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A member registered Mar 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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That was really cool and fun. I like how it's a balance of aiming at the object, timing things to build the tower the right way, and platforming to avoid getting trapped or falling. It did make me think of Tricky Towers, but even more chaotic, which makes the end result more interesting. Here's my final tower:

I just played The Witness for the first time last week, so some of the references in this were still fresh in my memory, which made this game particularly interesting. Being able to rearrange the island itself, and so many things on the island that I assumed was just scenery at first, was really cool. This has an impressive number of unique puzzles for a jam game. And tbh I think I'm now convinced that sliding blocks lend themselves better to Witness-type puzzles than The Witness's mazes do.

Thanks for playing! There is an ending sequence if you propose after maxing out her hearts from giving her gifts (Heart fruits being most effective). But being able to successfully harvest heart fruits was sort of the real goal I was pushing for anyway, with the dating system more just a way to nudge you in that direction (and play with some farming sim tropes), so you chose a good stopping point.

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I got to 5th rank before I fell through the floor into the void and the game crashed. It took a long time to get to that point, and the upgrade didn't seem to do much past a point, but overall the game was pretty fun, and I thought it was hilarious how the fame literally goes to your head as your head inflates

Wow, tax rates are rough. It took a few tries to get the hang of what I needed to do earn enough money, but after that it was fun. Also, the visuals are nice and juicy with those bouncing tiles.

Hello fellow fast farming game maker! This was fun! We had similar ideas of scaling crops but implemented them very differently, so it's fun to compare. I like this overcooked-style take on it where you try to match the size to orders (Mine was more "see how big you can get it before it dies")

This is pretty cool. The first board it gave me has a balance of 3 different animals and I couldn't even begin to figure it out, but then I refreshed it and it was all one animal except for one (and only a few X's), and which was more doable. And then after that I was more prepared for the harder boards. So I think the game would be less intimidating if they were ordered by difficulty instead of random. Overall though, once I figured it out the game was great

There were some interesting puzzles with switching the different abilities. The controls were a bit janky, but the core idea is good. I like your finale with falling on a whole horde of enemies.

It reminds me of Patrick's Parabox. Was that an inspiration? I was stumped for a bit on one of the puzzles, but I persevered and made it to the end. I don't have much specific to say beyond what others have already said, but I thought it was fun.

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It looks great and has a lot of different puzzles, but still came out to a reasonable play time.  I quite enjoyed this one.
Also, I found the way I had to organize the planets quite amusing.

I like it, but wow this was a big map for a jam game! I misread the warning and for most of the time thought that going back to drawing mode would make me start the map over, so in the town I was putting in a lot of effort to make sure I got everything, realized my mistake, and then got a lot lazier. I wouldn't normally have this much patience for a jam game of this scope, but it was fun.

The dialogue is fun especially with the text animation, I wish there was more of it (But it's a jam, so I get it). I'm still not really sure how the best option relates to what they say, or anything else, so I was mostly picking at random.

That was fun, I lasted a while until I misunderstood one of the card effects and accidentally made a +150 card. But the game looks good and plays good.

Apparently it didn't like it when I equipped the sword, because after that an error popped up every couple seconds that I had to dismiss with the mouse. I assume that was left over from defaults and this game's plot doesn't actually involve any sword fights? I like the little slice-of-life interactions, and so I might revisit this in a no-sword run to get further and brag more to my gospel friends Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

It's like Getting Over It, except fun instead of mean. I made it to the top and got all the gears. This is one of my favorites so far in this jam.  The one-arm section was a little rough (I first assumed it was mouse or WASD instead of both, even though now that I check again the instructions do show a +). But once I figured it out and got the second arm, it got really exciting. I appreciate that each upgrade made it easier to get back where I was faster each time I fall, so the climb felt risky enough but still let me spend the majority of time reaching new areas instead of redoing old areas.

I got a good laugh out of this one. It's cool how much personality you can give plants by their reactions to dialogue choices without having any lines themselves.

There were several subversions that made me laugh and remind me of Superliminal. That's the kind of thing I love to see from these kinds of puzzle games, and is often missing from other jam games doing a similar portal-esque test chamber thing. It's a clever use of space that plays with my field of view and my assumptions about what is part of the puzzle.

Ooooh, that game was actually fun! It was really satisfying attaching more and more guns, but then also tricky with how they increase your size and make it harder to dodge

Fun idea, but it got repetitive fast. A few thoughts:

  • Those text instructions went away too fast, so I couldn't read much of them.
  • Between the camera being behind the tower and all the explosions, I couldn't actually see what I was doing
  • The enemies were predictable, always approaching from basically the same side, so even though I couldn't see what I was doing, I could just spam bombs in the same place and it would usually work
  • Each round was almost identical to the last. I wish things switched up from round to round, like new patterns in how I have to time the tower building, or the enemies trying new strategies.
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Is the apple tree the end? The game page mentions secrets, but I didn't find any. Is there a way to get up to that ledge?

I got to here before I called it quits. Looks like these cowards like to hide in the corners instead of attacking, so it feels like I could have gone on indefinitely. There's definitely a seed of an interesting game with some risk/reward of leaving yourself vulnerable while eating and could've been fun with some better feedback/polish and more aggressive behavior from the guards.

This is cute. The z fighting on the grounds was kind of hard to look at though.

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Add me to the list of people struggling to get past the first obstacle. The idea has some potential, but here's what most of my experience was:

  • At first I assumed I had to start the drag from the ice cube, which made it impossible to jump very far
  • Even after figuring out I could start the drag from anywhere, I kept trying to drag outside the small window, which would activate the jump before I could aim.
  • I would get caught on corners and lose most of my speed, and then I would try again but overcompensate, launch past my target, and slide back to the beginning.
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Thanks for posting the walkthrough, because I probably would have given up looking for that worm. Cool idea, it was fairly surreal, and I like surreal games. The zooming makes it especially hard to figure out what's interactable though, and the genre is already notorious for pixel hunting, so it would've been nice if some of that was clearer.

I got to the end! It kind of feels like "the floor is lava," but the furniture isn't accommodating to avoiding the floor completely, so you have to cheat a little, but not too much.
It was interesting in the later levels where I had to plan in advance which places I wanted to touch to leave myself a safe path back.

Cool puzzle game, has some interesting tricks but isn't too difficult either. Some of the levels took me multiple tries, and never more than about 3.

The theme made me feel extra motivated to play, since this snake is more than just a glutton. Gotta live to defend the little ones!

Which browser? It worked when I tested with Firefox, but Chrome might be giving trouble. There's also the downloadable if the web version isn't working.

Thank you for actually tutorializing the start so I could jump into the game easily. And throwing the tools and having them bounce around was pretty unique. Great work fellow plant-growing-game maker!

It taps into the inherent fun of organization and sorting through chaos.
It's pretty hard though. I spent a lot of time trying to sort things out, and still only got a D.

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Cool, a jam game I have time to beat! It took me a few seconds button mashing trying to figure out how to swing the sword before remembering that I'm huge.

This game is very charming, and the puzzles are starting to get interesting. However, on the last level I discovered that if you push a pizza to the edge of the screen, the play/stop button stops working, and it becomes impossible to reset it without exiting to the menu and then starting the level over.

I did it: I filled every space. As much as I like seeing numbers go up, I should probably call it here. Very cool, and the art is adorable. The only problems I had was some initial confusion from not realizing the icons on the left were buttons, and a bit of weirdness with the scrolling when things got big.

Thanks! I added those prompts in the corner to help with controls, but I realize now even getting to the point that the prompt appears might be unclear. I updated the game description to hopefully mitigate that confusion for others.

This is pretty cool! The puzzles were interesting, and I really appreciate is how you have the little shake as you first start moving the level. That's the kind of polish that usually doesn't make it into a jam game, but really sells what's happening and starts each level right.

Also, there's no need to apologize at the end about the length. That was plenty of levels for a jam, and more than that would probably be too long. A few minutes to really demonstrate the core idea like you have it is probably ideal.

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Thanks for playing! Yeah, doing this all myself didn't leave much time for 3d art, so I took about every atrocious shortcut I could in that department. Glad to hear you still had fun despite that.

The game was somewhat inspired by a time when I worked at an escape room. where I had to keep things flowing despite guests somehow finding a way to break and misuse every prop we give them

The game is fun, and that power-up sequence into the super chicken is wonderful

That was a clever idea having them come from ahead, from behind, and from cross traffic. It gives a lot to frantically keep track of as the racecar jumps around to the different lanes