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The Grumpy GameDev

A member registered Jul 09, 2014 · View creator page →

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it feels bigger because of the multiple maps at multiple scales.

the "galaxy" is 63 x 63 and generates stars a with a minimum distance depending on the galactic density of the embark options.

each star system is 31 x 31, and each "planet vicinity" is 15 x 15, and then the planet orbit is 11 x 11.

and hi, John. lovely to see you.

Enter to unlock the door should ALSO open the door.

A solid little game.

I found the controls a little clunky. I don't rate down for this because I am well known for my clunky controls.

I quickly was "slain" (or driven insane, whichever) by my first fight.

Good visuals. I liked it.

Maybe not have it be "test_build_01.exe".

Seems sus.

some glitchy things happened.

I was thrown out of the world.

Obviously there's a solid start here.

Dagon wins this round.

Fairly blue.

Solid dungeon crawler.

Though I admit that the second I got the map, I left it up the whole time and used primarily it to navigate the whole thing.

Which means I wasn't using the 3d perspective, but the 2d map.

Changes the approach to the game.

This game is quirky and weird.

So I approve.

I fought cats, and mud golems, and abominable affronts to my sanity.

And as a bonus, it let me pick the wizard guy for all three slots.

All the stars.

Didnt go to the boss.

Just had a shootout with scooby doo vilains.

Shot some batteries.

I'm pretty sure it was Mr. Withers this WHOLE time.

Good game.

Sluggish controls really wreck the experience.

You had me at "smash things with a pipe wrench" tho.

And who doesn't love a good "click things to progress" game?

This game was an assault on my senses.

So I loved it.

I got to do shrooms.

I got fill... whatever.

The bee was menacing.

I did not make it.

But I did not mind not making it.

Good game.

All the stars.

This was an amazing experience.

I got to type things.

I got to have needlessly loud footsteps.

I got to be an amish dude in what I imagine to be a weird sex dungeon with panelling. with taxidermy. The taxidermy was a nice tough.

I got to attack pointer-mike.

All the stars.

At first I was afraid.

I was petrified.

I was getting clobbered with madness by mushrooms.

Then I found a book.

And a mid-80s heavy metal band started playin.

Then I was zapping those mushrooms with what I assume was the Power of Rock.

Then I died of madness.

Good game.

Very pretty.

Very rough.

I was able to strafe immediately off the rails.

I did press F to Take The Power!

But then got stuck in a door with Master Chief threatening me to fire.

Lots of potential here.

I got some loot.

I killeded some heretics.

Obviously for their heresy.

Can't stand heresy.

My friends can all tell you.

Solid game.

Interesting choice on the combat.

I was alone. I fought shadowy dudes.

I got punched in the D by batman.

Dunno why you called it a moonraker.

That reminded me of a James Bond film.

Because I'm old.

Good game.

One of the big things I'm learning about my game is that my original philosophy of "let them figure it out" is far to old school to continue with.

Modern sensitivities need tutorials, so I need to work my engine to support them.

Thanks for giving it a go.

I thoroughly enjoyed this. Fortunately, I played it on stream, and my viewers insisted that I not skip the intro.


All the stars.

also.. nullwww

I was killed to death by the Uterus monsters.

I guess I had it coming.

I was delighted by the spelling of the word "Roap".

Prolly more than I should have been.

All the stars.

Unskippable exposition dump is unskippable and an exposition dump!

I walked up to a door.

I pressed the F key.

Then I could not longer control anything.

Very pretty, tho.

From a rules perspective, a DQ.

(1 edit)

I think this is a very good game and I'm glad that it exists.

That said. I cannot stand to continue to play it because of the wobble.

There's a lot here.

Its very artistic. Very creative.

I am blinded by its awesomeness.


All the stars.

But no roap.

I got to travel in space.

I got to fight zombies.

I got to put three letters in order.

Excellent game.

I gave up when wandering around the eyeball room on planet Mustafar.

It took me entirely too long to pick up the sledgehammer.

Then I played minecraft.

Then I died to skeletons.

Good game.

Thanks for giving it a go.

The mechanic really resonated with me as well. I was pleased to discover it. I wasn't really sure the mechanics were going to work out until I had them implemented.

Even so, it is clear that more can be done with it. Prolly differing column and row counts, but by the time I thought of that, I didn't want to mess up what I already had that worked.

Thanks for giving it a go.

The old school aesthetic isn't for everyone, and dealing with menu-hell is a common bit of feedback.

I also do next to zero tutorializing on how to play the game, other than the combat, which was weird enough to need a video.

But that, too, is old school, I reckon.

The win state is by dealing with all of the traumas.

There are a few minor bug/glitches/accidental features in how the combat gets triggered.

But that's the thing about recovery... yer never sure when yer gonna get triggered.

So, we'll call it... thematic?

Thanks for giving it a go.

GamePad control games be like that I guess, but I do have plans to incorporate a couple other buttons. Right now, its just D-Pad, A, B, and I'll be bringing in Back and Start to help with things.

Thanks for giving it a go.

I played it.

Not as straightforward as I would have liked.

But good job shipping something!

I got quickly killed by what I presume is a trap.

You totally shipped a game, tho!

Gave me an out of memory error.

I think I got confused somewhere. 

Ovens and stoves eat the food, make a green bar move, and then....?

I wanted to like it.


I don't read texts. Sorry not sorry.

Eventually I figured out that you have to click on the BAG to get to inventory.

Mebbe that was explained to me in text that I didn't read.

Solidly built.

I killed a lot of things.

Good game.

Thanks for giving it a go.

Yeah. Personality. I've got that in spades.

Remember: if you can't compete on graphics or audio, put in personality.

It won't win, but you'll get remembered.

Thanks for giving it a go.

There is a win state, once you've dealt with all of the traumas.

Good to see my interface improving.

Thanks for giving it a go.

It once was a "beat myself up" thing, but no longer.

I make games for me.

I stream for me.

I participate in game jams for me.

Niche is not a badge of shame, but of strength.

Some people chase validation and recognition.

I make quirky little games in a quirky old language with a quirky style that resonates with some, and other people find strange.

Being mainstream can go to hell.

Thanks for giving it a go.

Yeah, the combat mechanic can break yer heart.

And yer mind.

In a way, it is its own form of trauma.

That was weird.

I wound up quite happy that "Esc" gave me the controls.

Took me a bit to slay the doggies.

And I made it all the way to become a Rouge.

Solid entry.

I like the art style.

Sorta like Wolfenstein Cthulhu.


Too few lollipops.


Not quite sure what I was supposed to be doing, but running about with a torch that would fail seemed to be all of it?

I totally get what yer going for here.

But... movement and turning are too slow.

And I think the combat glitched a few times. Can't be sure.

Very nice models.

Cards need work.

Solid entry.

Very very pretty.

A might bit confusing, and so further development should include better splaining.

Good game.

I admit that I am not a parkour guy.

That being said, this was an amazing entry with great visuals, just not exactly my cup of tea.

It did crash, but you know... getting a game working in 9 days ain't easy.

Good job.