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A member registered Nov 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Ohh merci beaucoup pour ce message! 🥹. Ca me fait plaisir que le jeu vous plait a vous 3 ! 🤩

1 téléchargement ou 10 ce qui compte c'est que des gens y jouent et pour moi ça n'a pas de prix!

J'espere que vous aimerez également la version améliorée du prologue et de la première partie que je prépare ! Je prévois de faire un post de mise à jour bientôt!

Merci beaucoup pour ton message, ça me touche énormément que l'histoire jusqu'ici t'a plu !! <33

Oui j'ai essayé (assez récent), j'ai eu quelques visites mais rien de comparable aux autres jeux de types "yanderes" proposés sur itch...

Ça n'a pas été une décision facile, mais je me dis que c'est un pas en arrière pour mieux rebondir ! Cela fait deux ans que j'ai posté le prologue et plus d'un an pour la première partie, je savais bien que les designs des arrières plans et les "voix" pouvaient gêner, mais à l'époque je ne savais pas tellement comment améliorer le jeu avec mes moyens... le temps a passé et maintenant je sais un peu plus ce que je peux faire pour rendre le jeu visuellement plus "regardable XD" et surtout plus personnel.

Notamment en créant mes propres scènes de save, load et settings, améliorer certains backgrounds et modifier les voix. 

On verra si ces modifications apportent ou non une plus value, et même si la popularité du jeu reste en berne même après ça, je serais plus fière de ce que j'ai sorti et produit, car la qualité sera pour moi meilleur et j'aurais donné à mon projet toutes les chances de "briller" 

Au final l'important c'est de nous satisfaire nous même en tant que créateurs pour faire plaisir au public ensuite :D

Merciii beaucoup ! je lui transmettrai le message !! <33  

Thank you for your interest in my project ! Yes I made a post in r/IndieOtome because I read the rules and they said we could make promotion wednesday and saturday but after more research I found out it was only on saturday XD so I will try again saturday ! I'll check out your games too, "A simple twist of fae" seems really interesting ! :D


Hi everyone !

For anyone interested, I just posted an improved version of my game "Yann" :D

If you're interested, you can check the game's page here : Yann

Here’s what it includes :

- A brand new title screen (with a video !) 

- Little cutscenes at the start of the game and when Yann catches you,

- An outdoor environment has been added.

- The letters on the walls have been arranged and are now the size of real letters. Now, you just need to get close to read them.

- Many more notes have been added.

- The overall atmosphere of the game has been completely changed, with a darker and more unsettling vibe (you also now have a flashlight !)

- New voice lines have been added for Yann, both during the game and when you reach the bad ending.

-  The "True ending" is longer (there is a surprise at the end, specially when you click the "return to menu" button :D)

I hope you'll enjoy this new version !

MelaEliera, Creator of "Mysteries of the Twos"

Hi everyone !

For anyone interested, I just realized an improved version of my game "Yann" :D

Here’s what it includes :

- A brand new title screen (with a video !) 

- Little cutscenes at the start of the game and when Yann catches you,

- An outdoor environment has been added.

- The letters on the walls have been arranged and are now the size of real letters. Now, you just need to get close to read them.

- Many more notes have been added.

- The overall atmosphere of the game has been completely changed, with a darker and more unsettling vibe (you also now have a flashlight !)

- New voice lines have been added for Yann, both during the game and when you reach the bad ending.

-  The "True ending" is longer (there is a surprise at the end, specially when you click the "return to menu" button :D)

I hope you'll enjoy this new version ! :D

If you're interested, you can check the game's page here : Yann

MelaEliera, Creator of the game "Mysteries of the Twos"

(1 edit)

Hi everyone !

I recently released my first Unity game named :


This is a game about a young girl named Farah, who got trapped in a world created by a yandere male named Yann, 

He was created and drawn by Farah's sister, and Farah liked this picture so much that  she set it as her phone's wallpaper...

However suddenly, and for unknown reasons... He came to life, and created his world for Farah to stay with him forever.

However, Yann knows Farah is in his world... But he doesn’t know where she has landed...

So, he stole her phone (which is the KEY to escape the world) and hid it in the most secured place in his world and patrol everywhere to find her.

You as the player, you must do everything in your power to make sure Farah escape this place...or not.

There's twos versions to download one in French and one in English !

I hope you'll like it ! :D


Merciii beaucoup, j'ai fait de mon mieux ! c'est mon premier jeu en 3D immersif donc j'espère que ça tiendra la route XD merci pour ce magnifique message <3

Merci beaucoup pour ton message et d'avoir pris le temps de jouer au jeu ! je suis très contente que ça t'a plu! oui c'est vrai qu'il y en a pas beaucoup mais c'est en train de devenir de plus en plus populaire pour notre plus grand bonheur >//w//<.

Voilà la musique, je l'ai posté sur youtube ! "Say my name". Je suis contente que tu l'aies apprécié * _ * !

Oui *chut chut* XD.

Oui ! c'est bien ma soeur l'héroine du jeu, j'ai créé ce yandere pour elle car elle adore ça , elle y a joué et elle a adoré <3_<3.

Oui je n'ai pas abandonné le projet de "mysteries of the twos", sur ma chaine youtube j'ai fait une vidéo avant celle de yann ou j'ai expliqué avoir perdu les fichiers du jeu, ils se sont corrompues sans que je ne sache pourquoi et j'ai quasiment tout perdu... donc je suis en train de refaire la deuxième partie que j'avais bien avancé, en esperant pouvoir bientôt donné plus de nouvelles !

Merci beaucoup pour ce message très détaillé et pour ton implication ça me fait chaud au coeur <3

(1 edit)

Hi everyone !

I just released my first Unity game, I made it in 2 weeks :),


You play as Farah, who wakes up in a world quite basic which seems hastily put together... she knows who trapped her in this world...

It's Yann...

He is a Yandere character created and drawn by Farah's sister, and Farah liked this picture so much that  she set it as her phone's wallpaper... 

However suddenly, and for unknown reasons... 

He came to life, and created his world for Farah to stay with him forever.

However, Yann knows Farah is in his world... But he doesn’t know where she has landed...

So, he stole her phone (which is the KEY to escape the world) and hid it in the most secured place in his world and patrol everywhere to find her.

You as the player, you must do everything in your power to make sure Farah escape this place...or not.

If you're interested, you can check the game's page here : Yann

There's twos versions to download one in French and one in English !

I hope you'll like it ! :D

MelaEliera, Creator of the game "Mysteries of the Twos"

Hi everyone !

I'm soooo happy to announce that the first part of my game "Mysteries of the Twos" named "Mysterious Encounters" is finally available....IN ENGLISH  🤩 ! !

Here's the link : Mysterious Encounters

As for the summary, in my opinion, the game page is quite detailed, there's even a trailer for those  of you who are too lazy to read 😜 so feel free to take a look to find out what happens in this part 😊.

(/!\ This part is the continuation of the Prologue of Mysteries of the Twos.  For logical reasons, I advise you to play the Prologue if you haven't already. Here is the link just in case ^^ : Prologue of Mysteries of the Twos)

I hope you will enjoy playing this part, I had a lot of fun creating it and translating it into English 🤩!

You can follow me to never miss an update about the game ^^

Thank you for your support !

MelaEliera, Creator of the game "Mysteries of the Twos".

Yes, I hope you'll like it.

Also, the french version of the first part has been released. Soon, it will be available in english. I hope you are looking forward for the release, as much as I'm looking forward to watch you meeting them...

See you soon,

The Kidnapper.

Bonjour à toutes et à tous !

Ça y est ! je suis heureuse de vous annoncer que la première partie de mon jeu "Mysteries of the Twos" est enfin disponible ! * _ *

Voici le lien : Mysterieuses Rencontres

Pour ce qui est du résumé, la page du jeu est assez complète et détaillée, donc n'hésitez pas à y jeter un coup d’œil pour savoir ce qu'il se passe dans cette partie :D.

(/!\ Cette partie est la suite du Prologue de Mysteries of the Twos, pour des raisons logiques, je vous conseille de jouer au Prologue si ce n'est pas déjà fait voici le lien au cas ou ^^ Le Prologue)

Pour l'instant, cette partie n'est disponible qu'en français mais maintenant je vais pouvoir me concentrer sur sa traduction en anglais.

J'espère que cette partie vous plaira, j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à la faire :) n'hésitez pas à me suivre pour ne rien rater du développement de ce jeu! 

Merci pour votre soutien ! <3

MelaEliera, Creatrice du jeu "Mysteries of the Twos"


Hi everyone!

I'm happy to announce that the first part of my game "Mysteries of the Twos" named "Mysterious Encounters" is finally available in French ! (you can click the first link above if you're interested about what the page looks like ^^).

Now, I'll concentrate all my efforts into translating this part into english for those of you who are interested, if you are, you can check the english version of the Prologue, here's the link Prologue in English,

You can follow me to never miss an update about the game ^^

Thank you for your support ! 

MelaEliera, Creator of the game "Mysteries of the Twos"

Thank you for your little review, it makes me incredibly happy to know you liked the game and that you're looking forward for the remaining parts, I'll do everything I can to keep that spark of excitement alive, believe me.

My sincere apologies... even through I would love for you to be able to freely choose any username you want with as many  letters as you want... limitations are a must if we want a story to be taken seriously... right? 

But don't worry, even without a complete name, just know that I'm not complete without you...

See you soon,

The Kidnapper.

Thank you for your comment. I'm glad you played the Prologue and you're waiting for the next part... Don't worry it will be released soon.

In the meantime, don't forget about me, cause I'll not forget about you...

See you soon.

The Kidnapper.

Thank you for your support. I'm excited too... knowing you're eager to join me in this adventure full of Mysteries... I'll make sure to do my best to keep you entertained.. 

After all, I've been waiting for you...for so long ..

Hum hum... See you soon.

The Kidnapper.


I've updated my game's page 6 days ago (just added one sentence..) and still it's not indexed,

Here's the link:

I've read the docs about my problem, can't seem to find an answer

Thanks for your help,

Hi everyone! 

I'm happy to announce the release of the english version of the Prologue of my game "Mysteries of the Twos" !😁until now the Prologue was only available in French, but I took the time to translate it in English for those of you who can't understand french but are still interested in my project 💓

The story is about a young teenage girl who wakes up one night, trapped in a bedroom she doesn't recognise, she quickly understand that she got kidnapped under mysterious circumstances. She doesn't know who is behind all this and what this person wants from her..


She doesn't remember who she is... she completly forgot her name, her family, her life before this fateful night.

However.. her kidnapper doesn't plan to let her stay in that bedroom for a long time.. Actually he let her go out of this place.. very quickly... because.... he has an another plan...

You want to know more? And/or you're ready to start your mysterious adventure?

You can click the following link to download the Prologue:  Link of the Prologue!

I really hope you'll like it 💓 Thanks for reading this!

MelaEliera, creator of the game "Mysteries of the twos"

English Prologue soon to come! (see development log)


Happy new year everyone! :D

A new song is available on youtube, this song is called "Empty" it also appears in the Prologue at a certain moment.. for those of you who played the french version, you'll easily understand why this name and why the illustration of the song is like that :D

I hope you'll like it, I made a devlog to explain what's to come in the near future for the game (first part in french, prologue in english etc..) so feel free to go to the Link of the game if you want to know more.

Thank you for watching ^^

MelaEliera, creator of "Mysteries of the twos"

Hi there!

I released a song for a game I'm creating. I'm not a music producer and this is the first music I made, so I hope you'll like it :) (made with soundtrap by spotify).

This song appears in the Prologue of my game which is available on Link to the game if you're interested (this is a french game, but I'm currently trying to translate it into english)

Hope you'll like it!

MelaEliera, creator of "Mysteries of the Twos"

Okay, thank you for your reply.

Do you know how much time it takes for a new game to be indexed? Also I recently updated my page (2 hours ago) Does this have an impact on the time it takes for my game to be indexed again ? If yes, does that mean every update leads to the game disappearing from the searches? 

Thank you for your answers.

Thank you so much for checking my game! I really appreciate it :)

I'm glad you liked the design of the page, It took me a while to fine-tune its appearence to reflect the atmosphere of the game.

I'll try to improve the  page's structure, I already changed the titles police and design, which I think is more fitting to the page's colors. I think the characters presentation pics are too imposing compared to the rest of the page,  so i'll make one single image combining the 4 pics (a square with 4 pics),  it would be easier to read them and  it will take less place on the page, as for the opening video I plan to relocate it at the end of the page because it's a summary of everything said in the page.

I'm planning to release an english version, I already started translating the page into english with a new project's page. I'm currently looking for someone who can help me translate the whole prologue into english so I can continue programming and coding the first part.

For the school butterfly I didn't do it on purpose XD I thought It would suit the school logo. The plot of the game evolve through time (3 chronological games that compose a series) so there will be flashbacks but no time travelling. However you're right about the game being a drama/adventure and kind of detective type of game, as the purpose of the game is to discover who the kidnapper is, his motives, and how to break free from him (but that's only the tip of the iceberg :D)

Thanks again for checking my game's page, and for your feedback ^^


I'm MelaEliera, I've uploaded a game named Mysteries of the twos, 3 days ago with a downloable file, no price tag and it's set to public, it was indexed at first as I was able to find the game on the search bar by writing the complete name of the game (but by searching with words like "Mysteries" I couldn't find it) . I added some texts to my page (changed nothing else) and when I saved, suddenly my game disappeared from the searches, I can't find it anywhere (besides by clicking the link).

It's already been one day I made the changes and as I don't know how many time it would take for my game to be reindexed (maybe it's going through a review but I haven't been informed), I decided to ask for help (I saw nothing on the FAQ about my situation..)

Here's the link of my page:

Thanks for your answers and help.

Hello  everyone!

My name is Amel,  I'm currently developing a visual novel type game alone: "Mysteries of the Twos". For now, this game will only be available in French (But I'm planning to release an english version if enough people are interested in my project).

This is my first ever project/game, and for now only the Prequel is available. I'm making this game alone, in my spare time, from coding, to drawings and even musics (some of them :D).

Here's the link if you're interested: Mysteries of the twos

Thank you for reading this far :)

MelaEliera, creator of the game "Mysteries of the Twos"

Mysteries of the Twos

(1 edit)

Hi everyone!

I recently posted the prequel of a visual novel type game I'm working on alone : "Mysteries of the twos", it's a french game (for now it's only available in french. If people like it, I'll get it translated in english).

This is my first ever project/game so I'm kind of curious (and nervous XD) to know what people think of this game and if it's enjoyable. If there's people understanding french, can you play it and tell me what you think  of it? I would really appreciate it, as there will be 5 parts (prequel is only one part of the whole game) it would help me know what to change, improve, or if my game is interesting enough to keep people interested in what is going to happen :D.

Here's the link of the page:

Thank you for your help!

MelaEliera, creator of the game "Mysteries of the twos"


Bonjour à tous!

J'ai récemment posté le prologue d'un jeu de type visual novel sur lequel je travaille seule "Mysteries of the twos", c'est un jeu en français (je pense le traduire en anglais dans un futur proche, si les gens apprécient l'histoire). 

C'est mon premier jeu/projet et je suis curieuse mais aussi un peu nerveuse de savoir si les gens aiment l'histoire, si des gens comprenant et parlant le français pouvaient jouer au prologue et me dire ce qu'ils en pensent, cela m'aiderait à savoir comment améliorer l'histoire et/ou savoir si l'histoire est intéressante, donne envie d'en savoir plus. Il y aura 5 parties en tout (prologue compris) donc avoir des avis maintenant me permettrait de travailler dès maintenant sur les points faibles (mais aussi de me rendre compte si mon jeu peut plaire :D)

Voici le lien de la page du jeu:

Merci pour votre aide!

MelaEliera, créatrice du jeu "Mysteries of the twos"

(4 edits)

Hi everyone!

I'm happy to announce that I recently posted the Prequel of a visual novel type game I'm currently developing alone: "Mysteries of the Twos". For now, this game will only be available in French (But I'm planning to release an english version if enough people are interested in my project).

Here's a little summary of the story in english for those who wants to know a bit more:

The story is about a young teenage girl who wakes up one night, trapped in a bedroom she doesn't recognise, she quickly understand that she got kidnapped under mysterious circumstances. She doesn't know who is behind all this and what this person wants from her..


She doesn't remember who she is... she completly forgot her name, her family, her life before this fateful night.

However.. her kidnapper doesn't plan to let her stay in that bedroom for a long time..

Actually he let her go out of this place.. very quickly... because.... he has an another plan:

He wants her to study in a high school he designated for her... Why? It's a mystery.


So what will she do? what will YOU do? 

Will you try to escape? Will you obey him? Will you discover his motives and his identity? Will you unfold the mysteries? ... 

Will you survive?



I hope this little summary of the story made you want to know more ^^ If you're interested, you can follow me to be quickly informed of the most recent uptades I make for the game, here's the link to the game's page (remember it's a french game, there's no english explanation there for now) : Mysteries of the twos

Maybe soon enough, an english version will come to life :D

Thank you for reading this far :)

MelaEliera, creator of the game "Mysteries of the Twos"


Bonjour/Bonsoir à tous!

Je suis heureuse de vous annoncer que je viens de poster le Prologue d'un jeu de type Visual Novel que je crée et réalise seule qui s'intitule "Mysteries of the Twos". Pour l'instant, ce jeu ne sera disponible qu'en Français :) .

C'est l'histoire d'une jeune adolescente qui se réveille un soir dans une chambre qu'elle ne reconnait pas.. tout porte à croire qu'elle a été kidnappé dans de mystérieuses circonstances. Ce n'est pas tout....

Elle a complétement oublié qui elle était, son nom, son prénom, sa vie avant ce soir fatidique.

Elle ne sait d'ailleurs pas qui est derrière tout ça et ce que cette personne attend d'elle.. la seule chose qu'elle sait:

Son ravisseur veut qu'elle aille étudier dans un lycée qu'il lui a désigné et où il dit être étudiant...mais pourquoi cela? c'est un mystère...

Prise au piège dans un ville qu'elle ne connait pas, privée de son identité et de sa vie passée, elle doit découvrir qui est le ravisseur, comprendre ses intentions et se libérer de son emprise.

Vas-t'elle réussir? Vas t'elle s'en sortir?  Vas t'elle survivre?

Viens découvrir les réponses à ces mystérieuses questions...

L'histoire de "Mysteries of the Twos" se découpera en 5 parties de jeu distinctes (pour passer à la partie suivante il faudra l'a télécharger pour avancer dans l'histoire). Pour plus de précisions vous pouvez aller voir sur la page du jeu en cliquant ici:

Lien de la page du jeu

Sur la page du jeu vous trouverez également pleins d'autres informations sur le jeu (un résumé un peu plus complet de l'histoire, une description de certains personnages, un disclaimer, et le lien de téléchargement du prologue :) ). 

/!\  Ce jeu est en cours de développement, seul le Prologue est disponible /!\

Merci à vous d'avoir lu cette petite présentation de mon jeu :)

Si la description du jeu vous a plu, n’hésitez pas à aller voir la page du jeu et à me suivre pour ne pas louper les dernières nouveautés :).

Au plaisir de vous voir nombreux à tester ma toute première réalisation, et à lire vos impressions,

MelaEliera, créatrice et réalisatrice du jeu "Mysteries of the Twos"