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"Remove the follower" feature is need!

A topic by Eren Jeager created May 25, 2022 Views: 673 Replies: 11
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Pleaase add the feature written in the title as soon as possible. There is someone following me I don't want to see my games.

This feature should come immediately.


Can followers see games that non-followers can't?  I always assumed that games were either hidden (i.e. nobody can see them) or public (i.e. everybody can see them.)


Being able to look up a creator is one thing. Seeing all their activity in your feed is another. The idea is good. The request could have been more polite.

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't think your request is rude. But I apologize if I used rude language. Right now, someone I don't want to follow me is following me. Can you remove him from my followers and prevent him from following me? 


I can't do that, sorry. But this is a good idea for the dev team to add in the future.


I hope dev team sees this feedback and this feature will be added as soon as possible.


If I write to the support mail. I wonder if they can remove that person from my follower list?


I don't know. You can try.

(1 edit) (+2)

its really needed asap  ablity to remove followers i am not a developer still there are  followers and i dont want my activity shared 

Deleted 1 year ago

This is something block should do, but I don't know if it does. On twitter, block prevents someone from following you.


Yes there it is, but here it is in my myfollowers list even though I have blocked it.


First of all, who is that bloke you're speaking of? Is this like a bully from school or an online stalker and that'd be either 1 of those reasons you don't want him to follow you, or is it something else?

Also the block button is identical in function to the ignore feature of Xenforo, so yeah it's pretty much worthless. You can still ban him if he comments on your games.