Hi Guys, I recently entered this page and I saw a good opportunity to start developing video games and make myself known little by little since I always wanted to do this.
What happens to me however, is that I'm gambling with how to make my game, my intention is to make a horror experience, at first I thought of making it in first person from the monitor, like the vast majority.
However then I thought about making it in VR, the problem is I don't know how many people on this site have VR or how many people have that as a demand on the site.
I would like to know if there is a way to know statistics or something similar to know how many people on itch usually download VR games or know how many people use virtual reality glasses... maybe with a survey?
I know my project would be much better in VR... but I don't know how much I would be risking, or how many people would be able to play it.
I welcome any comments or suggestions.