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A member registered Nov 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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The theme and art are incredible - amazing job! I could only get ending 1, I'm not sure if that was by intention.

I am getting more and more into pixel art so this was definitely great to play!

The theme and art are incredible - amazing job! I could only get ending 1, I'm not sure if that was by intention.

I am getting more and more into pixel art so this was definitely great to play!

Well I am baffled. It looks good!

I really love the 2D/pixel look, even though it's clearly a 3D model since you can see different sides of it as you rotate the boat. I enjoyed it!

The game design is excellent - but I think there might be some friction in the gameplay just it is kind of difficult to get the tables to highlight yellow.

Otherwise, I loved it. Good fun!

I really enjoyed this game! Did not really know what to think for the first couple of minutes, but fixing up the shack was definitely satisfying. The thunder clap scared me a little bit.

I think you did a really good job with the audio on this - it all seems to be tuned very well.

One small thing that I think could make a huge difference - if the shack level/heat level/food level were shown throughout the game, the player would have some idea of what they are headed towards.

Great job!

I tried replying but it did not go through - I shall try again.

Thank you for playing! In order to get paid, you have to make it to the end of the hurricane round, then you see a printout. It helps to change the speed to 10x!

(1 edit)

This is a brilliant game. I loved the art, and even the animations where the sprites spin around - that helps the characters feel so alive!

Also, why do mom and dad look so tired? Maybe from looking after their kids?

Great job.

Super impressive that you have building and shooting mechanics in here for a game jam. Nice work, I liked it!

This is very goofy, but I liked it a lot. Took a minute for me to realize that the human will want to drop into the beaver's den.

Nice work!!

Cute little game, it definitely made me laugh when I saw the mob coming. Nice work!

Okay, that was hilarious. I enjoyed shooting ice cream at the kids way more than I should have. One little thing is I struggled to click the Start button at the beginning.

Everything is 5/5, I loved the art as well!

I enjoyed playing through a few levels! The upside down level was odd, but also challenging in a weird way. I liked it. One little bit of feedback is that the triangle dude was blue, and parts of the platforms were exactly the same color. You probably want a little bit of contrast there just to make it easier to see.

This is a very solid card builder game - very polished and impressive for a short jam like this one.

I have no real critiques right now! I'm trying a second playthrough to see if I can win. Nice job.

Ahh, a keyboard shortcut to flip through the barrier rotations is a good idea (I think Q/E are pretty common in builder type games). I wish I had thought of that a couple of days ago :)

Thank you for the feedback!

(1 edit)

I found the movement challenging, but art is super cool and the slashing seemed very fun. I liked the animations. Nice work!

Edit: I figured out the dashing/movement. After that I really enjoyed it and definitely got hooked on a few levels. The music is awesome too.

Played around with it for a few minutes, definitely got a chuckle out of me on the sliding animation! Nice work!

Hey there! This is a real-time strategy game about building barriers around your houses, crops and cattle to save them from the storm!

I loved it. The 3D modeling work is really good, and the lighting is absolutely nailed. So the interior environment stuff you've got completely on lock down. Very clean.

Also I felt the "I am VERY tired" line in the end in my bones.

5 stars across the board for me. Took me a minute to figure out the dragging and dropping, but I had a smile on my face and enjoyed the few rounds I played thoroughly.

Nice job!

I'd love it if you could check out Hurricane Watch! It's also a time-management type game, and I haven't seen too many of those in this jam!

Great game! I found myself playing it probably a bit longer than I expected. Some of the mechanics were just straight up fun, like when the zombies are low health and when they get hit, they go flying across the map. It's just very enjoyable.

One game design thing you might want to consider - you had it so that you could "stock pile" arrows, up to 5, allowing you to shoot them rapid fire. The question is what value does that bring the player? Right now there's no benefit to the tradeoff, you could either wait for the 5 to pile up, then you shoot all 5. But that seems like it takes longer than just firing off 1 at a time (basically button mashing).

Great job overall.

Good, simple fun. I really enjoyed it. Nice work!

I concur with what the other person said about an automatic shooting mode, that would be an awesome upgrade.

This game confused the heck out of me for a couple minutes, then I saw the note about the aggro-meter. I ended up laughing quite a bit at it - I hope that was the intended response!

I had fun. Great submission.

Art is incredible! But as many others have said, some more interaction would be nice. Great work.

(2 edits)

Wow, this is incredible for having been made in a week. It took me a while to figure out how to get people... but duh, you have to make houses to get workers. Then I can see how assigning workers starts production of those resources.

This is really polished for a game jam! Honestly I don't have any criticisms or feedback. 5 stars for me all around. I'm going to go back to playing it for a little bit :)

Very cool concept. When playing in full screen and you do the virus scan, and it blue screens - I got that half a second WTF reaction. So you got me there. Nicely executed, and the tutorial seems decent as well.

Fantastic concept! At first I was a little bored with just placing the blocks, but I can see how it ramps up quickly with the round shapes rolling off, and the storms picking up.

Excellent submission!

Very nice vibes! I found the platforming a bit difficult, but still enjoyed it for the little while I played it. Very cute scene with the bees. I like that. Your characters have a lot of charm and a lot of life.

Please rate Hurricane Watch if you are able!

I really like the pixel art! The cat is really cute. Something very charming about it. Hope you keep working on your game!

Rate Hurricane Watch if you can!

This game is INCREDIBLY polished. The mechanics feel good and the art is great. I played a few rounds and died each time. So I think the initial difficulty curve might be a bit too high - maybe for a game jam. For a longer format game this might be a more realistic level.

Great work!

Nice work! I had a little bit of difficulty with the UI, but I see what you were going for.

Take a look at Hurricane Watch if you get time!

Here's mine! An insane 5 days of making a RTS/simulation game! Enjoy :)

I would have loved to do audio, just ran out of time. Thanks for playing :)

A very nice little game! I loved the VFX. Your shader work is really good.

Please rate Hurricane Watch!

Nope! It is a flat array with a simple formula for the index:

index = row * number_of_columns + col

And the array stores references to nodes of a custom class called "BuildObject" which inherits from Node2D. It's a neat way to store all of that information.

I will probably cover it on my YouTube channel eventually, I think it's a really interesting topic.

Awesome, thank you! I did it in 5 days... It hasn't been an entirely sane or healthy 5 days. I have been eating, sleeping and drinking game development for those 5 days :D

Mine is here! Taking a look at yours now

Hurricane Watch - Prepare for disaster! You have 5 minutes to safeguard your homes, livestock, and cattle from the impending hurricane!

I'll try to check in at 7pm! Looking at your game now. My game is called Hurricane Watch, it's a little sim/time-strategy game, that I really enjoyed making (and playing!):

Excellent game - the combat challenge was perfect for a game jam. After encounter a couple groups of enemies I was hooked. It would be nice if there were at least some items to heal. I didn't quite make it to the storm - I may come back again later and take another look!

Please rate Hurricane Watch!