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A member registered Feb 21, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hello all, I've been developing a game with a couple friends of mine. The team so far is one developer and two artists.  

The Game 

The game is meant to be similar to NeoPets except it's characters who can fight in an arena, or go to dungeons and fight monsters. There's a fair amount of complexity to the characters and the systems we plan to implement. For a taste, we are implementing a simple genealogy style simulation by allowing characters to have children who then inherit some of their parents' stats.  

Currently, there are two parts which I would love some help and to perhaps share my knowledge on: The Theater and the Website.

The Theater (Unity)

The Theater is where you watch your guys fight -- whether it's a gladiatorial match, or a dungeon being cleared. In the future, we may add additional elements such as if minigames are added for leveling your guy up, or a dynamic simulation of a feast, etc. 

Website (.NET Core + React)

As mentioned, this is a NeoPets style game so the website is a core segment. For MVP the goals are light -- support passing data to the theater, basic character management, credential handling and some lore pages.  

Why Should I Join?

I got my start as a software engineer doing gamejams and modding games back in the day. I'm now a senior level software engineer at a large tech company in Boston, and I would love to be the resource I wish I had when I started my career -- a solid reference, what to expect for interviews, all that stuff.  

Additionally, you'll be using tools and processes used in-industry (for real.) Sprints, standups, source control, code review. With that said, this will be a fairly relaxed and light project so don't worry too much. I'm expecting around 10 hours a week for around 10 weeks.  

Finally, I guarantee there will be some money in the end product. I can't say how much and to be honest it's not something I care to spend much effort investigating. This will come with its own set of learning experiences (incorporating) that could prove just as valuable as the professional skills.  

I really like the music, the controls felt tight, and the graphics were great. Really talented team you guys are!

Hey, thank you PointTime! I was the GUI programmer for this game. Agata (our artist) came up with the idea for the main menu.

@Pixel Lifetime

Thanks! I might try to tidy it up -- add victory/defeat screens, replace the blank spheres with some of the planet sprites Agata made, add the music we meant to add :P

I really like the art style. Looking forward to more updates!

Pretty cool stuff. Music would at a lot to the experience. Look into making fractals, I think adding them would be really cool, and they're not very hard to code.

Nice little game. I always loved these sprites from OGA.

I meant to add a few levels, but honestly work wore me out today and I'm just trying to gym and pass out! There's always the future. Anyone else procrastinate hard? lol

lol thank you. I was thinking of toning it down in the future but maybe I can try to work it into a mechanic :P

(1 edit)

Hey man, nice game. Didn't realize you were in this jam too! haha

Edit: I thought Papercookies made this, that's what my second sentence was about. xd

It was a lot of fun. About making ratings public... Hmmm... I think it would be worth a shot. There's going to be bias either way, and getting more people's opinions would be cool. There's drawbacks, but I say at least give it a shot! I definitely plan to participate again! Thank you for setting it all up, Pixel. Take care!

I think making 5 games a week in one hour increments would be a pretty interesting experiment. :D I heard on NPR a while back that an experiment was done on something similar. Basically one group tried to write the best quality article they could, and the other group tried to write the most quantity of articles. The end result was that the highest quality articles, when examined by 3rd parties, were all from the high quantity subjects. I think the intention of iteration makes trying new things less of a risk/pain, so we end up with more creative products as a result after a few cycles. That's sort of what I hope to glean from doing these gamejams.

Awesome! My Skype is m.mccabe93 :) I got pretty much all the voips though, so if you want to use another one just let me know.

Can I join you folks? I'm a programmer, and I'm trying to find people to jam with! I have a decent amount of experience with Unity, so I think we can get on pretty well. Let me know!

Welcome. Aside from the one-hour game jam I just finished same here. What sort of tools/environment do you use? What's your history as a dev?