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A member registered Nov 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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interesting game! had a problem with the spiders as well and wished the bullets were a bit larger so they could be seen easily. other than that, seems like a fun maze type game

was able to play and was shocked at the gameplay and environment. i tried using that character model too but just couldn't get it to work in time however it looks like you got it no problem! i also liked the questing mechanic. great game!

downloaded the game but couldnt move the player? i did notice the background was supposed to be ruin themed though!

I couldn't figure out the controls exactly but the game looked pretty well done and I was impressed with the leg control from what I played. not exactly sure how it plays into the theme but other than that good submission.

could not play the game, would have been a fun one to try i imagine!

i enjoyed what i could play. cant make the jump over the second spike pit but it was a clever submission. it reminded me of Indiana jones and im sure that's what you were aiming for. he fits the theme perfectly for this assignment.

liked your game a lot, great controls, environment, background music, sound effects. all around a cool game and easy to understand: platform your way through the level and collect as many diamonds as you can. neat submission.

game seems fun but it does not list instructions anywhere. had no idea how to play but the environment looked cool and the character models you chose.

very cool game! after playing it you can tell this game took you awhile. it was also a pretty environment. only thing i wish to see is maybe a health bar or some sort of health indicator.

been awhile since I've seen a text based game, good game though! seems like there are many possible endings with your script.

fun game, what stood out to me most was the loot chest with  the pit trap in front of it. clever idea and the text was humorous too!

good game! it gave me "back room" vibes and a urgency to run away from the minotaur. This would be a nightmare to be up against. i also liked the camera perspective that you chose.

i liked the characters you chose for the enemies. the big guy at the end was my favorite. got 4 out of the 5 artifacts before dying, good game.

i like the gameplay, simple yet challenging. swinging your sword for hours slaughtering the undead. feel like ash from evil dead!

i liked the platforming, and the characters you chose. the wounded warrior with text kept the game interesting. like time was looping or some other mysterious event was happening.

The game was challenging yet fun, but not too challenging so it kept the game interesting. good game, fun platformer!

fun game and pretty impressive for a college class submission! reminds me of some classic Zelda gameplay but with your own twist. good work!