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quantum ivy

A member registered May 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

hey small bug the kinda ended my run, i somehow managed get through this lock door by walking directly from the other locked door to this one(i had no keys)

i believe i did this by accidently pressing the question mark(above the chest with the locked door) the immediately pressing the healer on the map(where i am now) which made the character just walk in a straight line towards the healer

yea.... we ran into some trouble while making the game, the plan was to make a link between two entities that then could be swapped with one another, with some other features like sharing fates and all that. but we ran into some code problems.

can you describe what happened?  we are trying to decide if to keep the mac version around

sorry that happened, we made those versions in the last 30 minutes of the jam.

"The game was tested on ubuntu and is fully working on linux, make sure you give chmod permissions to run the game" - a our programmer

thank you for trying anyways.

A common idea executed well

pretty neat, this game does a lot with only a few levels, but there is not much difference  between 2pluses and 2minuses.

pretty great game, i thought at first the unlimited blocks would take away the puzzle element of it but it's still quite challenging

very cool, though i'm not quite sure about the failure state, i think giving the player a reset button would have been a bit better

i love the style and the art but it feels a bit sluggish for an action game

neat, lovely art

neat, i love the art, but i game itself could use some work

very well done game, i would love to see this as a full game with some quality of life stuff, i actually  got into it a bit to much and tried to actually unlock stuff, but it took a lot of time and was quite frustrating since you need so much stone for everything.

cute with good level design, even though it was a bit annoying i think i get why the movement is so slow, damn i  am tired from rating games...

really like the game, and i can see it's potential, yet it's super unforgiving, each platform is one cube long and is pretty hard to land on., also it can really ruin the rest of the level if you built the first few stages wrong, for improvment i'd suggest increasing the cube size and shrink the levels a bit.

lovely little game, i really like the setting of the story.

damn this is a really good game, such a simple idea that works so well, i like how you managed to make the puzzles interesting without adding new mechanics!

great game,i love the use of the wall jumping in the level design, i had a lot of fun!

i really got into it but i ended up stopping because i couldn't reset the level, the game has great level deisgn and is quite fun but is really buggy so it kinda ruins the experience.

i like it, it scrambles the player's control without taking away the fun.

it's an odd game but i had a lot of fun with it, 

pretty interesting game, i had some fun playing it, yet some parts of it felt a bit odd which is understandable considering the time limit.

i mean.... 

great game with great presentation, i had a lot of fun with it,very well done.

an understandably broken game but with a great idea, with some polish and a few more levels you'll have something really good.

great little game, i had some fun with it :)

very good game, i always love these types of physics games, the chaos is great and comedy of sneezing the whole place down is super fun, however i don't think the scoring system is very fitting for the real fun of the game. not sure if you've seen this happen but when i played i accidentally knocked over a shelf and it blocked my way to the next item, so i had to sneeze again to get rid of it which was really interesting and fun, if you are planning on continuing development on this game(which you definitely should) i would suggest changing the scoring system to be time based so you'd wanna sneeze where the chaos will least affect your run.

i suggest checking out blugger it's got a similar tone and is super fun as well.

could you elaborate on the different behaviors of each crab? i think the red one is fastest but i am not sure.

pretty good idea but i feel like there are a few design flaws, like the lines lasting only two hits, either way it's impressive you made a level editor, care to explain how it works? 

great little game and an idea i haven't seen a lot here,  it's a bit random and i couldn't find any viable strategies but i get what you were going for, good job!

it's a bit buggy with the arrows but works well enough, it has a really cute animation and the level design is great, this an losing buttons game done good.

cute art and a great idea, it's understandably buggy.

a great idea that makes for a great little game, but the esc is a little unforgiving, i think this can be made into a full game if it had less layers, or at least varying layers, trying to control the last level is really hard but controlling the one below that is manageable.

it's interesting and it did make me think, yet most of my solutions where kinda random clicking, this might not be the game for me :/

i like the 3d 2d art style and it nice to see a story driven game once in a while, but i had a glitch where i would somehow skip parts of dialog so i kinda missed the point, it's a good atmospheric game that has a lot of potential out side of the jam yet this one has some problems i think. i'll be honest and say the story wasn't that interesting if it's your first that understandable.

the puzzles where a bit of fun.

don't worry i have plans on working on it post jam, there is certainly a lot more i can do with this idea,  glad you enjoyed it!

i like how you need to get your jump back each level but and i like the sort of speed run feel it has since you sort of need to get to the end before your controls change, but it lacks checkpoints, maybe you add stuff post jam like a timer for each level and some checkpoints.

i enjoyed it. 

there is a great idea here but it needs some work, maybe it didn't full get how to control it but in my time playing it was really hard to turn, i stopped at the s shaped level because i couldn't pass it. i like how the robot jitters when it moves but i feel like it hurts the game a bit i get that you tried to fit the theme but i feel like the jittering shouldn't have  changed your direction, since it fit the theme just as well with out it.

 i liked it but i wish it was a but easier.

pretty good and executes well on an idea  i've seen here a lot, it lacks polish and maybe health, but it's quite a nice game.