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A member registered Aug 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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This is pretty good

Hey, thanks for playing and reviewing the game!

Right then, its very pleasing to the eye and soothing to the ear, nice job with that! But there are some bugs with the game: I couldnt grab things, by pressing X, when i tried jumping over the first spike gap, i fell through them and didnt die, but instead the level shifted further, while the player was no where in sight... 

All in all, great work for your first entry!

Yeah, the concept of the game is actually genius! And its executed quite nicely, the art style actually fits this game so much, just maybe a bit more refined... and now the best part... the climbing! Like damn, i have no idea why its so awesome... it just is, great work!

Not bad, although later on in the levels, you just begin to mash random buttons and levers, but its fun for some time!

Haha...loved the idle animation, but yeah it was pretty good! One weird  thing for me was, we were collecting coins, but didnt know the exact count... and also when you climb/jump up on the vertical elevator, the player animations just become super weird and bugged.

Nice, I enjoyed it a lot! Cool story, the games concept is very intriguing and addictive! Great work!

My god, i spent way too much time chatting with the barrel-man and listening to his jokes....oh yeah, very nice game!

The idea of time slowing down when you turn was honestly amazing! It was fun to play for a while, but a bit too difficult to dodge everything..!

Haha...damn this was very pleasing to play! Loved the short cutscenes and the art style! How come people not check this out...? hell with those dogs...

Yeah, the art is amazing! It was very good looking, the sounds were fitting, but too loud.

Ok, first of all, please never use that font, it was so hard to read the text... second, the game seemed to be actually fun, but it consisted of only 1 enemy..? Anyway, it would be nice to see new and inproved version of this game!

Well it's a cool idea you got there and actually everything was fine with me, except the movement...was never really a fan of that kind of movement, its just too hard to move normally or to actually try to defeat a horde of enemies!

Was very pleasing and fun to play! Dont know if its good or bad, but i felt like I had to rush playing this game and i died so many times, because of my stupidity... and I really loved the fact that you could use the tech that you found along the way!

This was a fun little adventure, it would have been so much better with at least some sounds or a bgm. Now,  I dont know if it was intentional or not, but I definitely thought the traps killed you, but instead they just staggered the player, so it kinda removed the whole, dodge the traps concept.

Really, really good and fun to play! Getting all excited and scared remembering others like this...

Just 1 notice, i felt, that the camera movement folowing the mouse was too slow.

It is very good and the art style looks amazing!

Well, I won? For some weird reason 1 dude just died... and the others had a timer on them.

Well it was pretty nice and weird.

Wow, such a unique idea for a jam! For some reason the best part for me was, throwing the drawers from their places...

Damn, it felt very nice to play, very smooth. With some sort of a bgm it would have been a really great game!

Also 1 notice, i didnt like how enemies and their corpses always overlapped the player.

Hey, thanks for playing it. I plan on continuing this game!

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll try to take that into consideration when updating the game.

hey, glad you enoyed those aspects of the game! Could recommend something that would make the fight scene more exciting for you?

(1 edit)

Hey, glad you enjoyed the game! The lo

st tech part is explained during the travels, so you might have missed something there.

Wow, really unique and fun to play!

Hey, glad you liked the game! As for your notice, it had a bit of a variation, although i noticed that it was too small...

hmm, now dont remember correctly, but yes i went further and it stayed, only when the dialogue started he came back

I liked the wand mechanics, they really seemed interesting and fun. But the biggest downside for me are the key bindings... 

Very nice, really unique graphics! I would love to play this when it fully comes out!

Oh yes, a very good platformer, had fun for a while! 

This was a really fun experience and the voice acting was pretty good!

This was pretty neat, it would have been prefect with some sounds  or bgm included.  

Hey! Glad you liked the game! Haha, you still might be able to use it someday ...

Hey! Glad you liked it! 

Hey, glad you enjoyed it!

Haha, loved the fairy thing voice, but 1 quick notice it got stuck in the upper room when i went further away.

This was pretty fun and quite challenging, at least for me...also cool backstory!

Haha, well this was honestly not what i was expecting, but it was hella fun...for some weird reason....great work?

The graphics are honestly very good looking and the concept of the game is very interesting!

Hey! Glad you enjoyed the game! Yes the gameplay was a bit lacking due to the time limit, but I plan on continuing  this game in the future!