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Matt Hargitay (UP2028285)

A member registered Oct 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Every part of this game feels very smooth, from the transition of the jets as well as models exploding. And the level design felt fresh for each point. One thing I would say to add in after is some more detailed player and AI models but I assume that they were kept fairly simple to fit the art style.

IGN 10/10 . I love the art style here. The objects all fit together very well and make it immersive. Also the addition of being able to shoot out the meteors in your path was a cool concept. Also lots of good memes.

A very aesthetically pleasing game with some awesome lighting.  The enemy AI was very well programmed as well. So far this is probably the number 1 contender for the jam. The only thing I would say to add is crash animation for when the player crashes into rocks.

A very interesting spin on a rail shooter. It would have been nice to get some menu art though to make it a bit cleaner.

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I very much like how detailed some of the character models were. Its also a nice addition that enemies shoot at the player. One thing I would add though is a few more ground models to make it feel more apocalyptic.

Some nice graphics and models but I going to assume that you ran out of time.

Some very nice pixel art that blends well together. Also I like the addition of the axe throwing orks. One thing I would change is how long the axes stay spawned as I found that you just keep taking damage when they are on the floor. IGN 10/10

Some nice puzzles to get around as well as having some interesting mechanics to complete these. One thing I would change though is the buttons to dash and double jump as they are not very intuitive.

This definitely gives me flood runner vibes and its very interesting to have a mechanic that pushes you to play and be quick on your feet. Seems kind of OP that the dragon can wallhack though :).

One of the things that stood out for me was how nice  the menu looked and acted. With highlights and sound when you clicked. I also really enjoyed the style of the levels  and each one felt unique. One thing I was not a fan of though is the camera zooming when you jump, but apart from that its a great game.

I really like the concept you implemented of having a mix of 2D. However I would probably still make any of the 3D object more cartoony just so they don't stand out from the 2D art. However I liked the amount of animation that you added for both the player and the goblins. And having the dragon fire blast as a way of attacking was fun. Another thing I would try and fix though is some of the images have are low res and it might be a case that you have to mess around with unity to get it clearer. 

The graphics for this game are very aesthetically pleasing. I also like some of the animations that you added for the character. And of course the sound effects. However there is a little bit of a delay between the sound effects and I feel that the background wall shouldn't need to move with the player.

I really like some of the animations you added such as the extended metal arm when you punch. The Controllers feel fairly smooth and easy to use. Also the boss entrance was really cool. A few things I would say to to improve is some of the jumping mechanics as you can run into walls and hover as well as when you jump you fall straight down.

Some very nice animations for the fireworks. One thing I would change though is may the font from the text to make it fit the theme a bit more. Solid game though

A cool spin on the cookie clicker task. One of the the coolest things is having all the click trackers and seeing how fast you can click. I would say though that a more detailed character model would be nice unless you were going for a stickman game.

The animation for clicking the wheat awesome as are most of the graphics and the shop. This is definitely one of the contender to win the competition.  Not much to add other than maybe other than a menu at the start.

So far its probably my favourite game in the Jam. Having the shop system appear overtime was a cool idea. However The Adderall button doesn't work (Feelsbadman) and I feel that the shop graphics and text could be updated a bit. 

Some cool looking graphics made it feel like an arcade game. And the music fit the theme aswell. Only thing I would say it to add multiple items such as the points per click so that the  first item only doubles the clicks and so on. Besides that though I spent a fair amount of time trying to get my material count to 1mill so good job on getting me hooked!

An interesting art style and GUI. With lots of buttons to increase score. However the buttons themselves feel a bit finicky and it would be nice to have a counter to the side of the game in the form of the Microsoft calculator XD. Overall though good work.

Its kinda obscure but I think you've to hit the buttons at the bottom of the screen.

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Having lots of different buttons to choose from to increment makes the gameplay a lot of fun. I like the fact that the game has that lab based theme aswell. One thing I would say is to make the graphics a bit sharper to stand out a bit.

True! And if the number of cows goes up exponentially it will finally be complete.

The game feels fairly smooth to play. I really like the fact that there were multiple objects as colliders. The Playstyle is definitely a unique spin on the one button rule. A few things to add though is the fact that the main player is a bit default and it would be cool if there was a player model. Also in some areas of the trees I was able to clip through somehow. But IGN 5/5

Thanks! I believe I had the respawn object and the player too high which is something I need to fix.

All it needs now is in app purchasing and you've got the new candy crush :)

All it needs now is in app purchasing and you've got the new candy crush :)

Having the player follow the mouse was an awesome idea and the delay between the two was really well executed. Additionally the music and sound effects made it a lot more immersive I felt like I was back playing arcade games.  The only things I would add would be to make it so that when the player catches up with the cursor it doesn't bug out. Next I would change the alien spawn so that the aliens image can be fully seen by the player as it has a tendency to hang off a little bit. But apart from this its a really fun game and I could see myself playing for hours.

Overall a  well made game. The menu screen is a nice addition as well as hitting any of the grass resets your game. And having the car move up and down was cool. I would say though that some of the green needs to be cleaned up a bit as there are small green lines along the screen. If you want a slightly cleaner look I would consider trying to use tile mapping for your levels instead. It makes it easier to edit and you can easily move things out of the way if it becomes a problem.

A cool concept that is fun and easy to use. I would say it could benefit from having a drawback mechanic as well as being level based with multiple targets.

Simple but enjoyable. Having the frog not move and the objects move to you was a nice little idea. I think most people would agree that the sound effects and music were on point.  As well as this the art style blended together really well. One thing I would add though is if the player hits one of the balls it resets the scene and additionally maybe a score in the corner.

You nailed to gravity mechanics for the pig. Additionally I like the animation of the moving clouds in the background.  And  being reset  when hitting the ground is a nice feature aswell. The only issues with the game are that If I hit the side of an obstacle I stick to the side of it. You might have to mess around with surfaces in unity to see if that fixes the problem. Also when this happens the score keeps increasing when I'm not moving. 

Yeah, the idea of a scoreboard would be pretty awesome. In the end it would be cool to make it endless kinda like jetpack joyride.

Cheers. Yeah sound is my next step to figure out in unity :)

Thanks! Yeah Ill probably try and make it a little bit more accurate.

I liked the animation for the character while moving aswell as the ending cutscene which seemed pretty unique and I haven't seen a project do this yet. The background and colliders was also a nice edition with the water being animated and the background images changing overtime. As an addition though I would maybe make it so the ground is a little bit less blocky and fits with the aesthetic of the game.  A very well made game overall though.

This game is really fun but frustrated the heck out of me.  Overall was very well made. The music fit the comical nature of the game and resetting after hitting the grass was a nice feature. The only other thing I would add is a few more levels but as we only had 5 days having just the single level is fine. 

I'm taking this game over 8 ball pool :). A very clean and fun game.  The moving platforms definitely add some complexity to the game and having the golf hole slightly sloped makes gameplay smoother when coming to the end of each round. One thing I would add though is some sort of power meter for when you are holding down the button  just to gauge far the ball will go. Overall though a great game!

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A pretty amazing game for the time we had to complete this. The idea of flipping between planes was very innovative and being able to make several functions out of a single button was a neat idea. And having audio queues for holding down the mouse definitely made it easy to use. The only thing I would say to change is to make it so that once the first block finishes that it isn't able to go over the larger cube. Ill attach the image of what I mean. Overall though 10/10