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A member registered Jul 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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omg, it's so funky

Игра, к сожалению, на анриле

It made me shed a tear.
Gameplay isn't new and aligns with Jam's theme. I liked how different colors are made into different brain parts. Also, I fond of the overall 'Memory' theme.

Story and atmosphere are touching. Ambience and art style are just so immersive. Especially sudden tone-shift after compleating the series of puzzles and unraveling the storyline.

Artstyle reminiscent of old flash games making me nostalgic and comfy, though it consists of dull cold colors, except for the cozy chair. Drawings has many (professional) errors but they are working for the whole nostalgic feel, looking like amature art, sending me back to to the times when I was the only kid who could draw descently in my class.

I liked it.

Gameplay is brief and simple, controls are smooths, but I didn't know how to reatach the leash until I read the game's description.

The game concept isn't new, but not frequently seen and aligns with Jam's theme. Reataching the leash could be a nice mechanic, if expanded.

Art and Sound design are cute and carefree. It is clear that a lot of love and work was put in it.

Overall I had fun and wish I could play it more.


Oopssssssss, I didn't packed the .pck

This game is so fun! Maybe i will put some non-classic cards in my irl blackjack game too

OMG, I searched for some collectible card games made in godot but I didn't know there was this gem! Great game, great graphics, great feeling

puzzle game with psychological horror elements 👍

i hope this is not a rick roll

damn.. im just feeling the rolling of the dice, great work! mind if i reverse engineer it?

damn.. im just feeling the rolling of the dice, great work! mind if i reverse engineer it?

wdym good ending

I want to date Cedric please


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