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A member registered May 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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I like the concept of the game. It is actually a very straight forward concept thats easy to understand but that also offer tons of possibilities. Really nice.

Thank you very much for playing the game and the feedback. I actually wrote a script for 6 questions (including 2 special rounds where you are not selecting the person to answer based on looking at their phones but rather by hearing audio logs + by visiting the rooms of the three people, kinda like point n' click-style).

But since I started too late I wasn't able to include the other questions. But it is very likely that I am going to finish the game in the future. This will include more questions and also definitely more apps on each phone. This would also give me more room for more details on each person and I would also include secondary goals (like discovering all secrets of a certain person) and I am also planning to make the puzzles on each phone a bit more branched and challenging.

I really like the look of this tileset. The description says that more tilesets compatible with this one are on the way. Since this was updated in September 2019 and would like to know: Are there already any tilesets compatible with this one? I know that there are none in your store but maybe you are using other sites?

Thank you for this game! It is already very promising.

However I agree with the other people that the correct of athletes would be good instead of just having 20 athletes.

Another awesome addition would be an improved editor that allows to edit nations and add new athletes instead of just editing existing ones.

Are you planning to add more features to the career? I am thinking of events (like injuries and so on) and the possibility to create an own athlete and to improve him/her via training and successful races.

But already very good! Thank you!

Eine neue Version ist nun verfügbar, der Fehler wurde gefunden. Ich habe mit der neuen Version das Spiel durchspielen können. Der Spielstand kann übernommen werden (Tutorial: siehe DevLog).

Sorry für die Umstände!

(1 edit)

Hallo! Ich habe hier nicht mehr so häufig reingeschaut, aber es freut mich sehr, dass dir das Spiel gefallen hat und dass du es auf deinem Kanal hast. 

Dass die Datei Howl.png fehlt, ist sehr komisch, da andere Spieler mit exakt der gleichen Downloaddatei das Spiel durchgespielt haben. Vielleicht ist etwas beim Entpacken schiefgegangen?

Edit: Ich schau mal nach, wo das Problem liegt.