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A member registered Feb 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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That's a good idea! I'll try that out after the jam is over

Nice game! I had a ton of fun with it!

woah, spoilers bro!

Love the mobile controls! Each level getting longer felt a little unnecessary, I think this game would be just as great if the coin count didn't go up each time. I like the mystery aspect as well, but I think once I figured out what to do, it still took quite a while to progress. Speeding up the gameplay a little bit would help a lot!

This is a cool concept! I don't think I've played a game like this before. The mechanics were interesting, but I think the overall game loop ended up with a bit too much downtime, and the money earned feels pretty slow. I had to play hiroshima quite a few times before getting even one upgrade, which felt like it was too much. Here's a few tweaks I would make:

  • Cut back on downtime. maybe you can add the ability to manage at least two "working tiles" at once, just to give the player something to do while they wait up to a minute while the game just counts down. You could toss a slow brushing timer down and then fill your waiting time with faster shovel spots to grind for cash.
  • Your first playthrough of hiroshima should give at least enough money to upgrade one tool. Having no level progression and not enough cash to buy upgrades after finishing a level feels like the player wasted their time, or that they did something wrong. Grinding content should pretty much be avoided where possible, and definitely should not be encouraged so early in the game.
  • Mention the importance of the brush somewhere in-game. I did not notice that the game was unbeatable without it even after playing for quite a while.

I loved the art and the music, and I loved the concept. I hope you continue with this!

Nice roguelike shooter! It looked great, and I think you had some good ideas here. The core gameplay was pretty difficult, and I'm not totally convinced it's possible to beat day 3, but I think this is only a few minor improvements away from something great! Here's some simple things that I think would improve the experience a bit:

  • Clicking directly on the zombies is fairly unintuitive and a bit tedious. I think a more standard "line of sight" collision would make more sense. Clicking right in front or behind a zombie and still missing them feels like a bug when the animation shows you shooting at them with a pistol
  • The only upgrade that feels useful is damage. Cooldown upgrades are much too small to make a difference, HP won't save you if the zombies keep piling up from your lack of damage, and the scrap-per-day upgrade takes 4 days to pay off (which is a nearly impossible feat). I would buff the numbers on pretty much all of these
  • Add a timer that shows how much longer you need to wait until the next day. Not knowing if there's 5 seconds or 5 minutes of shooting left makes the game drag at times
  • Give scrap for killing zombies. This will help the extremely restrictive prices, as well as give you increasing progress for each level. As it is, a zombie is an annoyance, but if it gives money, then it's an opportunity to look forward to

Keep it up! There's definitely a lot of potential here!

Excellent game! Not much to say about this one. I loved the mechanics of upgrading all the pets and seeing all the great sprite work you did! I do think at times it got a little repetitive, but I think you could fix that pretty easily with some minor tweaks. In particular, I think making bulk purchases slightly cheaper would give the player a reason to look forward to the next "unlock" in the shop. The tree upgrades are also way more powerful than the pet upgrades, which if you figure that out, you basically just spend the whole game buying "fertillizer". I actually managed to upgrade the tree so much I got negative cash XD.

This is all really minor feedback though - overall I think this game was really well put together. The twist at the end was really cool to see too!

Great game! I love the limited ammo combined with slow projectiles - it really makes long-range shots feel good! The hitboxes were pretty generous as well, which I think is a good thing for a game like this. All the details were pretty much just right, and the sprites all look great. Great job!

Great interpretation of the theme! Having worked in a restaurant, that is exactly how it felt! I played this on Firefox, so I ran into a bug that I think you might have been aware of - the mouse stopped responding on day 2. It was fun to play through day 1 though! That aside, the flow of preparing for a rush during downtime is a great idea. Here's a few things I would do to improve it a bit:

  • Support all browsers (I'm sure you knew that already)
  • Mouse sensitivity slider - the movement was a bit too fast for me
  • Put the burger ingredients at eye level so it's a little more clear where they are and how far away you can grab them. Maybe also add an indicator when you're close enough to pick it up. A lot of my playthrough was spent walking to one of the boxes and slowly inching forward while clicking until I was in range to grab it.
  • Add a trash can of some kind - I picked up a bunch of those long red things before I knew what to do with them and couldn't figure out how to get rid of them, other than throwing them out the window. Same with the burnt patties

Overall great game though!

Lots going on in this one! I don't think I quite figured out what to do with the sliders in the shop, and I don't think buying the gun seemed to do anything for me? I like the combination of resource management and bullet-hell though!

Nice entry! As other have mentioned, this ran extremely slow on my machine every time the rain particles came on screen. It made attempting to aim the "home" projectile very difficult. I also had a bit of a hard time figuring out what I was supposed to do - it took me a couple playthroughs before I realized you can upgrade towers and also re-aim them by pressing A/D. I would recommend at least adding a "pause" screen that tells the players all of these things while they're in-game.

The theme was a bit understated as well - the "calm" period was fairly standard tower defense gameplay. It would be nice to incorporate a bit more emphasis on the "calm before the storm" for the purpose of the game jam (but of course after the jam is over, it's completely unnecessary)

I think some minimal improvements would make this game really great though!

  • Fix the framerate issues
  • Add a small tutorial (text dump is honestly fine, but a quick "show and tell" of each tower would be even better)
  • Give the player a chance to position their weapons before starting a round
  • Bowling alley OP! I beat it with 100% bowling alleys XD

Very unique game! You did a great job telling a story with mechanics

Fun game! Choosing your own enemy count is a very interesting mechanic. I do think the theme played a bit of a minor role in this one - there is a "calm" period in the game, but it's a somewhat typical calm period for most rogulike games. It would be nice if there was more gameplay focused around this phase of the game. That aside though, I had a lot of fun!

Great game! All that dialogue and art takes a lot of time to put together! I liked the way you added a bit of variety to the fishing minigame with the shaking. Well done!

Yeah, for sure!

Hey guhikl - I think I've fixed the issue (sorry for the long delay, this is a tough project to dust-off after not looking at it for a while). Let me know if it's still broken

hmm, yeah I'll have to fix that. Thanks for letting me know!

For me, it usually works after reloading once or twice. If that doesn't work, I'll have to figure out how to fix it with an update

(1 edit)

Yeah, for some reason the controls fail to bind half the time. I haven't figured out why yet. Refreshing usually makes it work

Thanks for playing, and thanks for the feedback! The health packs are just a troll, all you have to do is walk around and don't let it hit you.

Probably the most fun game I've played in this jam so far, I wish there was more! Great concept, loved it.

Fun game! It took me quite a while to figure out how the revive mechanic worked. I think it would have been nice to show the player what's happening in that section. Maybe give the slimes different colors, and when you revive, you take on the color of the one you revived? The enemies were a bit hard as well. 10 hits feels like it's too many, especially considering they're basically stunlocked while you're shooting them. It's no more difficult if it's 10 hits vs 3 hits when they can't move, so it might as well be 3 hits. The boss seemed a bit difficult as well, especially when down to one health. The fact that the smaller version of the boss grows in size when you hit it and at some random point when the sequence is over made it pretty difficult to want to engage with it during that move, and I found myself just waiting it out until it does the other move where it goes around the room once.

The audio and visuals were great, and the platforming was fun!

Nice game! The visuals and audio were great, and I liked the little cutscenes that play at the end of each task. The theme seems to have been more of an afterthought than anything, but I had fun!

It looks like quarantined your game :(

Wow, nice job! The dandelion seed controls are spot on, that is 100% how a dandelion seed should control. The theme hits like a ton of bricks when you land your first seed. I love the creative ways you combined the theme and the controls. The "press z to grow" mechanic feels unnecessary at first, but I couldn't imagine the game without it. Great design, great mechanics, great theme, great art, great music. 5/5!

The artwork is fantastic! I found myself trying to progress just to see what the next sprite would look like. Gameplay-wise I think it gets a little repetitive, it would be nice if each plant offered something new, like more/deeper roots, or easier sun collection. The failure states are a bit confusing as well - I get that running out of sunlight or water would kill me, but filling my water and sun meters to full feels like it shouldn't be a failure state considering it costs me time and effort to get that much of either thing. I like the root growing mechanics, and I think it would be really cool if you could expand that part of the game a bit more. It would be cool if your root from yesterday stayed in place, and a new one comes out each day, forcing you to search in new areas for water. The sun collection mechanic was fun too, although thematically I'm not sure why collecting sun would be a rhythm game.

Good game!

Good take on the theme! I like that you just get right into more interesting uses of the resurrection mechanic. I feel like the staff charging mechanic is pretty unnecessary, since the more thematic part of the game is resurrecting enemies after they've already died. A simpler attack that didn't charge up would probably have sufficed, and might have saved you a little bit of development time that you could have spent adding more levels. A few sound effects would have been nice as well. 

I'd love to see more!

Great job on the theme!  This jam had a tough theme to make mechanics for, but I think you nailed it. The core gameplay was well made and fun to play, the visuals and sound were cohesive, there was lots of content to enjoy, and you went really far with the one mechanic without  making it too complicated. The level design was clever, and the goal was crystal clear (assuming the player knows what an Ouroboros is). Really not much to complain about at all! All it needs is a small tutorial.

Great game! It looks like it could have been made in the Doom engine, even though I see it comes with the UnityCrashHandler64.exe file.

The aesthetic was fantastic, really nailed the retro look. The controls were really fast and floaty (in a good way) like Doom, and the core mechanic was pretty fun. Huge amount of content too!

As much as I like the retro-style "hard game" aesthetic, I feel like at times went from "hard" to "unfair." The first level jumped really quickly in difficulty without much explanation at all. You can basically get 1-shot instantly after you open the wall after the first skeleton if you pause for even a second to take in the new scenery. It also doesn't really make much sense for the first enemy in the game punish you for using your melee attack - a move you just learned. I think I would replace the white skeletons in the first area (the area with the pond in the middle) with blue skeletons. They're fast and do lots of damage, but they at least feel fair for a person just picking up the game. I would also either give the player access to up/down controls for the whole game rather than granting that as an unlock, or at the very least remove most of the slime enemies that appear before you unlock that ability. One slime is a lose condition by itself with no mana (which in the first level, you should really expect a player to have), and two slimes can wobble you with basically no counterplay even if you do have mana. That's much less "dark souls" and much more "ninja gaiden," which I'm not really that into. If you have up/down controls though, you at least feel like you can fight back. Checkpoints would have been nice too, given the difficulty.

That said, I think the bosses were both pretty unique (and I did beat both of them ;) ), and even though they were riddled with slimes, they were at least predictable in the first boss, and manageable due to the expanded controls in the second boss. I really liked the red necromancer enemy, since it takes some time to figure out the best way to beat him, and once you realize he can generate mana for you if you leave him alive, it puts you in a really fun risk/reward scenario that I'd love to see more of. Grouped white skeletons were also a treat to see when they spawned in, knowing one good shot would take them all out. The first boss did this really well with a combination of white and blue skeletons in a clump, and slimes behind them. Trying to fend off the blue skeletons while angling a good shot around them to take out the white skeletons was the right amount of difficult and fair to keep me going through several tries. 

I also like the cheeky use of browser links (How did you get a link to this page before you submitted the game?), and the switch in the forest level got me pretty good.

Really great game, and impressive amount of detail. 9/10!

Great game! I wish there were some more levels to it, and the rope seems to pull on the player in a way that isn't super intuitive. I think with a bit more time fine tuning the rope controls this has some potential for a really fun core mechanic.

I'm afraid I'm not getting much of the theme though. The "end" comes through clear with the "end" of the rope, but the "beginning" isn't really shining through in a novel way. Maybe do something with the other end of the rope, or have the goal be the beginning of the rope rather than a key box.

The graphics and sound were great, and I had fun!

Totally agree with all the feedback, thanks! I could not for the LIFE of me figure out why the ragdoll bodies had such small hitboxes, and I still don't know why. I even added an extra big hitbox around the whole thing and for some reason the asset pack we used just kept throwing it away. Some things just weren't meant to be I guess!

Thanks! I've got an update (soon ™️) that's going to introduce shadows, I'm thinking about posting a small devlog about it. It's exciting because that's sort of the last big rendering pipeline task for me to work out before really designing a game around this.

Nice first game!

Nice work! That was a lot of drawings. Gameplay was pretty intuitive too. Great game!

Not bad! It could really use some tutorial text, and I wish the squares that started on the same number but counted down from different numbers were distinguishable from each other. Pretty solid.

This mechanic must have taken you forever, this is great! I would 100% play a full-length game with this mechanic. I'd love to see how you updated the colliders like that.

If you do continue it, one feature I'd love to see is the ability to target yourself or a moving object with the sphere and have it stick to the object. The moving platforms exiting the sphere can make it feel a little finicky

Everything here is put together really well, excellent job! The gameplay is fun, the theme is great, the mechanics are interesting. It took me a while to get used to the hologram controls, but once you get it it's super smooth and rewarding. Only minor gripe is the canvas element should be set to scale with screen size. On a smaller browser window, some of the text gets cut off during dialogue. Not worth taking any points off for that though!

This was awesome! Really well put together, super fun, easy to learn. Great concept and game all around, great job!