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A member registered Dec 02, 2018

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(1 edit)

So my previous post disappeared. My userChrome.css changed the fonts in the inspector; my userContent.css changed fonts and font colors on the page, but as long as that section was limited to, it did not change the behavior of the nav section.

I can get a global rule stating

* #user_tools { position:absolute !important ; }

to work on itch, but it may break other sites.

(1 edit)

I use userContent.css, so it'll work on Mozilla's sites too, and so that browser updates won't delete it. A lot of my other css works. But neither position:absolute nor display:none works on

Itch has non-scrolling nav elements hovering in front of the page.

I have a visual motion sensitivity, and if I scroll or page down, the combination of scrolling and non-scrolling elements triggers my migraines.

For me, having non-scrolling elements floating in front of scrolling ones, or vice-versa, is the worst, non-scrolling sidebars tend to be pretty bad too, and non-scrolling headers are tolerable as long as they aren't animated.

I also have trouble reading these nav elements, either because of the backgrounds, or because of the page header behind them.

For example:

I have tried blocking animation in general, disabling smooth scrolling, and reducing the browser's frame rate, as well as the following userContent.css:

/* Fix Itch */

@-moz-document domain('') {

#user_tools { position: absolute; }


None of this works, is there another fix that I'm missing?

I've already reported the bug here:


The ability to exclude animation. Because while it's possible to block animated gifs and animated pngs in browsers, if I open something in the app, and it runs an animated gif or animated png there, there's a seizure risk.

Tag + term searches.

(2 edits)

Okay, in Random Bundle Game, select "Download" in the little panel for each game. Or in, select "Download" in the long list. This won't immediately download each game, just add it to my library.

I don't want to rely on the itch app because of the seizure risk.

I still need to figure out a good way to organize these, list which ones I can or can't use, might want to try, etc.

(1 edit)

So I bought the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. I have added some games via Random Bundle Game, but it often fails. I think some games have changed titles. And it's hard to navigate the itch app, often impossible to read searches and search results in it, etc.

The previous thread, here includes a link to a Medium post. But I can't read the post with my disabilities, I can't force it into Firefox's Reader View, and I think it relies on Chrome.

Since I don't have infinite disk space, I can't download everything, but I want a way to find what I need, claim it for my library, and organize it into collections.

Also if there is a way to filter the list by platform (tabletop, linux, mac, windows, etc.)

I have neuro issues, so can't play most computer games. I also have repetitive stress injuries, and can't handle clicking through too many pages and modals. I am having a lot of trouble using this site after picking up a bundle, and I want to know if I'm missing something.

It would be helpful if there were a way to download everything with a few clicks, or if there already is a way and I haven't seen it. Or just to have a way to download without going through some many extra pages each with all their own clicks and clicks back.

It would also be helpful if there were a way to add games to collections without going through some many extra pages each with all their own clicks and clicks back.

It would be helpful if I could un-claim purchased games I've clicked on by mistake. Or at least not have them clutter up my main library. Since I can't make them disappear, maybe there is a way to hide the main list and just see collections, if there is a way to use collections.