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A member registered Nov 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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It was informative and somehow fun. It looked like old books. I wish there was music and more engaging and interactive activities.

The instruction before and during the game were helpful. At some point music stopped. You probably can make a loop to continue playing music I cut any tree but I was stuck in a section with no choice. Many of enemies did not engage.

I liked the instructions before starting the game. The music was nice and matched the game.movements was easy and fun. I wish there was more challenging stages.

Unfortunately, I was not able to open this game in my Mac.

I liked the maze and approaching snakes and other obstacles. the life bar was creative and the environment was very nice. the combination mouse and keyboard to control movements was a little challenging.

It was easy to control the player movement was smooth and fun. I liked the simplicity of the scene. Adding music and changing some obstacles could make it more fun. The process time was very quick.

I liked this game. the environment and sequence of the obstacles were fun. Controlling the player was a little bit challenging form, but I liked the idea of restarting from previous stage. The scenes with the dialogue was fun but the obstacles were repetitive some how. Overall, it was a nice game.

The art and maze looked nice. It was difficult for me to control the player and the scale of player and enemy did not match well on my screen. It could be because of the Jam platform. I had the same issue with my game. It does not show the whole screen of my game either. I wish you had instructions in the first screen, the same as "Press Spacebar to Start" you could add the control buttons.

The art and maze looked nice. It was difficult for me to control the player and the scale of player and enemy did not match well on my screen. It could be because of the Jam platform. I had the same issue with my game. It does not show the whole screen of my game either. I wish you had instructions in the first screen, the same as "Press Spacebar to Start" you could add the control buttons.

It looks like the game does not show the whole scene in this platform. If you open it in Unity, I have more objects in the scene, including a score board. Sorry that it was not in the correct dimension.

Thank you for your comment. I agree that my game does not match the theme.

It looks like the game does not show the whole scene in this platform. If you open it in Unity, I have more objects in the scene, including a score board. Sorry that it was not in the correct dimension.

Thank you!

It looks like the game does not show the whole scene in this platform. If you open it in Unity, I have more objects in the scene, including a score board. Sorry that it was not in the correct dimension.

It looks like the game does not show the whole scene in this platform. If you open it in Unity, I have more objects in the scene, including a score board. Sorry that it was not in the correct dimension.

I could not open it in my MacBook.

The game was fun and engaging the controls were smooth also I really liked the game design. Great job.

The game was fun and it reminds me of Lord of the Rings because of the knight and  the music. I liked different movements and defense. but I was not able to climb the ladders. I liked the option menu. the script at the beginning was informative but the skip button could be placed out of the text area.

The game seems to be fun I liked the sound and music. a little bit difficult to pass the obstacles in the beginning. it is helpful to keep the first stages easier so the player get more engaged to continue the game.

I couldn't open and test it.

I couldn't open and test it.

The environment was good. The player didn't have any movement in it's body. There was no message to show the game was over; I found some bugs that the player was moving and rotating even if I didn't touch the keyboard. Adding music and sound could make it more fun. There were some gaps that the player was supposed to fall but didn't.

The game is fun and engaging but it's difficult to find the mission. the environment is engaging with different locations the hissing sound was funny.

The game does not load on my Mac

It is a nice game. The theme was related but the sound was not pleasant. I didn't find any enemy in the scene. The sword or other tools were not visible to control it. You can make part of the player's body or instrument visiable so the player can the direction of them. there was no way to turn around.