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A member registered Dec 15, 2016 · View creator page →

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My pleasure, I hope you have some time to play mine. And maybe someday we could team up for another jam.

Woah, this game is pretty similar to my first idea, but I had zombies in mind, I ended up changing it to a puzzle game with robots. Robots and Zombies are always a win win in my book.

This game is pretty fun, extremely polished and very enjoyable.

Great job !!!

Cool game, nice concept and extremely cool/cute thumbnail, deffinetly got my attention and my click.

Congrats on finishing the jam.

Always enjoy a good puzzle, great work, simple art style but deffinetly works and the challenges/difficulty ramping is pretty good.

Great game, I hope you have some time to review mine as well.

Cute and fun game, simple but cool art style, I deffinetly enjoyed playing this game. Great entry, congrats on finishing the jam its quite a challenge.

I hope you have some time to review my game as well.

I always enjoy a nice puzzle game and this deffinetly had me scratching my head a couple of times. Really fun and interesting mechanic, nice and simple visuals and a funny Hey greeting you at the end of each level kept me clicking on the next level.

Great work, I hope you have some time to review my game as well.

Amazing game, its quite a nice experience I even found this game to be extremely relaxing and rewarding. The filesize is a bit on the high side but thats not an issue, the visuals are extremely good, completely selling the ilusion of playing with actual wooden blocks.

Great use of the control scheme, I was able to pick it up and understand it quite easy so kudos there, I imagine that was one of the bigges challenges for you but well done !!!

Impressive skills and amazing polished experience for a 48 hour game jam

I hope you have some time to review my game as well.

Great game, love the art style, super love the cute characters.

Great work and congrats on succesfully finishing the jam, its quite a challenge on itself.

I hope you have some time to review my game too.


Great art style, cool visual efects and interesting mechanics. Great job, i hope you have some time to review my game as well. 

Congrats on succesfully finishing the jam, it was quite a challenge for me, but very rewarding as well.

Great experince, great game. Im always sold on games that have robots LOL, im being super biased since my game also has robots in it. I hope you have some time to check it out and review it too.

Kudos and congrats on finishing the jam.

Really cool and cute game. Simple experience but deffinetly worth checking out, congrats on finishing the jam, I hope you had a great time creating this game as much as I did while creating mine.

I hope you have some time to check out and rate mine. 


Lol, I love VR Games and I had a very similar idea for this jam so I really loved this game. Extremely fun and funny, great simple visuals and good tight mechanics.

Its well polished and the difficulty feels just right, however i wouldnt mind a bit more time to dogdge the arrows LOL. maybe i just need to practice more.

Great experience overall, im surprised you are not getting more reviews, go for it !!!

Kudos !!!

I hope you have some time to review my game and give honest feedback too.

Great game with potential for update and maybe a future release.

I love the double hookshot mechanic and the art style behind this game.

I would only complain about the speed of the enemies since they are extremely fast in comparison with the tutorial targets. This completely trhew me off guard and made it quite difficult to shoot at two of them to force a collission.

Other than that great game, 

please take some time to review my game, i would greatly appeciate it.


Cool twin stick style shooter with a twist, I love the cute characters and the design behind them. Great choice of the shield cat to force players to use the detach mechanic.

Great work.

I hope you have some time to review my game and give some honest feedback.

Realy nice art style, the controls are simple enough to start playing right away. The pick up / throw mechanic felt a bit buggy for me at times but thats probably an easy fix.

Level design was also cool and the difficulty progression was pretty good.

Congrats on finishing the game jam.

Please take some time to review my game and provide some honest feedback, I would greatly appreciate that.

Really nice piece, I see it more of an interactive experience full of emotional content than a game per se but its deffinetly not a bad thing. I love when games are more than simple mechanics to earn some points and thats that.

This explores real life situation in a simple well exectured manner, I was genuinely invested in my penguin and the soon to be chick. Im glad to say the egg hatched safe and sound.

Too bad we didnt get to see the cute baby, maybe in an update..??

Thanks for sharing and hope you can play and give honest feedback on my game if you have the chance.


Cool game, simple enought to pick up and play right away but difficult to master.

I love the art style though I would have loved to see some more animations on the characters, but for a 48 hour jam its quite an achievement so kudos !!!

Please take some time to review my game if you have the chance.

Interesting idea, neat concept and excelent visual style. Simple and intuitive controls, but the difficulty ramping was too hard for me LOL, not a big deal there just wanted to point that out.

Kudos, I hope you have some time to play my game and provide some honest feedback

Cool and simple game with intuitive controls. Simple to understand an cute characters, the level are on the easy side but thats no necesarily a bad thing, nice implementation of the line between characters to provide visual feedback of the magnetic force.


cool game nice visuals, congrats on finishing the game jam 

wow, rally cool game. I love the art style and the fact that is full 3D for a 48 hour jam is quite impressive. 


great game and sold immediately for me when I saw the super cute 3D pug.

Great work 

amazing art style, reallly love the characters, level design color palette you pick for it, it all works together quite nicely.

Great job

really cool game, robots are always a win win in my book lol.

Great job 

Cool game with a funny and charming style, really made me smile.

good job 

cool game, simple art style but quite charming

thanks for your feedback, sadly I didn’t have time to polish more or add any sound or music LoL. But I would like to keep working on it and release it soon 

Excelent game !!!

Love the simple and clean art style, a lot of models and level design for a 48 hour jam is just impressive. Kudos to all the team, loved the game, the theme and the fact that i have to beat the clock and keep the numbers in my head but not all the time, its just awesome.

I hope you can test out my game and give some honest feedback, I would love to team up with you some time for another jam if you are interested.

Love the character renders, really cool design and animations.

The puzzles are cool and easy to understand. The controlers are good as well and for a two-character-control-at-the-same-time it feels surprisingly fluid so good job on that.

Cool piece, hope you have some time to review my game and give me some feedback as well.

Amazing visuals, I was really into this 2D and 3D mix, the characters and weapon design are really really cool. You should deffinetly explore this idea further and iterate on it.

The controls took a while to get confortable with but eventually I think i got it.

Hope you have some time to play and review my game as well.

This is the first visual novel I play in a jam, its quite interesting what you came up with. Deep concepts that really make you think about the meaning behind life. Its great to use games as a mean to convey emotions and deep stories too.

I hope you have some time to play and review mine.

Cool concept, I actually enjoyed playing a few rounds, it gets difficult quite fast but thats a good thing.

I really liked the art style and the game is fun overall.

Please take some time to review mine if you can

LOL as an introverted nerd I totally get the concept and idea behind this game !!!

Great job, I really liked the aestethics of the game, really clean and simple but good looking game. Very polished for a 48 hour jam as well so kudos on that.

My only feedback would be to lower a bit the difficulty ramping or explain a bit clear how the mechanics work, i was stuck for a while on the 4th level with the creeps and didnt understood why I was dying as soon as I touched them then I read the top dialogue and finally understood.

Fixing simple details like that would greatly improve the overal experience.

Great job.

I hope you have some time to play and review my game, its a very quick puzzle based game too. Love to hear your thoughts on it.

Cool game and funny dialogues, I agree was a bit short but for a game jam its understandable.

Good job, 

please take some time to rate my game if you have the chance.

I didn't think it was possible to make an online game in a jam, that takes guts LOL.

Contrats on pulling it off, I hope you have some time to rate my game too.

(1 edit)

Great looking game, love the artstyle and the fact that each level is a different color really make it pop and give a sense of progression.

In terms of feedback, the mazes are quite simple which is not bad but I would like to see some extra enemies or traps that made me realy question my next move.

Controls are good and I was able to beat all levels without any issue.

Please take some time to rate my game if you have the chance.

Good job

Always love a good robot game lol, though Im probably being biased since my game also features robot teamwork.

Love the art style, really cool effects and charming characters.

Good job !!!

Interesting game, good job on finishing the jam.

My constructive feedback would be to introduce the mechanics a bit more clearer to the player in order to convey the purpose of the game. Controls in general feel a bit rough around the edges but nothing that breaks the game.

Good work overal.

Funny game, i honestly think the controls could use a bit more improvement but the core concept is quite fun and challenging. I just felt the rotation of the karts was too fast in comparison with the movement speed.

Other than that i would say its a pretty cool simple game.