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Rodrigo Rocha

A member registered May 09, 2018 · View creator page →

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nice read! I hope you can keep working on cool projects like that!

very well made, congrats!

I sent you a friend request on discord already :)

Hello, sorry for the late response.I have been very busy lately. Are you still available? :)

I want to make a game compatible with original Game Boy hardware using GBDK. and am looking for people who know how to make music in hUGEtracker format (the same as GB Studio). Thanks! :)

Sounds amazing. Can you make Game Boy compatible songs?

feels and looks great

Wonderful, love the concept!

All Birds Eliminated! <3

one of my favorites so far! I hope you develop it further :)

Very relaxing. Except when you fall back to the start of the game accidentally. haha

Garlic bread is nice! haha
Also: the transformation doesnt seem to work on my xbox controller, But works ok on keyboard

Pretty solid execution and smooth gameplay. The only thing I think should be clearer is that the portals are one-way, sometimes I jump into ito from the wrong side and die, it is a bit confusing. Otherwise, great!

Execução mto boa do conceito e jogabilidade suave. A única coisa que acho que deveria ficar mais claro é que os portais são de mão única, às vezes eu pulo nele do lado errado e morro, é um pouco confuso. De resto, Excelente! :)

one of the cutest entries!

What a gem! Played until the end!
I only wish the target numbers are next to the current numbers so I could glance at it more quickly

Very interesting game. I was not really expecting to like it... but it is one of my favorites of this jam!
Nice work!

Oh, a jump scare haha. Nice game!
I think I found a bug, the camera keeps going down slowly sometimes.

Very interesting and weird. I didnt figure out it was a first person game at first until I decided to press WASD hahah

Muito interessante e estranho. Eu não percebi que era um jogo em primeira pessoa até decidir apertar WASD hahah

The game:

Any feedback is really apreciated as even myself cant test it properly most of the time.
And, ou know, rate mine and I will rate yours :)

Also, Gameplay video for people without local people to properly play it:

Enjoy <3

I just updated my game making a few quality of life changes without touching the gameplay itself. I think it is fair enough

Very solid game-play,  With more dev time and bug fixing could be great! :) Nice work

I liked the concept. I like how some parts are more "bullet-hell". I just wish things would develop faster in the beginning. Perhaps making the starting area smaller and with the enemies closer could balance this. Maybe even making it more bullet hell could make it more engaging.

I had fun playing this. I just couldn't play anymore because I often got stuck in some rooms and when I restarted, I entered a room that was waaaay back. Anyway, great game! I hope you develop more.

I just wish I could play more! haha
Nice entry!

nice idea. Thank you ^^

(2 edits)

I have so many good things to say about this beautifully polished piece of software...
Not sure about the theme, though. Very Nice job!
I hope it gets one of the top spots! <3

Question: are you a team of *local* friends with some controllers?
I am reeeeally looking for someone with friends to test and rate my game, as it is a local multiplayer game.
Yes, not a really clever idea to make a local multiplayer game for a jam , but that was what I was feeling like doing. haha

Reminds me of "Feeding Frenzy" from Xbox Live Arcade.

The mechanics are good, but I think it needs adjustments in movement. And the bar at the bottom seems to disappear when the game is in windowed mode.


Me lembra "Feedind Frenzy" do xbox live arcade.

A mecanica é boa, mas acho que precisa de ajustes na movimentação. E a barra embaixo parece sumir quando o jogo está no modo janela.

Very good, I had fun here :)


  • Cute graphics
  • Cool gameplay
  • Level Design

Negative points:

  •      The crosshair is sometimes hard to see (maybe a clear border would help)
  •      the collision of the weapons seems very small
  •      I fell into a hole and couldn't get out (intentional?)
  •      the transformation seems a bit random, I still don't understand the criteria (number of blows? time?)


Muito bom, me diverti aqui :)

Vou destacar os Pontos positivos:

  • Graficos fofos
  • Gameplay legal
  • Level Design

...e os Pontos Negativos:

  • A mira é difícil de enxergar as vezes (talvez uma borda clara ajude)
  • a colisão das armas parece muito pequena
  • eu caí num buraco e não consegui sair (intencional?)
  • a transformação parece meio aleatoria, ainda nao entendi o criterio (numero de golpes? tempo?)

cool concept! Unfortunately I cant pass the first door. the character just jumps when I tried to enter :(
Something that would be great is some kind of animation feedback when rotating the platforms in 3D and 2D.

What a cool concept! Brings some relaxation and good loneliness feelings. Funny dialogues too. :)

The eternal loneliness of current players was my biggest concern about submitting this type of game! haha

Thanks for the feedback

I was thinking about some kind of little mini games to play with the pet. Something like this come to mind:

I like the idea. I just hope there is a bit more activities to do with your pet. nice work

I played your game before, without realizing it was for this jam haha Really nice work!

nice game!
Sometimes I get the same pic twice in a row, feels like cheating haha. Is that intentional?

The bosses designs are great! Question: which animations the boss enemies have ?

Great mechanics and playability <3

Me too. I gave up a few hours ago. But I learned a lot!

love it

Olá, manja fazer chiptunes estilo Game Boy?