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Martin Steguweit

A member registered Apr 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Amazing game, great work duds:)

Its a cool idea. Great work:) Just the controls are a bit hard for me.

The look is really cool. i love the effects. Nice work:)

The Game looks really cool, but its a bit to hard for me:D I really like the look. Good work

Hey, thank you for playing our game and your feedback.:)

To the left of the health bar there is a panel that showing your current level. If you collect xp, the panel fills up as an indicator for a level up. It might be a little hard to see.

This game hurts my head. Great idea and great realization. Very good work:)

An interesting realisation of the theme. I like the concept, but I don't understand why you can rotate and resize the shield. 

Build that in somehow in a way that makes sense. The enlargement of the shield makes it easier for the player.  For example, fewer points could be earned if the shield is larger. I had fun with your game, good job :)

I like that kind of game. The upgrade system is similar to ours. Is it possible that some upgrades have different names and images, but the same effect? Maybe you could change that. Otherwise a cool game, good work:)

Thank you for the nice feedback, an "after jam" version is in planning:)

Thank you for playing our game and your feedback.:)
To the left of the health bar there is a panel showing your current level. If you collect xp, the panel fills up as an indicator for a level up. It might be a little hard to see.

I agree with you on the second point. In the beginning, we thought about active skills that only relate to player movement.

Unfortunately, we didn't have time for that in the end.

An "after jam" version is planned, where we will certainly revise the movment system.

Cool game. I think there are some collision problems after restart? 

I sometimes get stuck on the ground while running. But only after I have pressed the restart button.

Hill climb racing:D really cool. The game looks fantastic. You have to get used to the controls. The keys A and D are a bit tricky, maybe you could give some feedback to the player via a sound here. I'm curious to see what else you make out of it. A great job.

It looks cool but i stuck at the first level. Im bad, but I love the concept. Good Job and nice game.

Very cool idea and I also like the implementation. But please build checkpoints into your game ... or a death counter XD

Interesting dialogue, but I'm not sure what happens. XD 

The idea of implementing the theme in this way I find quite successful.

Cool game Idea, here is ours:)

Cool idea. I'm actually not a fan of such games, because I'm really bad at accurate typing under time pressure xD I love the music, that pushes me to keep trying. A nice game, good work. I had fun with it:)

Amazing work!

I can just say wow! Amazing work.

(1 edit)

Hey, here is our game. I rate yours in the comments.

I love the Aesthetics. Always wanted to build such a game. I didn't really understand the boss fight. Here would be a healthbar cool. Simply to see if I can also damage him. Or some kind of feedback when I hit the boss. A really cool project. Good work, I had fun with it.

Cool idea, I like the mechanics that you can also slip into animals. The theme would also have fit well into the Jam from last year. Good work, I had fun with it:D

Very cool idea. A bit of a tease, but it's fun. If you work on it a little, it can be a really cool game. I hope you don't stop developing it.

A great job for a game jam project for such a short time. Great, I have nothing to complain about, good job.

Cool idea and well implemented, I like how the camera turns when you can move objects. One idea about the controls. I kept catching myself trying to move the objects with the mouse instead of the arrow keys. Good work, I had fun with it.

Hello all. Here is our game, thanks for trying:)

An interesting idea, I love the walking animation.:D Great job :)

An interesting idea, I love the walking animation. I didn't understand the dimension jump with the shift key right away at the beginning. I think it would be cool to explain shortly in the game that this mechanic exists. I had fun with it, good job :)

The idea is simple, but really cool implemented. Maybe in my case a death counter would be a good idea;D Very good work, I had fun with it.

I really like the art and the sound from ur game. I like the technical realization very much.

Without the game description, I didn't understand what the goal of the game is. I struggled to understand the gameplay loop. I know how hard it is to explain its loop when it's not something common. You could still work on that to make it a little clearer.

(1 edit)

Erstmal danke fürs probieren.

Spannend, 1 FPS hat noch selten jemand gehabt, eigentlich ist das Spiel nicht sehr leistungshungrig. Ich weiß das es Probleme auf Windows gibt, wenn man beim ersten Spielstart diese Windows library nicht mit installiert die automatisch mit abgefragt wird. Die hier verwendete Engine ist leider schon etwas in die Jahre gekommen und wird von Windows automatisch als "altes Spiel" erkannt.

Wenn du mehr als ein FPS hast, dann merkst du, das die blauen Boxen blinken. Das soll dann eigentlich zum Klicken animieren^^ An sich baust du mit dem Button rechts oben Barrikaden, klickst diese dann an und erweiterst sie zu Türmen. Es gibt in der Screenshot sektion hier auch ein "How to play" Video

Edit: Kleiner Nachtrag, ich sehe du nutzt kein Windows. Ich kann leider keine Builds für andere Betriebssysteme machen. Ein Freund von mir hat es mit Lutris auf Linux zum Laufen gebracht. Vielleicht hilft das.

I have the same Problem

I’ll work on it.

I’m trying to post an update in near future. The next update includes a map editor and a menu to generate random maps.

Nice Idea, i got 245 souls:) I like it. Great polish work.

The dash works much better now. But u do anything with the yellow rectangles. you can no longer dash through them now^^

Really cool, i will try it again:)

cool idea. I like it, its a nice work.

Really nice work:) I would love to play more levels. The mechanics are really cool.

I love it, simple and nice. Thats a very cool game. I like the death texts.

The Satan speaks to me:P

A little more work into the models and maybe a couple more levels. Then this would be a really cool game. Great work.

Respect that you make this in 10 Days. Good job:)