L'iL Bit of History
Hello, my name is Jessica I go by Jes or JESGRAD07 and I am the creator of Ro_bit. I started this project as practice in late 2013. I was working with Game Maker Studios at the time and I wanted to expand my knowledge of the program. I had applied to Nintendo's Indie developer program some time before, so I was not very serious about the game at first. In January of 2014 a Nintendo rep called me about my application into the program. Long story short, I am a Nintendo Indie Developer. It was at this time that I started to really focus on Ro_bit as my first game on the Nintendo Wii U. Now, I have switched Ro_bit's production from Game Maker Studios to Unity. And I have been moving forward one step at a time.
Game Maker Studio's DEMO: https://jesgrad07.itch.io/ro-bit
First off, the Unity build of Ro_bit is coming along very well. I have programmed in most of the players movement (running, jumping, shooting). I have also added some things.
- Lighting System (flicking background lights and soft glow on blasts)
- Dashing Mechanic
- More visible Foreground from background
- Simplified Controls
- Freeze system (while reading or engaged in conversation)
- Colored text
- Redesigned pause menu layout
- Multi-Directional moving platforms (with adjustable speed and wait times)
- Timed Rotating platforms
- New Particle Effects (smoke, sparks, debris)
* Here are some screenshots of how the new Unity Build is looking so far.
I have been out of town for the past 3 weeks, which made working on Ro_bit a little difficult. However, I was able to borrow a laptop and take all more work with me on my external hard drive. During that time I set up just some basic things like moving platforms as well as get objects to move on said platforms. I don't know why, but I just always thought that the physics engine in Unity would automatically make objects move if they were sitting on a moving platform. Not sure why I thought that since I have had to program everything else.
Right now I have been working to program in a enemy called the Faux Block.
This enemy acts like a block until approached, it then opens and will start to walk or charge towards the player. If the player jumps on top of it then it will proceed to walk in the direction the player is facing. I image this will make for some interesting uses such as traversing over an electric floors or possibly being used to block hazardous energy beams. The armor around Faux Block keeps it safe from damage from a normal blast. This will only push it back slightly. Missiles will be needed to break away its armor and make it vulnerable to normal blast attacks. Faux Block has 2 variants so far. The one above and another than has a timed spike that will poke through the top of its head at fixed intervals. I am also thinking of a giant boss Faux Block that you will have to enter and fix from the inside as well.
So far it opens when player is near and closes when the player is not. It will also walk towards the player. And when the player is on top, it will walk in the direction the player is facing. I need to get the knock back working. Right now it teleports backward or disappears entirely. I also need to design the different stages of damage the armor will go through, before it is vulnerable to normal blasts.
Hopefully I will be able to post a demo of the Unity build when I have more done. For now I will update as much as I can on my progress.
UPDATE 1/8/18:
Moving back to GameMaker Studios. Also probably not going to be the Wii U. Currently just targeting to finish the game.