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Mysteries of the Twos - PROLOGUE feedback

A topic by Kidnapper created Dec 04, 2022 Views: 279 Replies: 2
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(1 edit)

Hi everyone!

I recently posted the prequel of a visual novel type game I'm working on alone : "Mysteries of the twos", it's a french game (for now it's only available in french. If people like it, I'll get it translated in english).

This is my first ever project/game so I'm kind of curious (and nervous XD) to know what people think of this game and if it's enjoyable. If there's people understanding french, can you play it and tell me what you think  of it? I would really appreciate it, as there will be 5 parts (prequel is only one part of the whole game) it would help me know what to change, improve, or if my game is interesting enough to keep people interested in what is going to happen :D.

Here's the link of the page:

Thank you for your help!

MelaEliera, creator of the game "Mysteries of the twos"


Bonjour à tous!

J'ai récemment posté le prologue d'un jeu de type visual novel sur lequel je travaille seule "Mysteries of the twos", c'est un jeu en français (je pense le traduire en anglais dans un futur proche, si les gens apprécient l'histoire). 

C'est mon premier jeu/projet et je suis curieuse mais aussi un peu nerveuse de savoir si les gens aiment l'histoire, si des gens comprenant et parlant le français pouvaient jouer au prologue et me dire ce qu'ils en pensent, cela m'aiderait à savoir comment améliorer l'histoire et/ou savoir si l'histoire est intéressante, donne envie d'en savoir plus. Il y aura 5 parties en tout (prologue compris) donc avoir des avis maintenant me permettrait de travailler dès maintenant sur les points faibles (mais aussi de me rendre compte si mon jeu peut plaire :D)

Voici le lien de la page du jeu:

Merci pour votre aide!

MelaEliera, créatrice du jeu "Mysteries of the twos"


I like the font of the descr. about the game texted in different types, the background- & bannerpic looks drama/adventure-based maybe like being a detective, like a scoobydoo-based vibe in a cool way.

I'd think of referring to pics & videos on there, as my device lag when playing even on browser or downloaded version, textbased one's would work better.

I don't understand french, while that schoolbuilding's butterfly icon reminds me of "life is strange"-game with timetravelling, which I like in gaming-moments. The video's trailermusic sounds mysterious fitting to its title & I like its outro-scene with the banner's image in fading-effect.


Thank you so much for checking my game! I really appreciate it :)

I'm glad you liked the design of the page, It took me a while to fine-tune its appearence to reflect the atmosphere of the game.

I'll try to improve the  page's structure, I already changed the titles police and design, which I think is more fitting to the page's colors. I think the characters presentation pics are too imposing compared to the rest of the page,  so i'll make one single image combining the 4 pics (a square with 4 pics),  it would be easier to read them and  it will take less place on the page, as for the opening video I plan to relocate it at the end of the page because it's a summary of everything said in the page.

I'm planning to release an english version, I already started translating the page into english with a new project's page. I'm currently looking for someone who can help me translate the whole prologue into english so I can continue programming and coding the first part.

For the school butterfly I didn't do it on purpose XD I thought It would suit the school logo. The plot of the game evolve through time (3 chronological games that compose a series) so there will be flashbacks but no time travelling. However you're right about the game being a drama/adventure and kind of detective type of game, as the purpose of the game is to discover who the kidnapper is, his motives, and how to break free from him (but that's only the tip of the iceberg :D)

Thanks again for checking my game's page, and for your feedback ^^