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A member registered Dec 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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I wans't expecting to see a strategy game but i'm pleasantly surprise. The mechanic look promising even if i couldn't figure out how resource work. 

The texts were fun to ready and the mechanic is nice, the only down points are the lack of audio and trying to drag on the border of the screen when not in full screen mode (i know i don't have to point my mouse on the chip but i can't hack my brain to not doing it ^^)

It was the first time i'd use 3D physics with Godot I'll try to do better next time ^^

But now i'm curious how did you cheesed it ? 

Sorry for the wonky cube ^^, and thanks for your feedback

That pretty much it the UFO leaving the screen and never coming back is actually a bug that i wasn't able to correct in time. Aside from that you have experience all the game has to offer 

Thanks for letting me know

The graphisme are clean and the sound is pretty cool but the user interface is too small and nearly invisible while playing. And some animation would have been great on combat (you can look at Crypt of the NecroDancer for reference)

I don't know if it was only on my hand but the speed of the cristal was too fast to be somewhat controlable without shouting.

On the other hand mechanics are super interesting but could be introduce a little bit better in 3 phases :

- first few level focus on subtracting color from ennemies (the right color, then a combinaison) with a timer that reset the ennemie to negate mistake

- then the new few focus only on adding color on the same principle a above with the addition of the changing cristal color mechanic

- and finally a combination of all of the above 

I was fighting the camera along the way but the sound and design are pretty cool.

The atmosphere is well transcribe, but the first place fells to big for its purpose. You could have let the area has it is but limit the player mouvement to just near the house. 

The stealth mechanic is good but would have gain from being integrated from the start (like wave on the ground for example) than switch on and off

You may want to add a looney tunes effect on your jump mechanic (giving the player a few frame to jump when they goes off a platform before they fall) 

I love your field of view mechanic and the gameplay is easy to understand. But the sword swing seems off maybe an indicator of the facing direction would solve that