Glad you liked it! We'll look into the movements - that certainly wasn't the intention with the sideways movements but we'll try to replicate the bug.
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Thanks so much for playing it! We were all screaming for you to try a different host as well as a different parasite because they all feel so different, but we loved watching you beat the boss with the tanky host and drill weapon combo. Great stuff, developing that very careful method of singling out an enemy, backing into the food and so on! Brilliant stuff.
Really want some valid feedback on this one. Have a play around with the different hosts and parasites once you unlock them, they all feel a little different to play. And if you beat the boss, let us know which combo you used!
Let me know if you played it through the comments and we'll play yours too.

Woah, what a trip! I feel like you should put an epilepsy warning on that opening screen because it gave me stars in my eyes. I found the best way to progress each level was to spam space bar as fast as I could, but I genuinely did want to keep playing to find out what body part was next. Some variety in the skills required would have probably brought this to the next level for me. But I'll probably see the little toe crawling in my dreams...
I really like how many different ideas you managed to squeak out of the magnet mechanic - super jump, dragging along, catching. That was a real strength. I feel like the level could have had a bit more visual interest, or delivered more of a reason for being there, but the advantage of that was that you were drawn to the characters. Great game!
Very fun game, with a nice intuitive color-based playstyle, levels that never felt stale and enemies that made me jump the first time! We did something similar but it came out completely differently, mainly due to the fact that the color changes didn't change the level, but made different parts visible.