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William Alves

A member registered Aug 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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I am with JAC, sent your discord or call me williamjunior#6617

Hi, I'm a programmer with good experience in unity, I think we can come up with a team.

Here's a game I made in college, it's a game that helps kids read (PT-BR)

if interested, call me on discord williamjunior#6617

Nice game.

Nice game. Was really fun

Cool game. Nice graphics

Funny game. But i am dying at this place for some reason.

Nice game. 

Nice game. But a litle bit hard.

Nice game.

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lol, i think this horrible monster its not a bunny, dont let then fool you. Thanks for the feedback ;)

Thanks for the feedback. I kill my self too, lol

Thanks for the feedback ;)

(2 edits)

Thanks for the feedback. I really think i finished to early, i could have implemented a lot of cool stuff, but i'm too lazy to do it now ;)

Nice game. The death sound really made me laugh ;)

Funny game. Very smoth. A dubstep song would be great (just my opnion).

Nice game. Really good puzzle game. 

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I think the name was not important for a jam, so i put the first one that came on mind.

Thanks for the feedback. its my first jam i really need this kind of feedback. Thank you.

Nice game. I really like the Javascript death message lol.

Awesome Game. Reminds me alot Earth Bound and Pokemon. 

Awesome game. The graphics is so stunning. You are really a professional.

Nice game. I really like speedrunning games.

Funny game. I like how you cut sprites to make the main character ;)

Nice game! RPG only is really hard, they blow up everything.

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I export for Linux and Mac, you can play now. The html5 version was terrible.
Thanks for the feedback ;)

Interesting concept. Nice graphics. I like how the main character change his skin.

Funny game. I like the color pallete you made.

Nice game.

The animations are so smooth. Nice game.

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Great Game! Awesome visuals!

Nice game. Awesome music.

Awesome game. Its really immersive and you really should invest in story based games.

Really fun, the voices were hilarious.

Funny game. I got 7800 score.

Good game.

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Nice game, archers always OP, they won for me in Difficult, and i was not even watching.

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The game is showing only 4 green arrows for me. I liked the game, but i cant play.