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Studio Polyfire

A member registered Jul 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Wow really cool battle system. Nicely balanced as well. I felt like a badass rushing through the train, chopping down my foes.

Amazing art. So many monsters designs with animations as well. 

Super impressive. Well done.

Very cool game! The otter design and animation is really good. The grass is impressive too. 

The otters seeing you as their god is an interesting take on the theme. I really like it. 

The game was fun to play as well. I wanted to destroy the non-believers and take over the entire region haha. I think there were some AI issues though. After the first attack my otters would run off and stand in the corner. 

This feels like the start of what could be a really amazing project!

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Cool game! The vehicle feels great to drive. It is a little wobbly feeling but I think that's intentional and I thought it felt good to drive. The baby idea is funny. I like the sound track choices for the most most part. They are appropriately enthusiastic for the fun silly vibe you're going for.  Nice work!

Neat game! I only had 3 slimes left to find before I died! I was disappointed when the main character didn't change after collecting slimes though. Since you're "combining" I thought I would get bigger, or something like that. Nicely done!

Nice design! I like the little risk/reward you get from waiting before freezing to aim. The chain reaction is a nice reward for correctly planning out your route as well.

Well done on the presentation. Art and sound match perfectly. 

My top score was 37! Fun game, well done!

Cool game! Nice job on the visuals. The little electricity lines were my favorite. 

At first I thought the enemies getting stuck would work to my advantage but it ended up making them kind of unpredictable. Not sure if that was intended or not. 

Great job!

Really cool game! Such a solid idea and well executed! The style and mechanics remind me a lot of retro arcade games like Paper Boy. Great job on the art too. The explosive ending was a nice reward. Nice touch with the shadow that characters cast on the background.

Only small thing I have for feedback is the platforms look a little out place with the other art. Not totally sure what it is. They have less detail then then the characters and background maybe?

Also, I might just need to get better, but the squids were wailing on me compared to the other stages. Even the last boss was a little easier. Still has not not super frustrating or anything though.

Great game!

Super solid mechanics. Way fun to play with a friend. It's a fun party game. Don't really have any specific feedback, it's well made already. One thing I might change is the scream sound effect when a character dies is a little loud compared to the rest the audio imho. Nice game!

Very cool! Is the  world procedurally generated? Super impressive. I love the skybox and birds flying give some nice ambiance. Well done!

Cool game! Well put together all around. Love the text. The characters designs are nice with good animations. The parallax effect was great also. I got to 1,000!

A bit of feedback, the song was not a perfect fit to me. It looks like an Olympic event but the music sounds like a 90s skateboarding game. There's also a droning, lawn mower like sound in background of the song. I think it's supposed to be a distorted guitar but at first I thought it was an audio glitch.

Good game. Nice story and the music was a great fit. The star sections were a nice break in-between dialog. 

Just to give some feedback, I didn't see how the stars fit into the story ? Does it represent the afterlife? Or maybe the character making connections with his dad? But then why so many when their relationship is one-on-one?  The link between the stars imagery and the main story seems tenuous to me. But maybe I just didn't see it.

Unusual game! I think its cool. Pretty impressive graphics and the level select UI with the little stubs was a really nice touch. Seeing a lawn get mowed in a sine wave was pretty amusing XD.

I liked the music a lot too. Personally I thought the animal sounds gave it a unique sound and made it feel like a kid playing and having fun on summer vacation.

Impressive animations. Almost feels like rotoscoped. The fluid animations plus the feel of the running and jumping remind me of retro rotoscoped games like Another World and Prince of Persia. 

I'm kind of frustrated right now though. I tried the first two small platforms for several minutes and never managed to get both characters across. I didn't even get to try the swing mechanic.

Nice art! Mayor bones is a cool design. I appreciate the rabbit and turtle button. The music is amazing too! Did you write it yourself?

Having to start over from the beginning if you lose is pretty hash penalty I think. Especially since the first few levels take a while to get enough points to proceed.

Small thing also, seemed to be a bug where a straight road would crash even when it didn't look like it should. After flipping the road around it worked though.

Nice game. I liked it! Did you write the music as well? Love how the art, music, and sound effects match together so well. The little animations on the characters are charming too.

One thing I felt like was missing. The characters are frowning and I assumed that was because they were apart. But once they reach each other they don't smile, they keep frowning. So they don't seem happy to see each other haha.

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Nice I really enjoyed it! Great pacing with the difficulty. Good job on visuals. The little glowing effect was pleasant. Love the falling particles effect. The music does a great job setting the mood to. The end credits song was  my favorite. 

Good job with the theme as well. Tons of games have the two characters mechanic but you guys took it further with the story elements. You managed to get some emotion in there at the the end too :.)

Nice game! I don't usually play games like this but there is a lot here to admire. I really like the way the little light on the cursor interacts with the UI. The art is capable. The writing is good too. The Bungus gag was funny!

Seems like the spell casting could be pretty fun but I got my butt kicked in every fight :( 

Well done overall!

Fun main idea. It was pretty difficult for me as it is now, but once I got to the orbits I definitely wanted to play more. The orbit preview lines where pretty impressive too. Seems like they must some math behind them. well done!

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Really amazing! The mechanics feel so refined. The balance between control and lack of control when swinging is a particular stand out for me. But the regular jumping, the wall jumping, the pickaxe all feel great. 

The environmental puzzles feel effortless too. 

One the best entries for the theme as well. I really felt the cavers depending on each other and trusting each other.  

Super cool platformer. The music matches with the movement speed and sparse environments to give the game sci fi feel. Kind of feels like Blade Runner to me. 

I'm really impressed how many different mechanics and animation you got in. The little sparkly things in the background that appear with the music was really pleasant too. 

Great game!

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Nice game! The peaceful music matched with the sort of glowing, soft camera effect. Cool presentation of the UI on first level also. Well done!

Definitely a cool idea. It's the cork board with string from TV, but this time you get to create it yourself and solve crimes doing it! As a few other people have said, the main mechanic is good but becomes repetitive pretty quickly. I realize you may not have had time to add in more mechanics though.

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A Gameboy game! That's really unique. I wish I had some OG hardware to play it on!

Cool game. It's satisfying to slot all the bots into the right places especially once you get to multiple bots  at once. The music was also a stand out for me. Thanks, it was fun!

I like it! Kind of a mini game collection style. Felt like a fun party game. 

Great job creating a sense of urgency with the fast move speed. The music was a good match also. Knocking over the fish was pretty fun/funny.  

I think there were a few rough edges that hurt the experience (minor camera issues, missing sound effects, having to watch the tutorial every time, etc.) but I'm sure you had to prioritize your time for the game Jam. Well done for sure!

Pretty darn fun. The art style is well supported by the other elements, sounds, text, etc., and makes the entire game feel like it was planned this way from the start. Simple gameplay concept that is fun fun nonetheless.

Wow really nice! The animations are awesome. Super cute character design. Feels like it could be a mascot. Nice use of different shades of grey for the black and white style. 

The environment exploration is really satisfying also. Really made it feel like I was finding things and not just being inevitably guided to them.

I'm definitely intrigued enough to play a full length version.

Nicely done. I'm a 90s kid and a lot of the assets were very nostalgic. I had that exact LoZ poster in my room. The knocked over soda being radioactive glowing green was a pretty funny visual gag also.

I liked the way you progress by moving upward in the room. It gave the game a feeling of exploration, wondering what I'd find next. 

Also the music was great. Kind of wistful and matched the nostalgia. Was it composed for this game?

Nice game! The sound effects were a stand out for me. I also love that there are so many visual element right when you start the level. It's very attention grabbing and entices me to play the level.

Awesome graphics! I liked the ship controls personally. I don't play flying games often but I got used to them pretty quickly.  Is there a way to fly faster? I think I pressed every button trying to figure it out haha.

Cool game! Personally haven't played a tower defense in years. Fun throwback for me. Pretty impressive you got so many different towers in too. 

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Ending was pretty shocking! You clearly put some effort into the final asset (don't want to give it away in the comments). Probably you were low on time, as is the case with game jams, but some feedback when you successfully hit enemies would have been helpful. I was never sure if I was effecting the sentries or not.

Really well done camera triggering with the movement. Makes the movement feel very satisfying. Not much art but what is there is appealing. I think got stuck on a bug on the fourth level. 

Really nice character portraits, they were the stand out for me. Capable pixel art too. The camera transition and voice acting was a nice touch. Really well put together. I don't really have any particular feedback, it feels like you completed exactly what you set out to make and it turned out great!

Well done! Love the art and animation. The Naruto run made me laugh haha. Dialog system is good as well. Love the way the character that is speaking is highlighted. Nice little bit of AI on the brother as well. I think the combat animation could have used some work to feel more impact but I assume there were time constraints to deal with. 

Pretty cool puzzle! Feels like a section of an old pc adventure game. The presentation is great through. I love the way the menu button is in the world. Awesome logo title art too.

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Np. Just a similar character archetype, young girl with pink hair who is a precocious smart-aleck. It's a current ongoing series and there is a meme of Anya with narrowed eyes that looks a bit like your character. It's certainly not a character type that was invented by that show though so just a coincidence.

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Solid game! I was worried early on that the ricochet shots would be hard to pull off but you tweaked the mechanics well to make them usable without being too easy. You also clearly put thought and testing into where sight lines could be blocked to give a challenge without making the game too hard.

Constellation feels a bit like an educational game also, which is a nice angle I think. Maybe leaning into that could round out the game. Historical facts, science facts, when the constellations are visible, etc. Just a thought. 

Also, as others have said, I had to look up the constellations haha.

"A cinematic and narrative masterpiece" well done! Great variation on the main mechanic. You added new ways to use the magnets right to the end. There were definitely some solid design moments. 

I also really like the little visual and audio touches. You didn't have to add the waving arms and blinking but it added a lot to the characters and the world.