss your marketing as rage bait or otherwise have a worse first impression of your game, so I don't recommend it. I'm sure you'll also get into trouble for doing it.

You're right, I won't use it. However, my game still has planes crashing into skyscrapers (not the Twin Towers they're not in the game). Will that be problematic?


I think the question in the post's heading and the question inside the post are quite different.

"Is it offensive to use 9/11 to market my game?"
I would assume so. There's still people living who directly lost loved ones. I can't predict whether or not people would actually be offended, but it does seem somewhat crass to use 9/11 as a marketing tool.

"Will I get into trouble, or could the game be taken down for being offensive?"
I actually don't know, but I figured one way of checking if it's okay with itch to do this kind of thing would be searching "9/11" in the games section.
I did so and found that there seems to be a few "9/11 simulators", including one that is sold for $1. It is possible that other games may have been taken down for being insensitive, but since these specific games were never popular; they were skipped over.... so maybe itch does take them down if reported? Hopefully an itch member of staff replies to you for a more clear answer.

What sort of does become clear from searching, is that though it is known that 9/11 is considered a sensitive subject, trying to use it as shock content doesn't actually interest people; so I don't think it's worth using it to advertise your game. It might actually work against you since it might come across as "try-hard edgy", so people might be more likely to skip over it.

I tried the your games browser version, and though the mobile controls didn't seem to work very well with a mouse, I did play a bit of it.
I think that finding the right kind of soundtrack could really help. I'm assuming that the game is really intended to be played on a phone or tablet, but I think it's a good idea to do a browser version since it's quite hard to get people to download an Android game from Itch, so a little playable browser teaser might get people interested.
Though it means a little extra development; I would suggest considering working on a mouse option with a more streamlined control system for the desktop browser version, since if you can get people to actually enjoy themselves for five minutes or so and get into a good flow-state in the browser version, they'll probably be more keen to download the mobile version.

I think if you clean up the game a bit, and you really consider what is fun about the game; you'll have a better understanding of how to advertise the game.

Hopefully that's helpful. I actually don't know much about advertising games. Best of luck with your project.


Thanks for trying out my game. 

The game is intended for mobile. 

As for the browser version, the control scripts are complicated, and it's difficult and time-consuming to convert them to PC, so I decided to focus on the mobile version.

 The game is still in development and needs more work on the UI, sound effects, and other stuff. 

Regarding the 9/11 advertisement, I won’t use it. Thanks for the feedback!


"Too Soon" is a thing.

People born after are grown ups. So, too soon is over.

Is it offensive to market anything with ww2 imagery? Or all the murder death killing games with bubbly graphics and real life guns players can shoot with?

It is not the right question to ask, if it is offensive. It obviously is, as it would be with a lot of topics. Most things are offensive to someone.

Is it allowed or rather forbidden? No, of course not. How could it be forbidden. There is this whole free speech thingy that also applies to games.

The real question is, if it is wise to do so. Some advertisements are intentionally provocative. You do not seem to have a publisher, nor a big game. And probably no marketing budget. So for every view you might get because of the imagery, you might lose another because someone skips it.

My opinion is, the skipping would be the majority.

Of course if your use of the topic is offensive to enough people, Itch might decide to unlist your game. But since there are games currently listed with that topic as a game no less, I doubt that people take the effort to report these.

Airliners flying into skyscrapers will always be seen as related to the 9/11 attacks.

It is interesting to see how the view on this has evolved. They used to say "Never forget" and here we are.

In my online experience 2001 to 2010 such humor was not received well. It probably was popular on 4chan and other degenerate places.

But if someone posted 9/11 memes in the "Funny Picture Threads" of normal forums then other users would react negatively to it. Always. It still is like in some forums I read.  I has changed slightly but not much. At worst you have the "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" meme maybe. But it is a thin line, that meme is more about the investigation and conspiracy nutjobs. The attacks or deaths itself seem taboo in "civilized" online communities.
It is not even because of moderation, people just avoid it.

  On bigger, more anonymous platforms (youtube, imgur) it seems more accepted. There you have videos that remix footage of the impacts or falling people.

bro wtf

Deleted 160 days ago

Don't worry, I won't do it. I was thrown off by the 9/11 memes, thinking it was okay. Sorry if I offended you, and sorry for your loss.

First off let’s put it this way. It’s never okay to, it is highly offensive buddy. when such horrific things already happened back in September 2001. I was 3 years old when that happened. My family told me back in the day where I watched over the news with them where shit went downhill over there. Yeah of course I was a little toddler i didn’t even know what the hell was going on or what life was back on those days. As I got really older enough to know exactly what went wrong,  life has changed way to much. Nowadays it’s all about the killings, the school shootings, racisms, robbing, Suicides and all kinds of other terrible situations. Now talking about your marketing to your game, do not use 9/11. the planes crashed through both buildings, people who worked at the twin towers were often too scared, trapped inside, buildings were getting ready to collapse in a matter of seconds either they were killed or survived through those crashes and full of ashes too. Stuff like meme jokes or video games on any websites should never have been created on the internet in the first place.  People and firefighters died in there man. Those people who had families and kids suffered through hell what they’ve lost everyday. And forever. So please, have respect to those who couldn’t make it out and to those people who had survived from the downfall of the Twin Towers. 

You might have missed that part where op already said, that using 911 for marketing the game would not be done.

But by the logic of tragic events, there would be a lot of things that could have no media being associated with them. No movies, no games, no books. And what is the reality? There will be a movie being made shortly after any catastrophe about the exact catastrophe - in addition to the regular desaster movies. Real and fictional tragedies are a way to tell drama. And many books are written by survivors of tragedies. It is popular media.

For 9/11 there are so many movies made, that there are click bait list articles about them. The x movies about 9/11 that have attribute y.

A game where you can shoot down planes before they crash into buildings is by far the most harmless thing that you will see done in games about the topic. But we all here agree that using 911 as a marketing ploy is not a good thing.

Very very poor taste. I take it you were born after 2001 otherwise you wouldn't be asking such a question. People lived in fear about what or where it would happen next. I live on the other side of the world but I remember the day vividly as an 8 year old. I have visited the memorials in New York aswell. Think about how somebody would feel if their families members died on this day or still suffered the effects. I'm actually shocked you would even consider the twin towers as a form of advertising.

Low blow  to use this imagery to advertise  Very low.

I won't do it. I was thrown off by the 9/11 memes, thinking it was okay.

 Good thing I asked before doing it. 

Sorry if I offended you.


All good I don't get offended I'm Australian we don't have that in our culture. Good luck with the game.

I would not recommend using 9/11 in a marketing tactic because players might find it offensive or not play the game.  

Maybe you should have the player defend a futuristic base or something like that. That is very offensive, don't do it. 
