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Thanks a lot for the feedback. I appreciate that you like the game and indeed I can see quite a few downloads coming in via e.g. yandex.

That being said, the game code is not prepared properly for localization (I'll do that with my next game). I still have to learn how to do that and will run a few experiments so I am prepared for the next game.


It's described in the walkthrough in more detail, but you need a REP of 5+, need to have the Argus System installed in your ship.

Thanks. Yes, those are probably a bit too inconspicuous.
maybe I highlight the active one (that makes it look more like a tab)

Complete all three levels of the precursor site (three visits per site). the third core has the fragment

Hi, there will not be any of that content in the game

(1 edit)

From the walkthrough:

  • Pick up the shield at Nav Point 50, equip it and deck it out with cloaking AddOns (same you use for the Cargo Compressor)
  • Fly next to the Biolab, deck out the Argus System Fully (100% Output)
  • Assemble the Infiltrator and put it into active lab storage (not in cargo stasis!)
  • Spend a night near the Lab
  • The Infiltrator will proceed to the Lab overnight and she successfully installs a virus
  • The following morning you notice disruptions in the Lab and two ships fleelng. You can either intercept the Loot Ship or Quexnor’s ship

Thanks for the suggestions. A number of them (loot bot, sell all, ...) are planned for future versions indeed.

The top left text comment i don't fully get. The bot manager option is in the terminal tab and also prominent in the configurator tab. maybe i'll have a look at the ui once more.

In any case good to hear that you enjoyed the game!


(1 edit)

Glad to hear you like the game so far. I lifted the engine maintenance system from an old game like sun dog. The rest is Elite like, though less complex.

Version 1.30 will be publicly released end of may.


In V1.20 you get the "BOT Analyzer" option in the lab where you can compare two bot stats

In V1.30 you get additionally a detail components overlay for the packaged pod bots in stasis

(1 edit)

Glad you like the game.
The bot orders are managed in the background.
You can just sell bots from the cargo menu (package them for shipping in the lab via bot manager from config screen or the terminal next to stasis field, tab bot manager)
Make sure to be docked in the pirate station or arellarti base when selling illegal bots

SUB in 1.20 for TRis can only go to 3 (you need pet training for that)

Here is an excerpt from the walkthrough how to do that:

  • Pet Training
    • Krogneath contacts you at some point and asks for help
    • The rescue of Seraphine has disrupted smooth trading in Krell Space.
    • He asks you to procure 100t of Krell goods in Arellarti (Bio Activators, Bio Weapons, Plasmoid Sphere, any of these or a mixture will do)
    • Fly to Arellarti (complete the Holodeck Quest before you do) and buy the stuff. You may need to sleep two or three night to buy get the required 100t
    • Deliver the items to Krogneath (sell to him)
    • After helping Krogneath out of his logistics problem he will give you a surplus Pet Training Voucher
    • Go to Arellarti Station and use the Voucher with the Pet Store. The owner accepts T’Ris for training
    • Give T’Ris the voucher and the next morning you can assign her to “Pet Class”. She’ll return at 18:00 but needs 2x trainings.
    • Buy 2 more vouchers (may take a day or two, pop up randomly at the store) and repeat 2 times with T’Ris.
    • She’ll get the “Trained Pet” achievement, her EXH increases to 13 and she can wear the Krell Pet Uniform everywhere from then on
    • Also, if you have unlocked public favours and increased her EXH to 13 with Station walks, T’Ris can do an uniform walk in Arellarti Station in the pet uniform (available as public favour when docked)

The walkthrough is in the original post linked ;)

That sounds like an odd hardware or policy issue. Maybe your PC is administrated by s.o else?

The game does not need any special access rights.

Only thing I can think of is 

- not use any mods

- install it in a fresh folder

- manually download it and not use itch d/l manager or installer

That is the correct file & procedure.

I suggest to download again from itch here  (in case you have D/L your version from another, maybe dubious, source)

Depending on what hardware you have maybe SpacejourneyX-32.exe (same folder) might work.

No issue then. Good :)

that sounds like a corrupted game state.

saves (on windows) are in C:/Users/<yourid>/appdata/roaming/renpy and are numbered x-y-..., with x being the page and y being the save on that page 

Did a code review:
Favour apears when: 

"GAME.getLoc().ID =='LOCNav' and (GAME.questSys.inProgress('QID_TRIS_FAVOUR') or 'favours_agree' in tris.done)"

Which of the following Quests Do you have in the quest log as not done:

(A) "A Favour Requested",
"Ask T'Ris in the evening for 'compensation' regarding your efforts around the ship...",

(B) "The Need For Distraction",
"With T'Ris not available, search your cabin for another source of 'distraction'...",

(C) "Caught In The Act",
"Talk to T'Ris in the evening regarding the unfortunate incident...",

Until A is not done, the menu option is there as well.

If B is active, you need to use the magazine in the evening to get caught

Once C is done the favour option always shows up at 19:00

a save would be good if it is a hard to track issue as it retains all the variable context

(2 edits)

SUB is increased (a) by disciplining success and (b) by special events.
EXH is increased by wearing skimpy uniforms for 2 or 3 days

I recommend you check out the walkthrough the OP, the chapters on disciplining and uniform progression

Hmmm, this elementary behaviour never reported before so that is odd (version is stable for months...)

Please confirm
- the game was installed into a new folder
- you do not use any kind of mods (URM, ...)
- you do not run it on an emulator

then I'll have a look into it


Glad you are looking forward to it.
Schedule will be less crazy than in the past (release every two months). 

Next  Official Release Mid April (Beta End March) on Patreon.or SubscribestarAdult. Public version 1.30 End of April

Thanks a lot. Glad you enjoy the games so far :)

The quest is not clearing (bug). Once you took her top the brothel and SUB is 20 its end of that content.
That part is anyway optional for those who do not like brothel content.

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stack 10x cedar wood in the magic chest (no gems)

(1 edit)

Impressive code insight :)

They are dual use, yes.

The engine has three "configuration lanes".
Just complete another lane (use Tunneling Devices if you miss a specific part)

Nimhe can only be hired once you encountered the precursors at the Zone 75 Junkyard. Fix up your engine and go there.

There is an updated walkthrough in the OP that describes it in more detail.

Thanks for the feedback. Will add it to the bug list for review.

I think its ITMTorpedoSwarm (you can look it up in items.rpy file that has all the itemcodes)

This usually happens when they cannot unload because either your ship or your warehouse are full.
If you have more details I'd be happy to take a look and maybe raise a bug report.
So fare there have not been any issues with the cargo drones.

Thanks, have to fix that. Non-coders will not recognize that and be frustrate

You are welcome.
I hope it helped some people. It definitely helps me when I read my lessons learned summaries before I start a new project :)

There is a file items.rpy in the game which list all item codes.
I think it is ITMAddOnCloak

The "Updater" of does not work.
Just download the zip from the link and install normally into a new folder

place 3 gems according to hints (scratched into wooden post or should be in walkthrough as well...)

Its a link to mega and not a binary (due to size). Just download normally from the link and install

Can be used in different ways. There is a section on it in the OP walkthrough.

stack a bunch of scroll fragments (no gems) and create them in the chest 

Thanks, didn't notice that. 
Thats easily fixable if the button code is moved to the frame that contains the text.
Added it to the list to address it once its clear i can continue the work in a few months.


There will be 
- Uniforms for Moira (V1.30)
- SLU progression uniforms for T'Ris (1.20)
- Front/back view for T'Ris new uniforms (1.20)

The QoL suggestion (sell all) I'll add to the list of future improvements.
Chambermaid is on hold until more basic content is done (uniforms...)

V1.20 Public is around 25th Dec

V1.30  Public around Mid February 2024