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A member registered Sep 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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I absolutely love this.  I ended up with 1 minute left on the clock when I was at the last item. So I ended up waiting and vibing to the song speeding up that I didn't look on the timer and forgot to pick up the last item 10/10. will vibe to this again. Too bad the players never think about us cleaning the map.

game becomes laggy when 15+ players appears. nice idea overall but a bit limited in actions

I agree with GDoe5. Not being able to see your change of angle  is anoying but a nice idea over all

amazing idea,  good for training multitasking. Very nice if you want to play a rithm game as well!

very nice game, levels are wellthought . some were easy, others were more difficult but overal a great game

they look very cute

Henry's solid adventure is a 2D platformer  speedrun game where the goal of the game is to defeat the monsters and the evil boss to reclaim your lands. This game was made as a schoolproject wherein we had to make a simple 2D platformer game using MonoGame and the solid principle, hence the name. We had one month to work on this, so I sadly wasn't able to implement all the features I wanted to implement but 
I'm planning to work on the game after the exams.

How fast can you complete the game?  Find out here for FREE:

My time is 3 minutes 39.983 seconds. but be aware, the game is harder than you'd expect ;-)

 Have fun!

(1 edit)

I'm surprised no one mentioned this but there is actually a mistake in your tile sheet!
The grass uphill and downhill, as well as the tiles  that switch between grass and stone are missaligned. they are one pixel too low.

I do love the pack, it's very  beautiful  and easy to use. I'm using this for my school platformer project. Thank you very much