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A member registered 42 days ago

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Thanks for playing. I would say give it a go with one villager and see what happens 😂

Really enjoyed the gameplay on this and the art style's good too! Great entry :D

Really cool idea and a great, unique art style to boot. Great entry

I liked the theme and the style! In all honesty I found it a bit hard to grapple with the controls but when you get some speed up it's quite satisfying, and I probably just need to get good!

Pretty fun and much more strategic than I initially thought. Good game!

Good atmosphere. The art and sound really made this one pop.

I liked the controls and mechanics. Music and styling were cohesive as well. Good entry :)

I really like the concept you presented here. Very short, but a clear and meaningful message, with the emotional context really well portrayed

Really fun game and a great concept. Great entry, well done!

Quick to pickup and some challenge involved in getting something dry. Enjoyed the gameplay and the puns!

Ah you should have left one remaining (small Easter egg there!) Thanks for playing 

Very innovative, interesting idea!

Rated, here's mine:

Here's mine:

Really like this concept. Great work

Fun game with some good models and a clear gameplay loop

Love the concept and the art style. Was fun to play!

Really liked this one! We had a similar idea but a slightly different take if you fancied checking it out. Good submission, really liked the art style

Really nice game!

Feels like my day job. Nice take and great vibe

Very nice. Enjoyed the game a lot, the night phase genuinely surprised me :)

Very addictive game and a nice consistent style throughout.

Short and sweet experience with a lot of charm

Pretty fun with some good depth. Took me way too long to realise you could go below deck, but once I got there there was a lot to discover

Really enjoyed this one. Great concept and storytelling and nice a art style.

Well, that took a turn. Beautiful art direction on this one, great entry

Art direction is great on this one. Really great vibe

This was an unforgettable experience

Really pretty game and fun, but challenging gameplay

Liked the transition into the storm and the overall idea fits well with the theme