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A member registered Apr 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Fun little game and funny puzzles! Well done!

Cool, thanks a lot for playing my little game and the nice feedback! Happy to get some feedback from you, as I often use your TS + Phaser tutorials as inspiration for new ideas, how to strucutre my projects and best-practices for TS. Keep them coming 👍😉.

Thanks for playing and the noce feedback!

Thanks a lot for your nice and comprehensive feedback. As a huge Phaser enthusiast, I feel honored to get feedback from you on my little game 😊.

Finding the right difficulty level in a jam is always tricky and I tought: „This time I nailed it!“ 🤣🤣 Looks like my play testers also got too good over time. I tought how I could make it simpler and really like your suggestion with the ghost marker.

Thanks again and I am happy you had dome fun with my game.

It took a while for me to figure out what I can do :). Even with the hints in the description it is quite difficult. Maybe you need to add something to get the player started easier. In general I liked the graphics and the effect, but maybe it was a bit too strong. I could sometimes barely read what is on the screen. The theme to stalk your crush might be a bit distracting for some people :).

I like the general idea of the game and I like games where you use a computer. I think it is a good start, but might need some further improvements. Anyway, congratulations to your game!

Thanks a lot for playing and posting your score :). Yes, it takes a bit to get into it. Suddenly at some point when you have the timing it gets pretty easy :). Glad you liked my music!

Thanks a lot for playing and the feedback. Agree I really need to think about how I can make the learning of the timing a bit easier. I like your suggestions. Thanks for the good ideas.

Thanks. Yes, I always planned to do a very minimalistic game. 

Thanks a lot for playing and the positive feedback. Glad you liked it.

Happy to share my spaghetti code with everybody :).

Thanks, happy you liked it!

(1 edit)

Thaaaaaannnnnnksssss!!! ;)

Thanks for playing and the feedback. Yes, it definitely needs a bit of practice to get the timing right. I need to think about a bit on how I can make the beginning and learning the timing a bit easier.

Thanks for playing! The art is from an asset pack (with some additions done by myself), but the music is fully hand made. Glad you liked it.

Thanks a lot for playing and the feedback. That's a good idea. Probably for the first few levels I could add a hint to help the players get into the timing a bit better. Had many other players telling me that in the beginning it was very difficult to get the timing right.

Thanks a lot for the kind words and playing my game! Happy to hear you had fun playing it.

Thanks a lot for playing and the nice words. The pixel art is not my own. I used an asset pack from Kenney and edited it a bit.

Nice little game. I really like the pixel art graphics. Here is some feedback on how you could improve the game:

  • The green floor is not very visible in contrast to the background.
  • The sounds get a bit boring after a while and especially the sound when you die gets a bit annoying.
  • At the very bottom, I died when I ran into the wall in the middle with the spikes on top. It looks like the player somehow collides with the spikes.

Still a very solid entry! Congratulations to this game!

Very cool game and very impressive for the 13kB challenge. As a fan of Richard Garfield games, I really liked this reimagination of Robo Rally. Here is some feedback which might help to improve the game:

  • Certain shots you cannot avoid (from the stationary turrets), which feels a bit bad, but maybe this is done like that by design. You could maybe let them shoot only every second turn. Then the player has the challange to time his moves.
  • It was possible to change the commands during the execution, but it still executes the initial commands. Either do not allow to change them while executing or execute the new commands. I am not so sure about it, but I think it would be more cool to let the player change the commands quickly while executing. However, it might destroy the planning step a bit. Maybe allowing one command change per execute or that you loose power for every command you change could be a fun solution.
  • Sometimes the game feels a bit slow, maybe the execution step could be a bit faster.
  • One fun part of Robo Rally is, that you have limited time to plan your turn. Would be maybe an option to build that in. However, your level was well designed and you had to think already a about a lot of turrets, so I think it is fine.

Congratulations to this very well made game! Well done!

Cool game. I like the cute graphics and the nice tutorial. Sometimes I did not realize when a device was in use. Maybe this should be made a bit more obvious, either by let her quickly wait there at the device or highlighting the device a bit more. I was quite often overwhelmed. Maybe starting with less devices in the first level would be a good idea.

Still this is a very cute and cool entry. Well done!

Ok I tried i again :). Had a fun word battle with the teacher tomato :D. For some reason while the tomato is thinking the old text is typed in again. Looks like a bug. Then it would be very convenient if the test I just typed is deleted as soon as I press speak. Otherwise I need to delete it first, which stops a bit the flow of the conversation.

Anyway, really fun idea :). I will come back the next time I need someone to talk to :D.

Really great game. I really liked the mechanic of the flashlight and that you have to wait in between a bit to recharge it. I think it is a very cool mechanic that you in between just need to doge the enemies. It also pairs very well with the rooms you need to clear first before you can go on. I think this makes a really great and engaging gaming experience. Some minor feedback I have:

  • Would be cool if the enemies would have some more sound effects.
  • I did not get the room service tipping mechanic. Does it help anything when you tip them or is it just for fun?

Anyway, congratulations to this very cool game. Well done!

I liked the green style of the game and the filter. Looks really cool. The game play is a bit random but I think this is the idea of the game :). I liked the funny dialogue at the beginning. The boss dialogue is a bit too long for my taste.

Congratulations to this game.

What a beautiful game! Really amazing art and cut scene at the beginning. Also the game play feels solid. I have just a few inputs, which might help to improve the game:

  • It would be great if you could "aim" the flashlight with the mouse. How it is now, it only shines into the direction where you are walking and when you are standing still it always shines to the right side.
  • Maybe choose a font which suits the art style a bit better. I am a bit embarrassed to say it and hopefully you do not think this is offensive: "Comic Sans" might fit better here :D. To be serious: Just any font which is closer to handwriting, so that it fits the hand painted art style.
  • Sound effects for when you get attacked by enemies would be really helpful. I was trying to have a friendly chat with them until I realized that my health bar is going down :).

Still I am pretty impressed what were able to put together in two weeks. Well done!

Solid entry, especially if you did not have much time. I really liked that you can reset so fast and that you can punch projectiles of enemies. The punches feel pretty satisfying with the suitable sounds. Of course you can see that it is a bit rushed with some bugs and the art might also need a bit more work.

Still a good start for a game and I had fun playing it. Congrats.

This is a solid entry! I was first a bit confused and frustrated because the powers are not explained. However, then I realized that this is a puzzle game and the fun of it is to explore the different power-ups. I would explain the restart of the level with the key "R" before you get the blue power-up. Maybe I am just stupid :), but I did not realize what it does and got stuck after I got it :D. Additionally I would smooth out the movement a bit with acceleration and friction so that it does not feel that "stiff".

Besides that a very cool game! Congratulations!

Nice little game. I liked the special mechanic of moving the player to then move the mouse. However, it does feel a bit cumbersome, but as this is the main game idea, I think it is fine. I would reduce the size of the hitboxes for the barrels (and also the mouse). Visually it sometime looked like you would fit through a gap, but then you were blocked by "invisible" walls. This is for example the case in the first level on the left middle.

Congrats to your game!

Thanks a lot for playing and the feedback. Hmmm I never thought about the NPC challenge when I created this game. However, you are right it kind of fits also there. I will add it, lets see if it is not too late :).
The art is from an asset pack with some additions by myself. Yes, agree that it takes a while to get into it, but as soon as you have a feeling for the timing it should be ok :).

Very solid platformer game. Is fun to play and looks very consistent. I was a bit wondering about the button choice for shooting. As you control anything with the keyboard I would also put fire on the keyboard (for example ENTER, which is also close to SHIFT). If you do mouse shooting, then I would also allow aiming with the mouse. Additionally, I think it would be cool to have the ability to duck shots.

Congratulations to this game!

Really cool game with nice art and music! The game idea is really unique and I like it a lot! Something I would improve a bit is the flying. At the moment it does not really feel like flying, I think you should add acceleration and deceleration, maybe also some random movement on the fireflies.

Still a very solid game. Well done!

Wow, very great game. I had lots of fun playing. The physics feel very good and it is so satisfying when you put them into the holes. I also like the "play until you run out of shots" scoring. It really makes you want to try again and beat your own highscore. My highscore was 38, which is probably pretty bad :). I usually try to provide some constructive feedback, but for this game I do not see much which I would change. The only thing which felt a bit strange for me at the beginning was that you do not need to score all pucks. I was a bit hesitant to leave them unscored behind and move on :D. Not sure if there is anything which could be changed to get rid of that, as this comes with the "play until you run out of shots" mechanic. Maybe it could work like that:

  • When you move forward all pucks below the camera will get destroyed
  • For every puck destroyed this way you loose a bit of battery, e.g. one bar for 10 pucks

In this way it would add another dimension of decision making: Do I move forward to an area with more pucks, but lose some battery or do I try to score all pucks with a higher risk that I lose a shot. Not sure if this works :).

Congratulations to this great game! Really liked it!

Wow, what a cool physics game. Feels and plays great, great art and good music selection. Here is some minor feedback, which may help to even further improve the game:

  • I think there is somewhere a bug with changing the levels. After the 3rd tutorial level and the 2nd normal level it loaded again the 2nd tutorial level.
  • I like the zooming mechanism. However, when you are zoomed out and switch between the toys it is not so obvious which toy is now active. Maybe having the same color on the remote and the toy would already solve it. Or just quickly highlight the toy you selected.
  • Keyboard controls would have been nice. Not sure if you really want that, as it might take away the whole experience and to be honest controlling the remote with the hand was also fun. Maybe the game gets too easy with keyboard controls. So not sure about this input :).

Anyway, a really well made and polished game! Well done!

This is a very good game. I especially like the sound effects and the feedback you get when attacking and doing damage to enemies (blinking and damage value). It feels very satisfying slaying the cute snails. Here is some minor feedback which might improve the game:

  • I think there is a bug with the dash timer. I was able to dash even though it was still loading.
  • The dash does not work while you are moving. I would allow that. I think that feels much better.
  • The art style is not very consistent, as it has different pixel sizes for the players and the enemies. 
  • Unfortunately there is not such a strong feedback when the player gets damaged. A sound effect would be good.
  • I had the feeling that a more engaging target is missing. The mechanics are great, but in the end you are just running around in the level, kills some enemies and try to reach 50 charges. I think you should add something that you can achieve. Here are some ideas which come to my mind:
    • Make it that the player needs to reach the end of the level.
    • Do not respawn the enemies and the goal is to kill all of them to finish the level.
    • Respawn more difficult enemies after a certain amount of enemies are killed and the goal would be to make it as long as possible.

Looks like a lot of feedback, but this does not mean that this is a bad game. I think it is very well made! Certain games just trigger some thoughts inside of me, but you can always decide what you make of it :). Anyway, congratulations to this game.

Nice game. I especially like the art style and and the music which fits very well together. It was a bit hard to hit the sparks, but this might also be just my computer which is not the most powerful. Maybe the reason was, that the feeling for space was at least for me not so good. Hard to say why, maybe because you are floating in a big empty room with only the sparks. Not sure if it would help if you have some more solid items in the play area.

Still this is a solid entry. Congratulations!

Nice game. I really liked the feel and the movement and the music which fitted the game very well. Here is some feedback which might improve the game:

  • I do not know what the "power" button on the title screen does. Nothing happens when you click on it.
  • In the weapon/level select screen I would also allow mouse inputs. As it is anyway a game where you use both, you should also be able to click the buttons with the mouse.
  • Not sure, but I had the feeling that the art style was not consistent. I think some assets use different pixel sizes.

Still this is a good entry and I had fun playing it. Congrats!

Thanks for the nice feedback. Thanks also for the hint. Looks like I was living in the past :).

On my sheet where I did my brainstorming there is also somewhere written "Math" as an interpretation for "POWER". I sounded really cool, but I struggeled a lot to come up with a fun game mechanic. Looks like you made it! I really liked this entry: Simple but captivating and after a while you get to know a lot of tricks on how to combine the twos to get to certain numbers. I have not much feedback to improve this entry. Maybe the music, as it is a bit short, but I know that this is hard within the limitations of 13kb.

Congratulations to this cool entry!

Wow, what an impressive entry. Great art, great music, great sound, great game idea! I am really impressed on what you were able to do in this game jam. Also the page is beautiful. The only thing I realized is, that there are still some bugs:

  • When you hover over the tiles, sometimes more than one tile is highlighted.
  • Sometimes my clicks were not registered. I had to click often twice on the tiles. Especially with the teleport.
  • In the third level I got once a "Swap" instead of a "Teleport" and I could not do anything with it. Maybe I just did not understand how it works.

I would probably make the cards white and not transparent. With the style you use now, it felt like they were inactive.

Anyway, this is one of the best entries! Very polished and plays well. Congrats!

Thanks a lot for the nice feedback. The art is based on an asset pack, but the music is home made :).

Thanks a lot for playing and the nice feedback. The 1-bit art is an asset pack and I added some modifications and draw a few of the animations I needed. Art is not my strong point :).