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Micro Brood Games

A member registered Jul 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback! I have started redoing both the beat animation and the rules for registering "clicks". I will experiment with limiting clicks to once per beat.

I agree. I tried only letting the snake move on the beat, but that made the game very slow. So the current idea is you need to move at least once per beat, but moving several times is allowed.

I am also not sure how to improve the second issue. I would like the timing to be intuitive for new players and it doesn't sound like it is. Any suggestions?

Very cool. I think you nailed the atmosphere. I have been thinking of basing a short game on something similar (Lovecraft or his inspirations).

Well, this is embarrassing. I had forgotten to package some required files with the game. It was working for me since I had them in my system path.  

I have corrected the download now.

(1 edit)

I had forgotten to include some files. It worked on my PC since I had them installed elsewhere. I replaced the .exe with a .zip file. Just extract it and run game.exe. Let me know if it works!

Thank you for letting me know about this. I will investigate.

I love the design and colors!


I decided I wanted to learn how to make rhythm games. I wanted to begin with something reasonably simple so I just added a rhythm element to the classic mobile game "Snake". You control the snake with WASD or arrow keys, Change direction at least once per beat to avoid losing your score multiplier (beat indicator is at the bottom).

Please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions!

Best regards

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Thank you for the kind words. :)

I will add an options screen in the next release. I might add a speed slider and other difficulty options.

The game over screen is  a great idea! I will probably implement something like it. As for the difficulty, we do plan to make it increase gradually or perhaps have a few different levels with varying difficulties. Thank you for playing. :)

Thank you for the feedback. I will keep those things in mind. Sadly, we didn't manage to get an artist for the jam, so for now it's all programmer art. ;)

Really creepy game. Great soundtrack!

Thank you very much. Yes, that's what we were going for!

Really nice art and interesting theme!

Very calm and soothing atmosphere :)

Fun and addictive!

  • How tactical the game feels
    • There is some thinking required when it comes to preserving moves to get as much as possible done in a turn
  • Did you apply any strategy, or just go for the first enemy you saw?
    • I tried to position myself so I could get another enemy immediately afterwards
  • Is the game interesting to play? Would you play it again?
    • It needs some more enemy types in my opinion. It feels like I experienced it all after a few minutes.
  • How do you think the gameplay can be improved?
    • Animations could use some speeding up. It felt like I had to wait a lot between turns sometimes.
  • how well it works as an action game
    • The controls are very responsive so that's good. A variety of enemies would help.
  • is the game well balanced in terms of difficulty (too easy or too hard?)
    • I found it pretty easy. I didn't seem to be close to dying at any point.
  • is it easy to keep track of things during combat?  esp. health, ability cooldowns, and enemies
    • Everything was pretty clear. It would help if the abilities had names maybe?

Game url (only Windows for now, but I will create an OSX version as soon as I find a Mac.

I'd like feedback on

  • General playability
  • Difficulty level
  • Look and feel

Introduce some graphical glitches to simulate going insane? :) How about some non-Euclidean geometry?

I have to try that as well. I often have trouble coming up with cool ideas to motivate me.

Looks good! The palette makes it unique.

Wow! I think this may be incredibly helpful for many people, including me. I have used Unity and Love2D primarily, and while I'm familiar with C++ I haven't attempted any engine programming. Definitely bookmarking this!

Love the theme!

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And wrapping up this tutorial is Part 5

Check it out to learn about looping music and triggering sound effects with Love2D!

Looking for an artist (2D graphics of some type) and a sound designer for our project! We're pretty open on the style for both. We just have a concept, a programmer (Me ), and a writer/designer (Airova). The game is called Walk and Talk and it's about juggling two tasks simultaneously. Take a look at the game description, and if it appeals to you, contact one of us. Thanks!

Let me know if you would like to help with this!

We are a team of two for now - me(programmer) and Airova(game designer/writer).

You're right. That is smoother. :)

Pretty cool! I notice it slows down pretty quickly once you add a few logs. Do you have a plan in mind for alleviating that?

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Part 4 is up! This post describes how to use particle systems to generate trails and explosions, as well as adding some basic animation.

In the final part, I will be writing about adding sound effects and music.

Thank you!

I will do that at some point. Need to find a fun and unique way of using ragdoll physics. :)

Cool! How difficult is it to implement physics in a 2D game like this?

I found a small bug. If you press the "fire" button and then the "reset" button, the game launches you right away.

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I recently started learning Lua and the Love2D framework. I decided to create a blog series about making a simple shooter. I figured it would both help cement my own learning and hopefully be of use to others. I have published three parts and I plan to do at least one more.

Part 1 - Movement

Part 2 - Shooting

Part 3 - Enemies

I am planning to write about particle effects and animations in the next post.

Any questions or comments are welcome!